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« on: January 13, 2025, 10:46:31 AM »
Hi everyone,

I have to ask, what sort of game is the leadership of the IDF playing with its own soldiers?!

Who sends an army to defeat an enemy of such malicious intent in increments? This is no strategy for war. It’s playtime, and a deadly game at that.

The strategy as Avi Abelow explains it (below) is to go into Gaza and clear it out, but only up to a point (I’m paraphrasing here), withdraw, only for the enemy to regroup and fight on again. So the IDF are sent in again, battle it out, die tragically, retreat without maintaining a presence.  Then the whole abominable game starts again.

Why has this war gone on for 15 months? I’ll tell you why. It’s because the leaders of the Left, and the “leaders” of the IDF in bed with the Left are doing Winkin, Blinken and Nod’s bidding. The supposed friends of Israel?!  Not likely. Oh how we can’t wait until we see the back of that destructive crew. Sadly, though, I believe from what I’ve read and listened to over the last weeks is that many of the present administration will be “holdovers” in the upcoming administration. Well, I for one can’t wait to hear those inimitable words: “You’re fired!”

Israel in its citadels of government has bent to the will of her friends. She has been seduced by them easily, she has surrendered to her friends’ dictates. She has made an alliance with devils and who repeatedly does not place above all else their once revered God. The Bible has a lot to say about Israel’s harlotry and it’s not pretty. History repeats itself over and over again.

For instance: Hosea 2:2-23.

These are just a few verses that speak of Israel’s betrayal of its own people because of its friendship with the world and where that friendship has dictated the outcome of this current war. If the last verses of this prophecy are correct, and still unfolding, then Israel is now in the last phase of this prophecy, they are back living and blossoming in their own Land again, and YeHoVaH will restore them all to His (not theirs) former glory. (Note: I should say here that the time of Jacob’s trouble is not yet upon us. It was not in the years 1933-1945, it is yet to come under the Antichrist deceptions that will cause great troubles for the children of Israel and the whole process may start all over again - seems to be YeHoVaH’s Way and I don’t question the Father on these matters. Best keep your head down and your backside up and get on with the Work of pleasing your Heavenly Father in word, deeds and actions. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. No, let’s place God above all else, or we’re just pretending in this game of salvation.)

With evil destructive forces at bay, both inside and outside the nation, Israel has much to overcome. Right now, the people of Israel and the Jews worldwide are suffering the age old hatred that is Jew hatred, mercilessly inflicted on them by not only their obviously perceived enemies, but their friendly waving over the fence neighbours who really just want what they’ve got, like the competitive, lustful, judgemental neighbours who heap upon themselves while pointing out your perceived shortcomings. Israel shouldn’t play ball with these people, they invariably do a Lucy on Charlie Brown with that ball.

Indeed, Israel MUST break free!

Am Israel Chai!!

Love and Shalom,

Rebbetzin Glenys xo
Love and Shalom,
Rebbetzin Glenys xo