What About the Pentecostal “Second Blessing”?
BRI/IMCF denies emphatically “the second blessing” bequeathed by mainline Pentecostalism. There is only ONE salvation, an integrated unity in Messiah. When we are saved we are saved WHOLLY in Him (salvation is the “health of Yehovah”).
There is NO second experience subsequent to salvation-experience. It is when we are saved that we receive “the baptism of the holy Spirit.” God, and all that God is, and all that God has, are given (as gifts to us) in the Incarnation of Himself as Our Lord Yeshua haMashiach. The one gift of Himself is in His Son. All else is contained in that ONE personal gift.
For some of us, it may take a little longer to appreciate and apprehend what is already ours by virtue of the new birth. But if the conversion we experienced was indeed a genuine new birth, then the realisation will dawn that the Real Presence is within us demanding a dynamic, edifying and practical expression of God’s love toward us, and for us, in radical outreach to others.