The Biblical Research Institute over many decades of ministry has presented some thought provoking articles which have excited students to seek a deeper knowledge and renewed interest in the biblical text.

Here is just a small taste of the banquet that is available to the International Messianic Community of Faith (IMCF).

Who Killed the Messiah?

Who Killed the Messiah?

Yeshua was handed over to the Romans by a political (not religious) Sanhedrin and crucified for treason. The Procurator (or, prefect) of Judaea, Pontius Pilatus, ensured the titulus on the cross (or, more correctly, the tree) spelt out His crime precisely: treason. “This is Yeshua the Nazarene King of the Jews.” Our Lord Yeshua was accused of making Himself king without Caesar’s appointment (Mt 27.37; Mk 15.26; Lk 23.38 cf Jn 19.15b). In Roman eyes, Yeshua had challenged the authority and seat of Rome

Star of Bethlehem

Star of Bethlehem

Star of Bethlehem: The Star of Bethlehem has left its mark on the gospels...

What is the One teaching that makes Messianic Christianity Unique?

What is the One teaching that makes Messianic Christianity Unique?

What is the teaching that sets apart an authentic Messianic Christianity as unique, and which is not taught in any other religion on earth? It is that God is reproducing Himself in us — that we are literally His kids — the very thoughtforms of God made manifest at present in human form. We are not human beings having a spiritual experience! Not at all!  

We are spiritual beings having a human experience

Iran in Prophecy

Iran in Prophecy

Iran in Prophecy With the fall of Mohammed Reza Pahlavi -- the Shah of...

Did Our Lord Yeshu Wear Earrings?

Did Our Lord Yeshu Wear Earrings?

But what about earrings? Did Our Lord Yeshu wear them? Is it even an issue? Believe me — it’s an issue with remarkable spiritual implications for each and every one of us.



Students and brethren, there is only one place where we can intelligently celebrate our Redemption through the death of Yeshua the Messiah – and that is in the fullness of his resurrection life!

Baptised Paganism

Baptised Paganism

Baptised Paganism "From the cowardice that shrinks from new truth, From...

The Tithing Paper

The Tithing Paper "The Tithing Paper" was originally written in 1981 and...


The Biblical Research Institute of the IMCF wishes to clearly state we are a trans-denominational, A-Political Messianic community.The Rebbe teaches nothing new, but all things original.