The Interpreters Pulpit…
Podcasts and Audio Lectures
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Among a myriad of facts not realised by many students of the biblical revelation, because modern Christians are essentially unlettered when it comes to the study of ancient history, and equally frivolous and neglectful has the Christian church been about the need for a powerfully in-depth Teaching Ministry in its many bickering denominations and sects, that today authentic believers in the Lord Yeshua are openly agitating for a knowledge of that which constitutes TRUTH. We are seeing this phenom with our very own eyes emerging all around us.

UNLESS we grasp the basic fundamentals of Jewish thoughtform — the very thoughtform that produced the written Jewish Scriptures (the Hebrew Scriptures erroneously called “The Old Testament,” and the Messianic Scriptures erroneously called “The New Testament”) — we will not gain a proper comprehension of the Gracious and Salvific will of God for each and every one of us.
Latest Episode
Shalom Aleikhem to all who are tuning in to The Interpreter’s Pulpit 101 Podcast!
This is Les Aron Gosling, teaching nothing new but all things original!
I have entitled this podcast “THE THINKING, SELF-CONTEMPLATIVE UNIVERSE” and those who access our podcasts may now listen to even more astounding revelations of the biblical Spirit.
The Bible, we have previously shown, describes CONSCIOUSNESS as the FOUNDATION of ALL BEING. This is due to the fact that in Genesis 1.1 Elohim God is revealed as creating all things “in Her head” (B’reshit being a feminine construct noun so that what we would normally translate as “in (a) beginning” actually ought to read literally “in Her head.” Humankind, created in the “Image of God,” also therefore creates all things in our head. As a great ancient philosopher once stated, “With our thoughts we make our world.” This philosopher was a student of the prophet Jeremiah during the “Axial period” of world history.
Paul speaks under the inspiration of the Ruach HaKodesh of the universe as “waiting with eager longing” in Romans 8 for the manifestation of the Firstfruits of God’s calling and election in Grace. How strange that Paul should pen this if the universe is composed and comprised of material and gaseous elements that are devoid of consciousness. “Waiting” involves a sense of patience and/or impatience, and “eager longing” involves emotion of some kind or form. Paul mentions that the universe possesses “a will” which again is utterly startling when we think seriously upon his choice of words. To be “set free” is an articulation that the universe senses somehow that it is in bondage, and that (in the same breath), it seeks “freedom” and liberty. Not only is this the case but the universe in Paul’s estimation has been experiencing a sensation that is entirely unpleasant, for it continually “groans in labour pains” — contractions similar to that of a pregnant woman in the third stage of giving birth. Finally, the universe is in some manner “alive” for it can “work all things together on behalf” of those who share the consciousness of God toward God, life, others, and themselves.
Be blest as you listen to this profound message …
Recent Episode
Coming Restoration of Israel’s Theocratic Throne
Our latest Interpreter’s Pulpit 101 Podcast can now be downloaded for our Guests.
Please feel welcome to access: Coming Restoration of Israel’s Theocratic Throne
Have you been spiritually edified with this podcast? Would you like to know more about the biblical revelation from such a unique perspective? Our private BRI/IMCF International Internet Yeshiva Members Forum has hundreds of in-depth lectures available for those who subscribe to the IMCF. Membership is entirely by donation and Messianic Enterprises has provided a PIN PAYMENT icon for your convenience which you can access on the front page of the public BRI/IMCF site at:
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Coming Restoration of Israel's Theocratic Throne
Recent Episode
SLAVERY & God’s Accommodation to this Great Evil.
Our latest Interpreter’s Pulpit 101 Podcast can now be downloaded for our Guests.
Please feel welcome to access: SLAVERY & God’s Accommodation to this Great Evil.
In God’s accommodation to humankind there is not one word in the entirety of the biblical revelation that speaks out against slavery. True, Paul had written that slaves had to obey their masters (Eph 6.5-9) and yet if a Christian slave could gain his freedom then he or she ought to take the risk of attempting to obtain it (1 Cor 7.21-24). But having said this, Paul nowhere encourages the sentiment of liberty and freedom for slaves. Nowhere.
Think also of a little prostitute who was a slave to her profession and is located in the book of the prophet Isaiah in chapter 23. Isaiah wrote that the hire of a certain prostitute was considered — at least during his day — “holy to the Lord” because that “hire” was used to purchase food and clothing for the Lord’s people (Isa 23.17,18).
Listen! We humans were created in the image of an accommodating God. And we need to become more like Him.
We thank you for allowing us to serve you in our teachings of the biblical revelation — and we ask you to share our podcast location with family and friends. Our aim is re-education, and not indoctrination.
SLAVERY & God's Accommodation to this Great Evil.
Recent Episode
“UNCOMFORTABLE TRUTHS” :What YOU Fail to Grasp About Romans 1.
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UNCOMFORTABLE TRUTHS:What YOU fail to Grasp about Romans 1.
Recent Episode
In this timely podcast the Messianic Rebbe shares an insight into the actual deficiencies of the Torah. Hundreds of thousands of Messianics today view the Torah as possessing Salvific value — not grasping the fundamental FACT of the spiritual power of the Ruach of God. Without Yeshua’s righteousness all of man’s efforts to observe Torah are utterly futile and fruitless.
In this podcast we are taken back into primordial times when alien visitations were common across Earth. They were here in the days of Noah and some of them are still here, becoming much more visible as they shift from the darkness of their gloomy retreats to await the advent of their Master — the Dark Lord. Horrific times lurk directly on our horizon.
The GOOD NEWS is that Yeshua the Mashiach is also soon to return and to bring SALVATION to the entirety of the world. The purpose of the Gospel in its fundamental bedrock has to do with YeHoVaH Salvifically incarnating in Humankind.
We shall have much more to share in future podcasts on this vitally important subject.
Thank you for allowing us to serve your interests in this manner.
Hebrew series- Lecture 76
“God’s FINAL Word to Believers!”
Shalom Aleikhem to all our guests!
Please feel free to listen in on our very last lecture in the Hebrews series entitled “God’s FINAL Word to Believers!”
Speaking of the Letter to the Messianic Jews James Draper has well written in a paraphrased manner the unknown author’s final words to his Messianic Jewish brethren as a clarion call for action – “I told you what to do, now get on with it.”
Want to know more about the biblical revelation from a restored lost 1st century CE Jewish thoughtform?
Take advantage of our donate icon on our Home page (through secure PIN PAYMENTS) and you will gain a more in-depth membership access to our library of lectures, teaching exams, discussion forum and podcasts on the prophets, Gospels and Apocalypse.
We thank you for allowing us to serve you in this manner.
Messianic Rebbe
God's FINAL Word to Believers!
RECENT Episode
“UNCOMFORTABLE TRUTHS: Why The 7th Commandment is Repeated In The Tenth! (Part 1)”
Our latest Interpreter’s Pulpit 101 Podcast can now be downloaded for our Guests.
Please feel welcome to access: UNCOMFORTABLE TRUTHS: Why The 7th Commandment is Repeated In The Tenth! (Part 1)
In this timely podcast the Messianic Rebbe shares an insight into the actual deficiencies of the Torah. Hundreds of thousands of Messianics today view the Torah as possessing Salvific value — not grasping the fundamental FACT of the spiritual power of the Ruach of God. Without Yeshua’s righteousness all of man’s efforts to observe Torah are utterly futile and fruitless.
The Mashiach is soon to return and to bring SALVATION to the entirety of the world. The purpose of the Gospel in its fundamental bedrock has to do with YeHoVaH Salvifically incarnating in Humankind.
We shall have much more to share in future podcasts on this vitally important subject.
Thank you for allowing us to serve your interests in this manner.
UNCOMFORTABLE TRUTHS: Why The 7th Commandment is Repeated In The Tenth! (Part 1)
Recent Episode
“Did God Really Give Israel the Sacrificial System?”
Shalom Aleikhem to all our guests!
Please feel free to listen in on our latest lecture in the Hebrews series entitled “Did God Really Give Israel the Sacrificial System?”
Want to know more about the biblical revelation from a restored lost 1st century CE Jewish thoughtform?
Take advantage of our donate icon on our Home page (through secure PIN PAYMENTS) and you will gain a more in-depth membership access to our library of lectures, teaching exams, discussion forum and podcasts on the prophets, Gospels and Apocalypse.
We thank you for allowing us to serve you in this manner.
Messianic Rebbe
Did God Really Give Israel the Sacrificial System?
Recent Episode
“Beware the Masoretic Text”
Shalom Aleikhem to all our guests!
Please feel free to listen in on our latest lecture in the Hebrews series entitled “Beware the Masoretic Text“!
Want to know more about the biblical revelation from a restored lost 1st century CE Jewish thoughtform?
Take advantage of our donate icon on our Home page (through secure PIN PAYMENTS) and you will gain a more in-depth membership access to our library of lectures, teaching exams, discussion forum and podcasts on the prophets, Gospels and Apocalypse.
We thank you for allowing us to serve you in this manner.
Messianic Rebbe
Beware the Masoretic Text
Recent Episode
Our latest Interpreter’s Pulpit 101 podcast can now be downloaded for our Guests.
Please feel welcome to access: INSTANCES OF GOD CHANGING HIS OWN LAW (3)
In this timely podcast the Messianic Rebbe shares an insight into the actual deficiencies of the Torah. Hundreds of thousands of Messianics today view the Torah as possessing Salvific value — not grasping the fundamental FACT of the spiritual power of the Ruach of God. Without Yeshua’s righteousness all of man’s efforts to observe Torah are utterly futile and fruitless.
The Mashiach is soon to return and to bring SALVATION to the entirety of the world. The purpose of the Gospel in its fundamental bedrock has to do with YeHoVaH Salvifically incarnating in Humankind.
We shall have much more to share in future podcasts on this vitally important subject.
Thank you for allowing us to serve your interests in this manner.
Recent Episode
“Crises: Government of God, John the Baptist, James & Paul, & Censoring Josephus.”
Shalom Aleikhem to all our guests!
Please feel free to listen in on our latest lecture in the Hebrews series entitled “Crises: Government of God, John the Baptist, James & Paul, & Censoring Josephus.”
You may now access below:
Want to know more about the biblical revelation from a restored lost 1st century CE Jewish thoughtform?
Take advantage of our donate icon on our Home page (through secure PIN PAYMENTS) and you will gain a more in-depth membership access to our library of lectures, teaching exams, discussion forum and podcasts on the prophets, Gospels and Apocalypse.
We thank you for allowing us to serve you in this manner.
Messianic Rebbe
Crises: Government of God, John the Baptist, James & Paul, & Censoring Josephus.
Recent Episode
“The DEFICIENCY of the Torah (Part 2).”
Our latest Interpreter’s Pulpit 101 podcast can now be downloaded for our Guests.
Please feel welcome to access: DEFICIENCY of Torah (Part 2).
In this timely podcast the Messianic Rebbe shares an insight into the actual deficiencies of the Torah. Hundreds of thousands of Messianics today view the Torah as possessing salvific value — not grasping the fundamental FACT of the spiritual power of the Ruach of God. Without Yeshua’s righteousness all of man’s efforts to observe Torah are utterly futile and fruitless.
The Mashiach is soon to return and to bring SALVATION to the entirety of the world. The purpose of the Gospel in its fundamental bedrock has to do with YeHoVaH Salvifically incarnating in Humankind.
We shall have much more to share in future podcasts on this vitally important subject.
Thank you for allowing us to serve your interests in this manner.
Messianic Rebbe
The DEFICIENCY of the Torah (Part 2).
recent Episode
“The Ascendancy of James and the Clementine Literature.”
Shalom Aleikhem to all our guests!
Please feel free to listen in on our latest lecture in the Hebrews series entitled “The Ascendancy of James and the Clementine Literature.”
You may now access below:
Want to know more about the biblical revelation from a restored lost 1st century CE Jewish thoughtform?
Take advantage of our donate icon on our Home page (through secure PIN PAYMENTS) and you will gain a more indepth membership access to our library of lectures, teaching exams, discussion forum and podcasts on the prophets, Gospels and Apocalypse.
We thank you for allowing us to serve you in this manner.
Messianic Rebbe
The Ascendancy of James and the Clementine Literature.
Recent Episode
“The DEFICIENCY of the Torah”
In this timely podcast the Messianic Rebbe shares an insight into the actual deficiencies of the Torah. Hundreds of thousands of Messianics today view the Torah as possessing salvific value — not grasping the fundamental FACT of the spiritual power of the Ruach of God. Without Yeshua’s righteousness all of man’s efforts to observe Torah are utterly futile and fruitless.
Thank you for allowing us to serve your interests in this manner.
The DEFICIENCY of the Torah
Recent Episode
“Have YOU been Born Again? It occurred…When?”
In this timely podcast the Messianic Rebbe shares a restoration of rabbinic Messianic expectation the Jews of the 1st Century Second Temple period and reveals a largely hidden truth concerning the concept of being “Born Again” also understood as being “Born From Above.”
Have You been Born Again? It occurred...When?
Recent Episode
“Living Normally Amidst Chaos and Civilisational Collapse”
Want to know more about the biblical revelation from a restored lost 1st century CE Jewish thoughtform?
Take advantage of our donate icon in the IMCF Home Page (through secure PIN PAYMENTS) and you will gain a more indepth membership access to our library of lectures, teaching exams, discussion forum and podcasts on the prophets, Gospels and Apocalypse.
We thank you for allowing us to serve you in this manner.
Messianic Rebbe
Living Normally Amidst Chaos and Civilisational Collapse
Recent Episode
“The coming great Asteroid collision with Planet Earth”
Lecture 66 directs our attention on the great fact that the Lord God YeHoVaH is about to “open the windows of the heavens” and planet Earth is soon to have an entirely NEW orbit around the sun..
The coming great Asteroid collision with Planet Earth
RECENT Episode
“Esau and the True origin of Anti-Zionism”
Lecture 64 discusses the conflict existing between modern Western nations and the State of Israel. With this lecture the BRI/IMCF advances its own current understanding of the biblical revelation as we amplify the textual evidence.
Esua and the True origin of Anti-Zionism
Previous Episode
“Did Yeshua really have human nature?”
Lecture 60 ponders the questions related to human fears, the need of endurance, and we ask the question of whether or not the Lord Yeshua truly possessed human nature.
Did Yeshua really have human nature?
Recent Episode
“Christ and Freewill in Salvation”
Lecture 63 opens a theological Pandora’s Box in relation to human free will and the human need for Christ’s salvation. With this lecture the BRI/IMCF advances its own current understanding of the biblical revelation as we amplify the textual evidence.
Christ and Freewill in Salvation
“They tried to bury us. They didn’t know we were seeds.”
QUESTION: What is our worst imaginable fear? All of us, at one time or another, have had to face our worst imaginable fear.
None of us can escape, dodge, or run away from such a terror for if we think we can do the latter it will continue to haunt us to our dying day. It will continue to surface uninvited and live rent free in our head. Such is the nature of the beast. When fear grips our hearts we will either try to hide, or face it head-on.
They tried to bury us.They didn't know we were seeds.
“The Power behind the power of positive thinking”
Lecture 62 reveals the imperative need to grasp the POWER that hides behind the power of optimistic THOUGHT.
The Power behind the power of positive thinking
Featured Episodes
Interpreters Pulpit 101-Introduction
Interpreters Pulpit 101-A Greater Israel
Interpreters Pulpit 101-The Last Hidden Sign of Christ's Return
Interpreters Pulpit 101-If Christ is the Answer, what are the questions-Pt1
Interpreters Pulpit 101-If Christ is the Answer, what are the questions-Pt2
Interpreters Pulpit 101-If Christ is the Answer, what are the questions-Pt3
Interpreters Pulpit 101-Sacred Texts You Cannot Ignore Concerning Salvation
Interpreters Pulpit 101- The Prime Goal of the Universe.
Interpreters Pulpit 101- Have YOU been Born Again?
Interpreters Pulpit 101- The DEFICIENCY of the Torah.
Interpreters Pulpit 101- The DEFICIENCY of the Torah Pt2.
Recent Lectures
An Alternative History of the Christian Church
How much longer until THE END comes?Pt1
How much longer until THE END comes? PT2
Romans 8.1b. Overwriting the NT Codex Pt 5.

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Make no mistake! Re-education by the Ruach HaKodesh is the key to grasping the WORD of God as it was originally intended to be understood.
Many believers are for the first time realising that the book they refer to as the “Holy Bible” has an awesome depth to it that they have not seen before.
There may be no greater fact of life than this: we are drowning in information, but starved for knowledge.