Author Topic: ESSAYS ON PROPHECY - Introduction  (Read 78 times)


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« on: December 22, 2024, 03:16:45 PM »
Shalom Aleikhem to all our guests!

Please feel free to listen in on our introductory lecture in the new series entitled "ESSAYS ON PROPHECY."

Many "Bible believers" today are not aware that there are three contenders representing three major racial identities which are more often than not ignored in biblical commentaries when it comes to power grabs for the Holy Land as announced in the books of the prophets. Those three contenders are...

(1) Israel,

(2) Ishmael and

(3) Esau.

One of our past members sent an email message to the Rebbe back about 12 years past. He included this admission:

“Basically, we've got to be careful with our assumptions when it comes to biblical prophecy. This is brought up again because my partner had recently been talking with someone who believes that Rome and the Papacy are the scarlet beast of Revelation. How many of us believed that before the Rebbe expanded on that recently? I can tell you that the scarlet beast of Revelation and the red-haired man called Esau never crossed my mind as having a relation until the Rebbe came with his proverbial baseball bat and sidearm and went all 'gangsta' against the tinted glass of my ignorance. Then away fell the dross of Chuck Missler and Dave Hunt, de-legitimising their versions of reality with a more accurate picture of the truth. And there is $35.95 down the drain...”

How many millions of others are there awaiting an authentic authoritative directive when it comes to a proper and appropriate grasp and comprehension of the contents of a restored Jewish thoughtform to the biblical revelation?!?

We thank YOU for visiting our site and ask that you evangelistically share our podcasts from the BRI/IMCF with friends and family as the Ruach of God makes opportunity to do so available to you.

B'ruch HaShem!
