Author Topic: Welcome Message  (Read 2303 times)


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Welcome Message
« on: September 16, 2019, 11:40:48 AM »
To All:

We have had requests for a revival of the old back page of our original "BRI NEWSLETTER" which was created in 1981/82 and served as a spiritual guide in our early period of ministry. That "back page" reported special incidents and news relating to prophetic Biblical inclusions generally ignored by major media outlets and therefore Christians as well. That back page was headlined as "BRI MEDIA WATCH" with sub-headings "Prophecy Coming Alive in Today's World News" and "Yeshua said: What I say to you disciples I say to all mankind, Watch! (Mk 13.37).

So here we are!

Prophecy Coming Alive in Today's World News

Our Lord Yeshua said: "What I say to you disciples I say to all humankind, Watch!" (Mk 13.37).

Let's be alert, and become even more aware in an educated manner (as we travel along this resurrected road), of the forces of darkness that are gathering for THAT Day which will soon be upon all of us.

Some have suggested to us that Christians should not dally in such matters as it focuses attention on negative issues which can become (for them) a monumental "spiritual" distraction. Paul disagreed. So did John. So did Yeshua.

We are watching, keeping abreast of (and updating) special news items for you all, which may have prophetic significance, so that you don't have to do it.
