Author Topic: Strength Through Joy. Ah, Hang On A Second!  (Read 122 times)


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Strength Through Joy. Ah, Hang On A Second!
« on: August 26, 2024, 03:58:47 PM »
Did you hear the emphasis at the DNC of “strength through joy”? It’s the new slogan for the Demonrats and the ignorant devotees are swallowing it hook, line and sinker.

This slogan is almost 100 years old and the Nazis used it as a unifying and uplifting message to their many devotees to unify and strengthen them in their new Germany after the devastation of WWI.

Here is what Wikipedia has to say on this slogan and its origin. Following is a clip of a parade where the slogan is used.

Do we really want the USA and its current administration using such a term? They tell you who they are right at the outset, but the stupidly ignorant and brainwashed have no idea. Let’s just all dance with joy and get really strong while at it, that’ll help the economy, the border, the dispossessed and disenfranchised.

If you vote for the Demonrats, you’re off your rocker and you’re outta yer tree. Socialism/Corporatism combined, which they espouse, IS NAZISM. I cannot make it any plainer than that. If you don’t like Trump, I get it, but if you don’t vote at all you’ll be giving the new Nazis a huge leg up.

I’m hoping that RFK Jnr. will help Trump win. I like him and I subscribe to Children’s Health Defense which is his baby, and he’s a loving compassionate man who cares for children and their health, unlike the needle wielding psychopaths who want to jab your kids with poisons from which they will never recover. I know, two of our sons have been damaged by these poisons, one in his first year of life and another at age 30. My own brother nearly died from these poisons and I have been damaged my whole life by the health industry and it’s monopoly on “health”.

“Health”? What a joke. “Safe and effective”? Yeah, right! Lotsa money for some people’s pockets on the graves of many who trusted so naively.

No thanks. That’s not the kind of joy I want in my life. The Joy of the Lord is my strength.

Love and Shalom,

Rebbetzin Glenys xo
Love and Shalom,
Rebbetzin Glenys xo