Author Topic: More Vigilant? About What Exactly?  (Read 63 times)


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More Vigilant? About What Exactly?
« on: August 20, 2024, 08:32:12 AM »
Hi everyone,

Just who is funding these worldwide protests on campuses and streets, particularly in America. The UK has it’s own unique set of problems that they face and their protests are in some cases, justifiable. With others, not so much.

A host of nefarious usual suspects are also involved with financing and supporting these protests and you’ll be quite surprised (or not) just who it is that’s funding these protests all around the world and why governments everywhere have been obscuring the evidence and hence, the real perpetrators.

Robert Williams at Gatestone Institute once again examines the evidence and lays it all out for everyone to see. May God bless this righteous man.

Here are some exerts from the article and the link to the entire article. I urge you to read it and see for yourself the evil machinations that dwell behind the curtain. It ain’t no friendly Wizard of Oz, more like dark entity's “seeking whom it will devour”.

I have included some of the article in separate sections but it is not as it appears in the entirety of Robert’s article.

'How Do We Organize for Revolution?': U.S. Funding, Running Cover
by Robert Williams
August 18, 2024 at 5:00 am

“Iran has made no secret of the immense importance it places on the US protests – as a way to export its Islamic Revolution. They have been making it clear that the regime sees the protesters at US campuses as an Iranian fifth column in America to be used in the future....”

“According to the analysts, "60 percent of Pro-Palestine campus protestors were not authentic online users...." — XPOZ analyst,, August 2, 2024.”

“At UCLA, "Those who occupied encampments on the university's property disallowed Jews from passing through the quad unless they would disavow Israel and, by extension, their Jewish faith. UCLA's position had been that the encampments preventing Jewish students from accessing certain areas of campus were not its responsibility." — August 14, 2024 according to National Review.”

“Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines was not particularly forthcoming about exactly where and how Iran is peddling its influence on US campuses. Haines's only suggestion was to warn Americans to be "more vigilant". How does one go about being "more vigilant" if one is not given a clue what to be vigilant about?”

“Why are Haines and Kirby deliberately misleading the public about the nature of these protests, which are anything but organic?”

“Protests were apparently planned well in advance of October 7. One of the lead organizers of the campus protests, the Hamas-affiliated Students for Justice in Palestine had a toolkit ready for a "Day of Resistance" just days after the massacre. While Haines and Kirby claim that the protests are "organic" and "in good faith," Hamas, an Iranian proxy, had been organizing protests on US campuses.”

“Other foreign powers are also involved in stirring up the pro-Hamas protests: China is connected by means of an organization named Code Pink....”

“Significantly, the People's Forum was behind the three-day conference in Detroit, "People's Conference for Palestine." At the conference, the People's Forum's executive director Manolo De Los Santos -- to great applause -- called for the complete destruction of the United States....”

“According to NGO Monitor, Answer Coalition, along with a multitude of pro-Hamas organizations, including CODEPINK, Palestinian Feminist Collective, Students for Justice in Palestine Chicago, American Muslims for Palestine Chicago, National Lawyers Guild -Task Force on the Americas/San Francisco Bay Area chapter, ANSWER Coalition – Chicago, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, Jewish Voice for Peace Chicago, U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights, U.S. Palestinian Community Network (USPCN), and National Students for Justice in Palestine are planning to "March on the DNC" on August 19-22, when the Democratic Party is scheduled to host its convention in Chicago.”

“ "Pro-Palestinian protesters are backed by a surprising source: Biden's biggest donors," Politico revealed in May. "The donors include some of the biggest names in Democratic circles: Soros, Rockefeller and Pritzker..." “

“Finally, the Biden-Harris administration itself, and therefore taxpayer money, is funding the protests, through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)... "a $50 million grant was awarded from the EPA through the Democrats' Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) to 'Climate Justice Alliance,' a group that engages in pro-Hamas, anti-Israel, and anti-Semitic activities." — US Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, May 21, 2024.”

“US officials shamefully use disinformation to confuse the American public.”

Love and Shalom,

Rebbetzin Glenys xo
Love and Shalom,
Rebbetzin Glenys xo