Author Topic: Ceasefire Soon? Nup! Let My People Go!  (Read 54 times)


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Ceasefire Soon? Nup! Let My People Go!
« on: August 20, 2024, 08:12:12 AM »
Hi everyone,

The US force is hard at it to procure a ceasefire and get what’s left of the hostages released, both dead and alive. I can’t help but wonder as many are doing, how many hostages remain alive today. In war, atrocities abound and I can see every day on the news the people of Gaza in a terrible state. Please keep in mind that over 70% of the Palestinians support Hamas and many have been filmed saying exactly that. I’m sure that there are elements that if they don’t, they won’t say so out loud. I don’t blame them. Hamas shoots its own, plays with its people’s lives and promotes death as the only end game, them to die for the cause while killing as many Israelis as they possibly can. It’s taught from the cradle to hate and destroy. It’s a losing battle, but they think otherwise as they garner sympathy and support from the most strangest of allies.

The recent protests happening all around the world of Hamas supporters is funded by some very nefarious people (I’ll be posting more on this subject soon). But what really makes me incredulous is the great big banner at the beginning of such a protest that reads “Feminists and LGBTQ for Palestinians” etc. etc. This has got to be the most ludicrous statement. Have they not become aware that Muslims do not like their women to be feminists. In fact such thoughts are forbidden to them. The Muslim women are kept in subjection to their male counterparts, something that seems to escape the minds of these frontline protesters. And as for the rainbow people, they would be tortured, murdered and thrown off buildings if they went to Gaza or anywhere else where these people are not tolerated to exist by the Islamic communities. They have their ways, it’s their religion and they can keep it, and apparently, that’s okay to the governmental administrations of this western world who turn a blind eye to the reality. They’re quite good at that, KJP, Kirby et al. (More on that in another post.)

The emissaries from the US administration are seeking a ceasefire (or so they tell us - is it just a verbal appeasement; they're good at that, too). Unfortunately, like Pharaoh, Hamas vacilates and talks break down. The Israeli government under Bibi Netanyahu has to finish what it started or another October 7th along with all the other atrocities committed by these militant terrorists will undoubtedly happen again. It’s their MO and they will never deviate from their generational cause. Generational curse more like it.

Here’s some news from the area. You make up your mind as to what you think is the problem and how it should he handled. After all, we in our armchairs a long way from the conflict and mostly mis-dis and mal-informed are pretty good at that. The Left, particularly like to tell you what they want you to believe and always blame the other side for what they, themselves are up to. It’s the usual Marxist strategy and it’s working amongst the ill-informed and the deliberately ignorant and stupid. Good fodder for the likes of those who seek to crush any alternative narrative.

The last link here describes what some are saying is an absolute miracle of the God of Israel. The Abrahamic blessing and curse is in effect and will continue until and when Yeshua HaMashiach returns to seize this kingdom from the one who is bent on its destruction. Which side will you take as the future unfolds? Think decisively. God is listening to our thoughts much better than AI and our government surveillance could ever accomplish.

Love and Shalom,

Rebbetzin Glenys xo
Love and Shalom,
Rebbetzin Glenys xo