Author Topic: Rashida Tlaib Removes Israel From the Map in Her Congressional Office  (Read 505 times)


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To All:

That three representatives of the Moon god have emerged with perfect satanic timing in the most powerful nation on earth, in an endeavour to utterly undermine the traditional friendship, alliances and mutual respect between the US and the State of Israel, has sent a shudder of horror throughout the Jewish community and conservative Christian fundamentalist Bible-based cells around the world. Of course, when I mention "the Jewish Community" I am not including in my assessment the leftist Jewish non-thinking Marxists -- in which folly I was once entrapped. But this moral cesspool of disgust is just starting to gather steam as the video and report below will plainly show.

That the political situation with Islamists (with their agenda to introduce Sharia law and recreate the USA as the first Islamic World Government) has gotten well out of control should alarm us all, whether we live in the United States or not. It's singularly astonishing to the Rebbetzin and I that an alien socialism has been creeping back into the American Mindscape for decades and that so many young and inexperienced students seem so enamored with it. In fact, here in Australia we live right next door to two disciples of Marx who have fallen for the Sufi lie that Islamic political representatives in America, Britain and Australia only intend good will... young intellectuals who are totally ignorant of history and think they know it all by how they "feel."

Well, I have feelings too, and I genuinely feel for our American brethren and fellow students who are living daily in a nation that was once a Rock for the destitute, but which is now coming right apart at the seams. It appears Nostradamus -- whom I eschewed for decades -- had some things right after all.

Certainly the militant and political rise of Islam in the modern world today (and particular in the West) carries with it seeds of evil ready to plant in fertile soil setting the stage for the final event foretold millennia ago (Daniel 11.40-45). Remember, when Messiah returns he will (as one of his first tasks of Government), begin a judgment separating existing nations into two categories: the sheep nations, and the goat nations (Mt 25.31-46). There will exist entire nations that will continue to support Israel even during the horrors of the Antichrist NWO.

It will also be a time when politicians -- and Presidents, Princes, Queens and Dictators -- will be paraded before Christ's GLORIFIED saints in CHAINS and it is to these same saints that will be granted honour to execute the judgments of Yeshua upon political criminals. Notice it now in Psalm 149.

"Praise you Yah! Yes, sing unto him a new song. Sing his praises, all his people. O Israel, rejoice in your Maker. O people of Jerusalem, exult in your King. Praise his name with dancing, accompanied by drums and guitars.

"For Yehovah enjoys his people; he will save the humble. Let his people rejoice in this honor. Let them sing for joy as they lie upon their beds.

"Adore him, O his people! And take a double-edged sword to execute his punishment upon the nations [Rev 2.26,27]. Bind their kings and leaders with iron chains, and execute their sentences.

"This honour have all his saints. Praise you Yah!"

Are we up for it? I know I AM!
