Shalom Aleikhem to all who are tuning in to
The Interpreter's Pulpit 101 Podcast!
This is Les Aron Gosling, teaching nothing
new but all things
I have entitled this podcast
“THE THINKING, SELF-CONTEMPLATIVE UNIVERSE” and those who access our podcasts may now listen to even more astounding revelations of the biblical Spirit.
The Bible, we have previously shown, describes
ALL BEING. This is due to the fact that in
Genesis 1.1 Elohim God is revealed as creating all things “in Her head” (
B'reshit being a feminine construct noun so that what we would normally translate as “in (a) beginning” actually ought to read literally “in Her head.” Humankind, created in the “Image of God,” also therefore creates all things in our head. As a great ancient philosopher once stated, “With our thoughts we make our world.” This philosopher was a student of the prophet Jeremiah during the “Axial period” of world history.
Paul speaks under the inspiration of the
Ruach HaKodesh of the universe as “waiting with eager longing” in
Romans 8 for the manifestation of the Firstfruits of God's calling and election in Grace. How strange that Paul should pen this if the universe is composed and comprised of material and gaseous elements that are devoid of consciousness. “Waiting” involves a sense of patience and/or impatience, and “eager longing” involves emotion of some kind or form. Paul mentions that the universe possesses “a will” which again is utterly startling when we think seriously upon his choice of words. To be “set free” is an articulation that the universe senses somehow that it is in bondage, and that (in the same breath), it seeks “freedom” and liberty. Not only is this the case but the universe in Paul's estimation has been experiencing a sensation that is entirely unpleasant, for it continually “groans in labour pains” -- contractions similar to that of a pregnant woman in the third stage of giving birth. Finally, the universe is in some manner “alive” for it can “work all things together on behalf” of those who share the consciousness of God toward God, life, others, and themselves.
Be blest as you listen to this profound message at...