Hi everyone,
We may not be posting on this site for a few days with either podcasts or updates of a global nature due to this cyclone (hurricane in USA) heading for the lower part of South East Queensland. Floods and evacuations are happening right now. We live in the Northern Rivers region of New South Wales which is adjacent to the border of Queensland, approximately only about 25 klms. from where we live.
Last night we were awake for quite a while praying for the whole region, not just for ourselves, though one would be remiss not to pray with authority to the YeHoVaH of all spirits for the continued safety of our family, some of whom live in the cyclone’s path and for all the other people who don’t even know their Creator - yet 😊.
We’ve certainly had our share of tropical storms here in the past, but cyclones usually hit what we call the “top end” of Australia and have indeed battered North Queensland and Northern Territory recently this summer. Indeed, our coast has not experienced anything like this since 1974 and previously in 1954. These were flooding events, high tides making it worse and the winds! Oh boy! The winds!
We had a difficult night last night when our daughter woke us to say that part of our little hamlet was being ordered to “prepare to evacuate - watch and act”. There are houses perched on the sides of canals (think Florida), a lovely place to dwell, but not in cyclonic conditions with sea levels expected to rise more than a few meters. As of Monday/Tuesday, the water level around those canals had covered the pathway (sidewalk to you Americans) that travels around the edge of the canal. These homes are slightly built up, but not enough.
We had a supercell storm in 2022 at exactly the same time of year as this one and which coincided with the Tongan volcanic eruption three years ago and this entire region was slammed hard. Many homes are uninhabitable to this day. Lots of houses went on the market afterwards as you can imagine. Whatever you do, don’t buy a home on a canal on Australia’s northern coast and Queensland/NSW border.
For many years (other than the crippling and damaging event on 2022) Aussies have sat safe and secure hoping that the inevitable outcome would not occur, but nature has other plans. So long as it’s not geoengineering of the weather. Frankly, I found it extraordinary that this current weather forecast was for the cyclone to remain out to sea - modeling, you know, the kind that forecast all those restrictions we endured during the plandemic. The jolly thing did a complete u-turn, like a hairpin bend and is now heading for the coast and will hit tomorrow morning - in the dark before dawn. Why do these things always happen at night.
I remember that people living southwest from us in the worst hit area in 2022, woke up in the night to find their homes inundated with water. Imagine putting your legs over the side of your bed straight into shin deep water!
We haven’t had a cyclone down here forever. But not anymore. I remember when we lived in Sydney where we grew up, watching a program on the tele about the changing nature of these storms. We had our exodus out of the big smoke 33 years ago and no regrets. Long story short, it was forecast that our Gold Coast in Southern Queensland would be in the direct line of future cyclones. Everyone thought that this was just scaremongering and of course real estate agents kept on making a fortune out of people who were none the wiser. I keep going back in my mind to thinking of how the Indigenous peoples of this area DID NOT live in these “reclaimed” swamps. They knew better.
After the floods of ‘22 I was speaking with a neighbour on one of our walks with the dog and he mentioned just how much the value of his home and others were worth now, and since the great exodus of Victorians and Sydney-siders who escaped their totalitarian regimes for a better life in the north after the strictures of the convid era. (Will heads ever roll over that debacle?!) My neighbour didn’t speak to me again for a long time after I said, “Not bad for living in a swamp!” His Hamptons style home was his castle, just a pity we’re all built on sinking sand.
I should say right here, God our Father brought us to this house and we are forever grateful. You see we don’t own our own home and pay an exorbitant amount of money to stay here. Our car is 21 years old and currently in need of repairs that we can’t afford to get done and until we do, it will remain unregistered. “Angels watching over me, my Lord.” (Thanks Evie for that song.) Hopefully, as did happen in 2022, the creeks surrounding us and the high tides just across the way won’t rise “Momma”. (Thanks Johnny Cash for that song I often refer to when hoping those on farmers and others who live sort of nearby and who attend our Yeshivas will make it through to our place.)
Anyhoo, here’s the latest from Accuweather on our current situation.
https://www.accuweather.com/en/hurricane/rare-cyclone-threatens-millions-on-australias-east-coast/1751336It’s my birthday today, too. I’m 49 again 😁.
Love and Shalom,
Rebbetzin Glenys xo