Hi everyone,
There’s a health scandal going on Down Under. No, it’s not what were the failing health policies of the government during Covid. It’s doctors and nurses of a certain religious “persuasion” who think it’s their right to not only voice their hatred of Jews, but who openly shared on a chat with an Israeli not only that they would kill Jewish patients in their care, but that they already have done so. To say this publicly on a chat shows just how emboldened some Muslims are in our community.
These”nurses” worked at Bankstown Hospital in Western Sydney. It’s a very large hospital. These “nurses” (masquerading at first as doctors) are now under police investigation and deregistered as nurses and forbidden to work in the health industry ever again.
The ludicrous thing about all this is that now, they are playing the victim and their lawyer is warning on social media that Muslims must keep silent about such incidents “as they are being recorded”. Not that it’s wrong. Nup! Recorded!
There’s a lot of fear amongst some of the Australian population, and especially since Convid, that going to hospital for a condition one cannot treat at home, may lead to one’s death through malpractice of some “kind”. A fear that is not without a documented ream of substantial statistical significance to back up that fear.
I’m one of them. I’ve heard stories that make me shudder. The Hippocratic Oath has become the hypocritical oath instead.
We have a Jewish community here in Australia who are extremely fearful of the latest in a series of ongoing antisemitic attacks of not only hate speech, but of a violent and dangerous nature.
This cancerous hatred which has always been there has now metastasized since October 7th, 2023 in materializing on the steps of our famous Sydney Opera House ONLY ONE DAY after the atrocities of that horrendous day, on a beautiful Sabbath morning. The fact that these Muslims were all chanting “Gas the Jews” (true) and “Where are the Jews?” (False, that’s the excuse they later gave - as if that’s such an improvement.) is enough to make Jewish skin crawl. Our Commie leaders are useless when it comes to reigning in the unbridled hatred and violence that has sprung up since those horrible acts.
There are many of us, Christians and Jews alike who agree wholeheartedly that because this was not dealt with properly at the time (the usual appeasement, so stupid) has given the extremists of murderous hate, what they think is an advantage.
Avi Abelow interviews a Jewish female doctor in Melbourne, Victoria who gives us all a complete breakdown of the situation and more besides.
Watch and listen to this doctor lay it all out, unreservedly.
https://pulseofisrael.com/2025/02/27/australia-scandal/?utm_source=ActiveCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=%22I%20Killed%20Israeli%20Patients%22-Jewish%20Doctor%20in%20Australia%20Speaks%20Out%20About%20the%20Australian%20Medical%20Scandal&utm_campaign=%22I%20Killed%20Israeli%20Patients%22-Jewish%20Doctor%20in%20Australia%20Speaks%20Out%20About%20the%20Australian%20Medical%20Scandal&vgo_ee=%2BlDY2mdz6LssKCl%2F1XXdF4OY5I%2FfKgiVyC0prkn%2FJt6nKLjY%3Ae93G1qO6JbqOBmTJBz25LQi06dglU2OALove and Shabbat Shalom,
Rebbetzin Glenys xo