Author Topic: A Personal Outreach Message From the Messianic Rebbe  (Read 221 times)


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A Personal Outreach Message From the Messianic Rebbe
« on: February 10, 2025, 03:21:18 PM »
To All who are accessing our BRI/IMCF podcasts:

Shalom Aleikhem to all our visitors who are tuning in to The Interpreter's Pulpit 101 podcasts!

This is Les Aron Gosling, teaching nothing new but all things original!

The International Messianic Community of Faith (IMCF) does not teach or practice tithing. We are not controlled or muzzled by any church Board of Directors. We are not backed by any church, denomination, sect or any other religious organisation – be it Jewish, Christian or otherwise. We are a "little flock" globally and are united with one another through the shed blood of the Jewish Messiah and Saviour of the world, Our Lord Yeshua -- the living YeHoVaH-in-flesh -- who is now ALIVE from the dead IN RESPLENDENT ETERNAL SPIRIT FORM.

We exist ONLY through the good will and support of fellow God-oriented spiritually-motivated travellers of like mind – living our lives out in a Godly pursuit of excellence and allowing the apex of human potential to be experienced in a wholesome way in our short earthly lives.

Have YOU been spiritually edified with our lectures? Would you like to know more about the biblical revelation from such a unique perspective of a restored (previously “lost”) Second Temple era Jewish thoughtform?

Our private BRI/IMCF International Internet Yeshiva Members Forum has hundreds of in-depth lectures available for those who “Upgrade to Paid” to the IMCF. Membership is entirely by a selfless sacrificial loving gift/donation and our very survival is dependent on a creative Infinite Intelligence and on those charitable hearts He directs for our continued daily well-being.                                       

Messianic Enterprises has provided a secure PIN PAYMENT icon for your convenience which you can access on the front page of the public BRI/IMCF site at:

Just depress the UPGRADE TO PAID icon and within days your request for International Messianic Community of Faith (IMCF) membership will be acknowledged and full access to our site granted.

Thank you for becoming supportive of this growing unique ministry and Work of God and for allowing us to serve you in this manner.

God blesses those who bless Israel (Genesis 12.1-3).

Les Aron Gosling
Messianic Jewish Rebbe