Hi everyone,
By now we’ve all heard the amazing announcement by President Trump in relation to what he thinks should happen to that tiny sliver of land known as the Gaza Strip. I have to admit, none of us saw that announcement coming.
Is it a good idea? Yes, probably. Can be implemented? Yes, most likely. Will it take years? You better believe it will. And so what happens to the Fakestinians in the meanwhile. Well, some are refusing to leave the enclave saying that they will never leave Gaza. Others say if the opportunity presents itself that they would definitely leave. But, who will take these displaced Gazans? That’s truly the million dollar question. Jordan has its fair share of Fakestinians living within its borders, it doesn’t want anymore. Egypt wouldn’t want them either. Nobody wants trouble makers within their borders and who can blame them. Unless the Fakestinians give up on THEIR genocidal goal of destructive behavior towards the Israelis nobody wants them.
Except Australia. Good one! That’s sarcasm in case you didn’t realize it.
I’ve mentioned here in this blog on a previous occasion that the Fakestinians will get their own land and I’ve also told you that if you want to know more about this you can become a paid subscriber and have access to thousands of lectures, podcasts and prophetic understanding. The Fakestinians will be more than happy with this arrangement, but they have to put down their swords first and Iran will have to become something completely different than what it is today. Give it time, this too will happen. (Psst, become a paid subscriber and you’ll read about the future of the Middle East as it is unfolding before our very eyes.)
Some in Israel would like to see the Gazan Strip reoccupied by the Jewish state. I’m not so sure this will be the outcome, though. I/we do recall the evacuation of the Israeli settlers from Gaza in 2005 and the consequence of this withdrawal in the creation of the governing body by Hamas. I/we also remember who was Prime Minister in Israel when this heartbreaking and heart wrenching withdrawal occurred. We also remember what happened to him not too long afterwards. It just seemed so strangely unfortunate at the time. If you don’t remember, then you’ll have to look it up and connect the dots for yourself. Let’s face it, everyone forgets that Eretz Israel, the Land of Israel is YeHoVaH’s to give or take, not anyone else’s.
In case you haven’t seen or read anything that’s a Jewish perspective on this recent announcement, have a listen once again to Avi Abelow break it all down again for us in his most extraordinary way. Then have a read of what Jewish News Syndicate has to say as well. I’ve also added an article from the BBC. Yes, I know, shock horror, the antisemitic organization that sees everything through their own biased interpretive lens. I promise not to include too many posts from the BBC in the future 😄. This one though, gives a view from the “other side” as it were.
First video is from Avi Abelow at Pulse Of Israel. Enjoy!
https://pulseofisrael.com/2025/02/05/world-shock-netanyahu-trump/?vgo_ee=q%2B6BsRg9r2%2B9g4sLSifj4O5bVQAxycFM3AWbPHUOypOUMdId%3ArQGaKoq5StoX753NA1TMkjESz73Q%2Bkj8Jewish News Syndicate has two good pieces among many on this revelation. (Just as an aside I’d like to tell you something about the strange goings in our email inbox. We are subscribed to JNS and receive their news emails every day. Ever since I did a recent update to my iPhone as per usual, all JNS emails go into my spam folder. Every day I retrieve them and place them into the inbox. This is a new development and one I am highly suss over. So, who’s responsible for this algorithm? Telstra our network? Or is it Apple? Whatever and whoever it is, these emails are being redirected into the spam/trash cycle. Not happy.)
https://www.jns.org/the-us-will-take-over-the-gaza-strip-trump-says/?_hsmi=103900726https://www.jns.org/no-gaza-resettlement-for-10-to-15-years-waltz-says/?_hsmi=103900726https://www.jns.org/meeting-with-netanyahu-trump-calls-for-resettling-gazans-permanently/?_hsmi=103900726And here is the article by that biased “news” source called the BBC 🤢.
https://apple.news/An1mDIP55RO-GUSpLBtGZqAThe world is changing rapidly since November 5th and January 21st. We are certainly enjoying the ride and still dancing here.
Love and Shalom,
Rebbetzin Glenys xo