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« on: February 03, 2025, 08:58:13 AM »
Hi everyone,

Antisemitism is most definitely alive and well in many parts of the world. In Australia it has reared its ugly head.

A caravan was found in Sydney’s northwest with enough explosives to blow out an area of approximately 40 metres. That’s quite the blast radius. The fact that this discovery and report thereof was 10 days after the discovery and before the public were informed of this potential threat is outrageous. One can only wonder with this Hamas appeasing government why they should keep such possible acts of terrorism quiet from the public. It only came to light because of a whistleblower who leaked it to a journalist. Thank goodness for the whistleblowers. Oh! And the Prime Minister Albanese said he had no prior knowledge of this matter. If you believe that, I have large bridge in Sydney I can sell you.

There is a prophetic promise made by YeHoVaH to Abraham which we are all familiar:

“…And I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse those who curse you..” Genesis 12:3.

The hateful ones don’t realise that the blessing and cursing by YeHoVaH still stands today. Too many say they hate Zionists but not the people. What a vomit worthy joke that is. If you hate Zionists, then you hate Jews and you are an antisemite. If you say Zionism is destructive, then you give your reasons, then you hate ALL Jewish people everywhere and you are an antisemite.

Ask yourself, or anyone you know who feels this way, “why do you hate Jews so much?” Have you, like so many others been doused in the fires of outright lies, false projections and above all bigotry and hatred from the side that promulgates death to all Jews right around the world. In Sydney the Jew haters were out in force the very day after the Hamas pogrom against innocent Israelis, railing and calling for the Jews to be gassed and “where are the Jews?” - I kid you not. In being doused in these Jew hating fires, you become nothing but a mouthpiece for haSatan. Even you Albo and you definitely Pennywise, err, Penny Wrong, I mean Wong.

Good onya!!

Penny Wrong’s dutiful visit this recent Holocaust Remembrance Week is nothing but a dutiful show to the world. She reinstated the finance that was halved by the former Liberal Party to the discredited UNRWA organization as soon as they took office. They have not condemned much, the Prime Minister has marched in solidarity with the Fakestinians in recent years before he became Prime Minister, just like his far Leftist mentor, the disgraced socialist, Jeremy Corbin, a rabid antisemite did and in solidarity with the people of Gaza and the particular set of people in Western Sydney and Western Melbourne that dominate certain electorates. This Labor government has shown its true colours. The Jewish people in Australia really don’t have the support of this hateful government and the fear and anger here is growing.

This government has also given tourist visas to 800 Fakestinians fleeing the conflict in Gaza. That’ll be good for the country. Not!!

The recent discovery of bombs in the caravan was also accompanied by the addresses of two major Jewish buildings - the Great Synagogue in Sydney and the Jewish Museum. The Jewish people in this country have every right to feel afraid. Their own government backs their enemies instead of insisting that we must feel safe in our own country. You know, this wonderful multicultural nation that is supposed to support everyone. It seems that some are more “worthy” than others because they adhere to a similar concept of government, aka Communistic Fascism. Sounds weird right?  But as I’ve said before, the Nazis were Left of centre, not right as some have misled the entire world to believe in this regard. Another lie perpetrated by the devil.

Here is the report of the caravan and its unusual contents found inside. The last thing we heard was that the owner of the caravan had been located. It’s all very hush-hush and as it’s an ongoing investigation, we are yet to hear anything else.

Love and Shalom,

Rebbetzin Glenys xo

Love and Shalom,
Rebbetzin Glenys xo