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« on: February 03, 2025, 07:48:56 AM »
Hi everyone,

The request and approval by the Biden régime of $US50,000,000 for condoms for the Fakestinians in Gaza has been touted recently as a “hoax”. Unfortunately, it is no hoax but what appears to be on the outset a reasonable request. It’s actually a very big joke on the American taxpayers.

Do you know what these condoms will be used for when Hamas gets its grubby fingers on them? Incendiary balloons!! Not for contraception. No never! The Fakestinian rule is to impregnate the women as often as possible to keep them pregnant and producing babies that will grow up to be future terrorist soldiers in its God-forsaken army. The women are beaten if they try to go against this “natural law”. So, friends, condoms have an entirely different purpose than that for which they were intended.

Did the former administration know that this is what these condoms were intended to do? You can bet they did. Nothing leaves their coffers without strict surveillance.

So, consequently, what we see here is that the US government was funding both sides of the war. Of course, we know they were through other methods as well (achem, like funding Iran with bags of cash through Qatar for instance!!). They don’t want to hypocritically latch onto  some commiserations by others about the poor Fakestinians and all that dead and dying. Naughty bad Israel. They are funding both sides of this war! I cannot make it any plainer than that. Hideous, traitorous and downright corrupt to its core. Thank God that this has been made public.

I saw a few days ago on FOX News with host, Jesse Watters showing images of the Fakestinians making balloon clusters to send over incendiary devices to set Israel’s crops on fire in recent years (remember that - if you care to - it was nightly news at the time) and is just one of their deplorable ways of making life as intolerable as possible for the Israelis. Isn’t it enough that Hamas (and the Palestinian Authority) have made life hell on earth for their own people. And President Abbas thinks he’s the prime deliverer of peace for Gazans and is all primed and ready to take up his kingly throne on the coastline of Gaza. Lol! Not so fast!

When I think of all the millions of dollars that have been funneled into Hamas’ war with Israel (and through the Fakestinians in Judea and Samaria under the watchful and influential gaze of the PA) from the wonderful benevolent countries of the USA, EU, UK, Australia I get so disgusted with humanity that I’m also nearly, very nearly at the point that the angel of the Lord was at over the wanton rebellion of the children of Israel in the dessert all those centuries ago, but this time with their enemies, the governments of this doomed planet playing God on an earthly chessboard.

Let’s face facts, the god of Fakestinians is not a god of integration, but elimination. Jews first, then the rest of the world, you know, including the ones these idiots that sit comfortably behind their cedar desks think is not their problem. Hellooooo!! Have they looked into their own backyards lately?!

Avi Abelow adds to this sorry state of affairs.

Love and Shalom,

Rebbetzin Glenys xo
Love and Shalom,
Rebbetzin Glenys xo