Hi everyone,
We’re celebrating this long weekend our Australia Day commemoration. The day is special to the majority of citizens, though it does have its detractors. Australia Day is the 26th January, the “invasion” day (to some) when the esteemed English Captain Phillip stepped onto the soil of what is now Sydney Cove, next to our Opera House. The area is marked with a beautiful botanical gardens where we spent many an hour picnicing (yeah that’s a word to us Aussies, Mr. Microsoft 😊), walking and enjoying this marvellous oasis in the middle of Sydney city.
I didn’t used to be so attached to the day, I know only too well that my home is elsewhere, nevertheless, as time has passed over the years of having family, I have come to appreciate it more, especially since so many on the Commie Left want to rid us of any national attachments and to many, pride in their origins. With the world’s elite wanting all of us to become globalist-minded, I am reminded that YeHoVaH speaks many times of “the nations” this, “the nations” that.
Those brave and committed people who became naturalised citizens on the 26th January know just how privileged they are to be called Australians. Most people don’t immigrate because they want to, some do, even so, it must be incredibly difficult and at times daunting to leave one’s home turf and move to an entirely different country. Fact remains, we love our own nations, no matter what, nobody wants to be just called citizen #. Nationhood brings so many benefits for each and every one of us. Not the Marxist hodgepodge of mish-mash and gruel for everyone. Not that there’s anything wrong with interracial marriages, I encourage that. I’m talking about confidence and structure in one’s country, a history of thousands of years to learn about and impart to the following generations, rich in storytelling and magical experiences. They make us who we are. We don’t need to be swirling around in some globalist soup with open borders and forced immigration and integration. As I’ve said before: Viva la difference!
All of which brings me to Israel’s ongoing troubles.
Firstly, Baruch HaShem that the hostages are returning home. These people will need much love, care and compassionate understanding. It is all so bittersweet. But 200 in exchange for 4?! Typical.
The times they are a’changing a young Jewish man once sang. Israel is still up against their deep state and the manipulations of the Supreme Court there. God’s hand is heavy upon them in this regard as the Leftist law “providers” are corrupt and manipulative for all the wrong reasons as given above. That long march that’s been in play for so long is playing hard ball. It’s like a torrent of mud sliding down a hill. If it’s not stopped it will take out the whole town and leave nothing but devastation in its wake.
The nation of Israel is not only fighting a war with external enemies, but is in constant combat with those within its own government and military ranks. I pray that there will be a change there soon.
Oh! The blood soaked garments of politics and judiciary. 😠
God’s “socialism”, if I can use that phrase, is not the twisted ideology that permeates the Western world, given to us by some “well meaning” Jews and reimagined by so many to walk in its malevolent ways. (Insert screamer emoji here.)
Good news! Trump is changing so many things. May he really be a blessing to Israel and also to many other places including Australia, where the long march continues unabated. I could go on about the hideous hypocrisy that lies there.
Please have a listen to Avi Abelow give us the behind the scenes news on Trump’s practical refugee solutions for the Fakestinians, and Avi’s analysis of the two-tiered justice system playing out in Israel. Sounds familiar doesn’t it?
https://pulseofisrael.com/2025/01/21/trump-stunning-first-day/?vgo_ee=MhqMGZCeRGPmdda8oij01B%2B0q0zNl6kbD1ErO96k967NOQZT%3Ave%2FnWaaJWBV0BKHLRvIF9jIxwCHcyBIPhttps://pulseofisrael.com/2025/01/23/trump-bibi-deep-state-supreme-court/?vgo_ee=P4AsjhOAdTh2%2BauSPUNGz6xsGf1OWX%2BPoMn3LG%2BQlt7o6GRL%3AmarsQDTMT1lnviq36yZyViP57Fozyjwwhttps://pulseofisrael.com/2025/01/26/trump-relocating-gazans/?vgo_ee=zNr0HWvRGjk7NLFUTSI%2BK3KP%2BYj7IisqWcfx%2BcmfuheeTehk%3Ae8Yo6BYzVwvVWE%2F2GR1kn8alcq0fw7zSUp the Aussies!!!
Am Israel Chai!
Love and Shalom,
Rebbetzin Glenys xo