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« on: January 01, 2025, 11:22:36 AM »
Happy pagan new year everyone.

Why do I say “pagan”? Because it is  ;D Are we ready for what 2025 will throw at us?  Probably not, but life certainly is full of variety of many sorts and there, but for the Grace of God go I and you and everyone else. May we have our steps ordered in His name and not just in our own.

I have to ask the question: why is the MSM so compliant in only reporting statements from the terrorist entity, Hamas and NOT from the IDF (Fox may dribble a little here and there 🙄)?  The bias and antisemitism is palpable.

Why is this so?

The spirit of a hateful devil imbibes it’s willing mouthpieces with the overt lies, murderous statements and their own brand of conspiracy theories to foster more hate, more division, more “lacking in normal affection”, more blasphemy, more immorality from their hypocritical mouths and more chaos. HaSatan loves the chaos as he drags them all down into a pit of their own making.

Wise journalists of integrity and clear minds are few and far between in the media, but here and there, if you are drawn to look further you will discover whole new patterns of thinking that are not of the kind fed to the mass indoctrinated millions who, like parrots repeat the lies as if they are the gospel truth.

People need to wake up out of the prison that false teachings have bonded them into, mind, body and spirit. And, I must add, out of the self imposed fear that engulfs them.

One of those journalists who has integrity in her reporting is Melanie Phillips (I cannot speak for her character as I don’t know her, but her articles speak volumes). Melanie is just one of the voices crying out for the ACTUAL truth to be told. Not the Hamas lies, not the lies from the American governments, nor the lies from the European and British and Russian and…..!!

Read the more accurate version of just what monstrous deeds a terrorist entity can do, even to its own people, as we all well know (and blames Israel), repeatedly, mercilessly. If they care not for their own, they care not for those who they wish to annihilate, i.e. the entire nation of Israel and any who are in the diaspora. Oh and the Sunday keepers, they have to go, too (keep in mind, contrary to the lies perpetrated by a certain Palestinian/Israeli “priest”, the drop in Christian numbers within the areas of Bethlehem and elsewhere IS DUE TO ISLAMISM’S BARBARIC HAND - just ask those who suffered under that torment and who fled the country WITH ISRAELI HELP NOT THE FASCIST POPES). 

Remember the Abrahamic curse! It’s still in effect. Even some of Abraham’s progeny on both sides can choose cursing over blessing and often do, especially in their own treatment of their devoted soldiers (but that’s another topic for another post). YeHoVaH has given them that choice of whether to bless or to curse and sometimes the God of all will push it just that far.

“It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living YeHoVah.” Hebrews 10:13.

“The Gaza Hospital Blood Libel
Western media that promulgate murderous demonisation are a source of evil.


On Friday and Saturday, the Israeli Defence Forces conducted a raid on the Kamal Adwan hospital in Gaza. The IDF said it was being used as a Hamas command and control centre.

At the hospital they arrested no fewer than 240 terrorists, 15 of whom, they said, had participated in the October 7 massacre in Israel. Inside the hospital, they found weapons including grenades, guns, and military equipment. The IDF killed 19 terrorists there; 700 civilians were evacuated and none was killed. Some of the terror operatives, said the IDF, posed as medical staff and patients. Some tried to leave on stretchers and in ambulances; of a first group of 21 patients leaving the hospital, 13 turned out to be terrorist suspects.

The IDF also said that before the raid, 350 patients as well as caregivers and medical personnel were evacuated to other hospitals. The Israelis delivered thousands of litres of fuel, food, and medical supplies for the essential functioning of the hospital. Once operations began 95 patients, caregivers, and medical personnel were evacuated to Gaza’s Indonesian Hospital, to which the IDF delivered 5,000 litres of fuel, two generators and medical equipment. Additionally, hundreds of civilians were able to move away from the area for their own safety via defined evacuation routes…”

To read more please click on the link above.

Love and Shalom,

Rebbetzin Glenys xo
Love and Shalom,
Rebbetzin Glenys xo