Author Topic: You Certainly Vill Eat Za Bugs And Like It  (Read 13 times)


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You Certainly Vill Eat Za Bugs And Like It
« on: September 12, 2024, 10:13:08 AM »
I don’t like bugs. I spray them, stamp on them, put them outside. Do I wanna eat them. Nah! Sorry, not Kosher. And yes, Yochanan the Immerser ate honey and locusts NOT crickets and mealy worms. Shudder!

Have a little read and watch what Canadians will have to expect from their Young Global Leader Castro, err, I mean Trudeau. I mean, have seen that stuff. Quite revealing.

Here is a recent posting on Substack by another one of my favourite authors.

Deliver us oh Lord from the evil one who presently rules this world. He is only the manager at this stage, but his days are numbered and he knows it as do his minions. The WEF, UN and the WHO don’t know that, they think that they're invincible because they worship “Mammon”. After all didn’t Noah Yuval Harrari say we are now hackable beings? Oh yes he did among other unGodly words from yet another Jewish man gone bad.

There’s going to be lotsa wailing and gnashing of teeth to come brothers and sisters so don’t ever lose heart, no matter what takes place - our faith will no doubt be sorely tested. But remember, your Deliverer is nigh!

Love and Shalom,

Rebbetzin Glenys xo
Love and Shalom,
Rebbetzin Glenys xo