Author Topic: An Invocation Of Lies, Deceit, Slander And Murder  (Read 68 times)


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An Invocation Of Lies, Deceit, Slander And Murder
« on: August 25, 2024, 07:49:25 AM »
This short article is quite revealing.

Did you listen to the Archbishop at the DNC? Did you hear what he said AND what he didn’t say?

Many in the Catholic clergy have moved even further to the dark side, after all their boss (it’s not Messiah) approves and he is a devotee of the spirit of Antichrist. You’ll have to do the due diligent research yourselves to understand that statement.

Having been raised in the religion of Rome (not YaHoVeH’s representatives at all) I can attest to the hypocrisy of these clergymen and women who have indeed bowed the knee to Baal. My tenure with these hypocrites was over by the time I turned 15 years of age. I used to sing in the choir, attend Mass every Sunday, “join in the throng that went to temple” (so to speak) and generally had enough of them as YaHoVeH opened my eyes to His Truth.

The fact that this Archbishop can be so openly accepting of the Left’s hypocrisy and agenda of death is not new for the Roman Church, but it is disturbing and needs to be called out and the good Pastor Jeff Crippin tells it like it is.

Catholics beware of your clergy, they’ve been pulling the wool over your eyes for centuries.

Love and Shalom,

Rebbetzin Glenys xo
Love and Shalom,
Rebbetzin Glenys xo