Author Topic: Sasha Stone Shares What Happened to Her -- Please read on.  (Read 70 times)


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Sasha Stone Shares What Happened to Her -- Please read on.
« on: August 15, 2024, 03:13:17 PM »
What "Happened" To Me
This isn't really about me, it's about YOU
by Sasha Stone
Aug 14

Today, a story about me broke me in the Hollywood Reporter. I’m not going to link to it. I’m not even going to read it. I am leaving this here for gawkers who land on this page to peer into the mind of an accused witch. I broke the rules of the Ordnung by openly supporting Trump on my website’s official Twitter, which is @awardsdaily.

I also wrote a joke that the powerful people did not find funny because I was mocking them. I’ve written more than enough about “what happened to me”... on Substack. It’s never been about what happened to me. It’s about what happened to them.

The upside is that, for the first time since I got online, I feel excited about the counter-culture outside the bubble of the Left. I keep telling my daughter and anyone else who feels too afraid to create something new in this suffocating climate of fear: write it. In a few years, it will be in high demand...

I always figured in an election year, the rising fear and hatred of Trump would reach my shores. That’s one reason why I got ahead of it and began posting on my public Twitter account. It’s all out in the open so no one can break that story.

Why I am voting for Trump is simple. I would vote for any Republican because only they will put a stop to the madness of “gender-affirming care,” a cult-like phenom that has overtaken the Left only in the past decade. What they’re doing to kids is horrifying. If you are voting for the Democrats, you are voting for that. Good luck. Everything that happens to these kids will be on you.

Secondly, after I watched “cancel culture” spread to the government and watched our government lurch toward totalitarian rule, that is when I knew we were in the danger zone. When they raided Mar-a-Lago, I decided to vote for Trump. When they convicted him and called him a felon, I became a Trump supporter.

But more than that, this story is really about how I could not take the hate demanded of me from my former side. I overdosed on it. I could feel it like sludge in my veins. I decided I had to escape my own feedback loop and my former tribe to find out what was true and what wasn’t.

And almost nothing was true. That was the shocking part. It was all a delusion. But explaining that to people is like trying to explain that there was no such thing as witchcraft in Salem in 1692.

You see, when you have cast your opponent as Hitler, what won’t you do to stop him from rising and winning? What can’t you do to him and to his supporters? There is no bottom. I could not stand on that side.

Trump isn’t Hitler. For one thing, Hitler had a plan. Trump does not. He is merely a guy who says whatever he wants to say. To the totalitarians on the Left, THAT is the threat.

For various reasons, the Film Twitter hive mind has been coming for me for years. I can’t shut up. I’m a contrarian. I push back. It’s my own fault. At the same time, I could sense a bottleneck in entertainment writing and Oscar coverage. Someone has to be willing to tell the truth.

All this means to me is that the studios will pull their ads as they always do, as they’ve done with Elon Musk and anyone else who crosses them. But if you do things for money and betray yourself just for profit, what does that make you? The oldest profession in the world. And honestly, even that is more honest work and probably more fun.

The problem with the Oscar coverage now, even though no one reading this will care, is that it is under the thumb of publicists and the studios, so it has to be generally on board with all of the pandering. And that makes for dull content. Sorry, but it does. Good writing means telling the truth. But if you can’t even see it, how can you write it?

Much of the time, the only thing driving their content is this cancel culture nonsense—where what people think is a story. Thought crimes are a story. Destroying people is a story. Why? Because they have nothing else.

I believe in telling the truth, no matter where it takes you. Does it mean you are now human garbage to the people with all of the power? So be it. I can’t do the other thing. I can’t lie and pander. I can’t pile on. I can’t dehumanize. This is where I’ve landed. Knowing I am healthier in my mind and heart makes me feel better.

Hollywood is collapsing. No one cares about the movies anymore. Hardly anyone watches them. Why? Because they can’t tell the truth anymore, not even to themselves. But as long as they have a fresh supply of people to accuse and purge, they can pretend they’re still the good guys.
