In answer to the above question in my subject line….perhaps :-).
I do remember that prior to his presidency Trump was prayed over by members of Jews For Jesus. Actually, we were somewhat taken aback by this display at the time, but as it turned out, Trump was very, very good for Israel and stability in the Middle East. On the other side, there are now 3 major wars going on since Biden’s administration took over and further chaos of an expected WW111 is now looming. I kinda agree with Trump when he says: “This would never have happened under my administration.” Like him or lump him, and he is hard to take at times, I do agree with some of his adversaries in this area, but Obummer and Biden are the devil’s own, they want destruction to BBB, build back better. HaSatan’s people through and through. Trump is fallible, he’s a sinner (just like you and me), but he’s the man for the moment, make no bones about it. and Shalom,
Rebbetzin Glenys xo