To All:
After a number of complex issues involved this year in the search for qualified aviv in Israel (and its surroundings) and a failure to sight the new moon when anticipated on March 22 a frustrated Israeli team has finally located a large amount of the aviv and a physical sighting of the new moon from the Negev on the evening of March 23.
Counting 14 days to Passover brings us this year to April 6 for the Lord Yeshua's Pesach celebration. As Yeshua observed an early Passover with his disciples the evening before he was crucified as the Passover Lamb, we at IMCF will accordingly celebrate our Seder -- in our own homes -- the evening of April 5.
The festival of Unleavened Bread (matzos) will start on the evening of April 6 and continue to the evening of the 13th April.
Kol Tuv, and (to quote Paul) "REJOICE and again I say REJOICE."