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Neglected Kerygma of Christ -- Lecture 12
« on: November 23, 2020, 01:25:31 PM »
a series of lecture essays on the biblical concept of a universal salvation in Christ


Copyright © BRI/IMCF 2020 All Rights Reserved Worldwide by Les Aron Gosling, Messianic Lecturer (BRI/IMCF)

CAUTION: BRI/IMCF Yeshiva notes are not available to the general public. They are not for distribution. They are not for reproduction. The notes may also bear little or no resemblance to the actual audio or video recorded BRI/IMCF Yeshiva lecture.

Audio Lecture is now available for members: THE NEGLECTED KERYGMA OF CHRIST [12]: Lecture Twelve

I wish to begin this current lecture with a quotation from the brilliant playwright George Bernard Shaw with which, I am convinced, any right-thinking person would have to agree. In a survey of history he concluded, “The life of the human race is a brief discreditable episode in the history of the meanest of planets” (included in the Lion Handbook of Christian Belief, 343).

“A brief discreditable episode in the history of the meanest of planets.” Yes, indeed. George Bernard Shaw was a student of human nature par excellence as exemplified for any and all to verify through his masterful plays which continue to brighten the souls of (again) any and all who read them or who have participated by watching them performed.

At the very outset of this specific lecture I wish to refer to a text of Scripture which describes Infinite Intelligence in the most simplest of terms.

In 1 John 4.8 we read, “God is love.” John feels the need to repeat this equation a little further on in his epistle. “God is love” (1 Jn 4.16).

This love of God for humanity – and especially for HisHer children – is far greater than a mere psychological appreciation and involvement in what is constituted as human love – albeit that our love of self and for another enables a modest glimpse of God's love which is endemic to God's character and nature. Certainly it is love that transcends the limitations of human love which has many of the characteristics of being ecdemic rather than relating essentially to God's love.

Medical professionals involved in the resuscitation of clinically dead patients all to a man/woman speak of the unanimous assessment that (while “dead”) they experienced an exposure to a creature of brightness/glory/light encompassing them with a mammoth awesome sense of love, of warmth, of a penetrating acceptance beyond description. When sent back to their body the feeling of that warm expression of love become a terminable sense of deprivation and they say it's extremely hard to bear.

The Near Death Experience Research Foundation, reports that nearly all NDE's claim the same sentiment: They return to their body with a profound understanding of God’s love. Intriguingly these medical reports are nothing new! Millions of theologians who have truly studied the biblical revelation over the centuries have discussed what they communicate as being the OMNIBENEVOLENCE of God. This is the apprehension and comprehension that God the Father’s Grace and God the Father's love is indeed unlimited or infinite. In the same identical spirit of these theological giants I also articulate that GOD IS LOVE – and I harbour absolutely no doubts about it.

An article by Dr Jeffrey Long that appeared in an “Opinion” column in The Washington Post back in 2016 included some interesting comments which I will share. Among many other things he notes:

“Here is a sampling of what some NDErs had to say about God’s love:

“No human can ever love with the love I felt in that light. It is all-consuming, all-forgiving. Nothing matches it. It is like the day you looked into the eyes of your child for the first time magnified a million times. It’s indescribable.”

“I felt the presence of pure love. This is very hard to describe. Everything made sense: God exists, God is love, we are love, and love creates all that is. … I was surrounded by pure love. First I was cold and in pain, but then I was warm and comforted.”

“I know that love is all there is and that God loves all of His children deeply and equally. There are no stepchildren in the family of God. We are all divine.”

“God loves us all infinitely.”

“I felt God as an all-encompassing presence — complete, total, and unconditional love in its highest form! I was surrounded by God’s unconditional love, which was so much greater than human love. I was given the knowledge that God is real and loves me unconditionally — He exists and is real, and He is love.”

“I came to realize that God is more loving and caring than I could ever imagine.”

“The entire encounter was about God, the ultimate power of God, and God’s forgiveness. The message was, ‘Love is the greatest power in the universe.’”

Love is clearly an important part of near-death experiences. This experience of deep love often carries within it an affirmation of unity or oneness between all people or even all things.”

Dr Long adds these thoughts, “I was struck by the remarkable consistency. This consistency could not be explained merely by the NDErs’ preexisting cultural or religious beliefs, since they represented a wide spectrum of those from various faith traditions or no faith at all. They wrote:

“I knew that the being I met was composed of a substance I can only call ‘love,’ and that substance was a force or power, like electricity. Love is the only word I have, but it’s not the right word here.”

“I knew that love was the greatest force around us and that we are all love, and love is the only thing that is real, that hatred and pain and hurt and all the negative things are not really the way it is, that we just create these negative thoughts.”

“Love was everywhere. It permeated the afterlife. It was incredible.”

“I was loved unconditionally despite my faults and fears.”

“This love was unique. I felt completely safe; nothing bad could happen. I was no longer in pain, and all my worries and fears were left behind with my body. Not many can get even the slightest idea of what this love is like.”

“These incredible emotions were centered in the solar plexus — the most incredible mixture of peace, joy, love, acceptance . . . so strong I still cry thinking about it — that overwhelming melting pot of pure positive emotion: love, joy, acceptance, kindness, gentleness.”

Summing up his anecdotes he shares this view: “These transformative experiences of a unique love — a love that is total, unconditional and enormous — speak not just to what happens after we die, but to what matters while we live. These people described their encounters with death, but the message, instead, is one about the meaning of life.” [end quote]

It is intriguing that the vast majority of NDE's return to their bodies with an almost evangelistic fervour to share with everyone who will listen this awesome warmth and love of God, with an emphasis on his acceptance of human beings. It is this missing dimension of God's overwhelming Love and Grace that seems to be entirely missing in sermons, articles, expositions, and religious books written by evangelists and biblical scholars – particularly when it comes to the subject of a never-ending Gehenna fire (or “everlasting darkness” – they can't make up their minds!), endless misery, and immortal worms.

In giving these simplistic lectures on an ultimate “universal salvation in Christ” – which I believe is a core doctrine in alignment with the shed blood of Yeshua the Messiah – I have stressed the GRACE of our Lord to such an extent that some people exposed to my teaching and material on this matter may be in danger of minimising the awful catastrophe of hell. And, there is no other better descriptor in addressing all that hell implies than catastrophe – for indeed it truly is!

Certainly, who better to listen to (and to heed) on the subject of hell than the One who created hell in the first place both as a warning to sinners and as a construct of intense agony to encourage those same sinners from rebelling against their Creator – the One known to us as our Saviour the Lord Yeshua the Messiah, Son of God and Son of Man (or, better, “Humankind”). There may be some reading or listening to this lecture who may raise an eyebrow at this mention of “the Creator of Hell” being none other than Our Lord Yeshua but the sacred text verifies this biblical understanding.

The priestly John knew about this Mystery and he commented about it: “In the beginning was the Word [Gk, logos] and the Word was with God and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. ALL THINGS WERE MADE BY HIM AND WITHOUT HIM WAS NOT ANYTHING MADE THAT WAS MADE. In him was life and the life was the light of men... That was true light which lights every man that comes into the world. He was in the world and THE WORLD WAS MADE BY HIM and the world knew him not...And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us” (Jn 1.1-4,9,10,14).

Yes, the emissary John knew well that the One who became Yeshua the Christ (Yeshua the anointed, or Messiah) was the original channel and means which the Father God utilised to bring into an existence the entirety of the universe, and as far as planet Earth is concerned it is the intent, purpose and goal of the Lord of all Creation to bring every human being into a shared “glory” (or Light) with God. Again, if you missed it, John writes, “That was true light which lights every man that comes into the world.” Paul followed suit with a number of passing references – around a hundred – to God's “glory” and our inheritance in that “glory.” Peter also wallowed in statements about “glory.” The destiny of every single human being who has ever lived is to become someone or something SHINING “like the stars of the heavens” (Dan 12.3).

The unknown author of the circular Letter to the Hebrews grasped the Mystery of Christ, as the Creator, too! “In many parts and in different ways God in former times having spoken to the fathers by means of the prophets, in the last of these days spoke to us in One who by nature is [His] Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, THROUGH WHOM ALSO HE CONSTITUTED THE AGES; who being the out-raying [effulgence] of His glory and the exact reproduction of His essence, and sustaining, guiding and propelling all things by the Word of His power; having made purification of sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high; having become by so much superior to the angels, as He has inherited a more excellent name than they” (Heb 1.1-4).

And, needless to say, Paul – the apostle to the Gentiles – also comprehended that the entire creation of God became manifest through Yeshua in His pre-existent form as the Logos! Christ “in whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins: who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature. For BY HIM WERE ALL THINGS CREATED THAT ARE IN THE HEAVENS AND THAT ARE IN THE EARTH, VISIBLE AND INVISIBLE, WHETHER THRONES OR DOMINIONS, OR PRINCIPILALITIES OR POWERS, ALL THINGS WERE CREATED BY HIM AND FOR HIM. And he is before all things, and by him all things consist” (Col 1.14-17).

Yeshua the Messiah – before his human birth – was the actual CREATOR of the universe, both the visible universe and the invisible universe [possibly, multiverse], and we find a repetition in his earlier letter to the Christians gathered at Ephesus. In the third chapter (as we have it today) and in verse 9 we locate the expression, “God who created all things by Yeshua the Messiah.”

On the very basis of these sacred Scriptures, we learn and can confidently assess – even ominously – that Christ created HELL. Hell didn't just appear. It wasn't a by-product produced by Satan, the Dark Lord. It did not evolve by itself from a flicker of a flame of God into a massive lake of fire. No angel thought he would assist the Creator by engineering such a mighty and horrendous feat which would meet with God's approval. No, the Christ of PURPOSE, in his pre-human form or manifestation as GOD, decided to create hell with PURPOSEFUL intention.

Now, I have written that Paul nowhere speaks specifically of hell, or Gehenna. And he doesn't. But Paul does mention God's wrath and he speaks of it on a number of occasions. Get out a Bible dictionary or a concordance (which is a far better choice) and look up “wrath” in connection with God. There's a great deal penned by different biblical authors who mention that wrath. And I do not personally want to be the object of that wrath – no matter what form that wrath takes!

In most incidences in the biblical narratives where God's wrath is mentioned it is described as God's creative intervention NOW, in our time, and in connection with the sins of the flesh – wrath in a karmic actuality. “What a man sows THAT he shall also reap” etc. Most make the assumption that God's wrath speaks of hell. Well, it might. But, it might not. It all depends on the context of the text, and it doesn't hurt us to have a little background knowledge of the text in relation to its time of creation, its cultural backdrop, origin in the canon, and a knowledge of its author and the specific circumstances under which he or she wrote. We always need to THINK about what it is we are reading and who was the author of what we are reading – especially when it comes to the Bible.

I have written much over the past 40+ years on “the unpardonable sin.” In what form can this sin overtake unbelievers, and to what extent are WE who love and follow the Lord Yeshua “skirting around the edges” of this troublesome and utterly revolting transgression?

There is a realisation within each of us that repentance is essential to living a victorious life in Messiah. One modern author who is a dye-in-the-wool believer in endless misery has written (and I tend to be in agreement with him on this matter of sinfulness of the human heart):

“God invites us to trust Christ. He invites us to faith because Christ has done all this” – he has just outlined the facts about Christ accomplishing what we as human beings could not achieve in the issues constellating around salvation – “in the words of Paul, 'for us who believe in him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead' (Romans 4:24). So completely has Christ dealt with the sins of his people that the Bible can describe it like this: 'As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our sins from us' (Psalm 103:12).

“The distance between east and west is immeasurable; they never meet. Christ has so dealt with our sins that Christ's people will never face the penalty of their sins. It has been pointed out that you can start moving north at any place on earth and, if you continued in that direction, you would eventually end up going south. But that is not true when you go east or west. If you start west and continue in that direction, you will always be going west. North and south meet at the poles, but east and west never meet. So far have our sins been removed from us by what Christ has done.

“But perhaps at this point we have another opportunity to see the callous nature and seriousness of sin. We have been to Calvary to see the callousness of human sin, but... dare I suggest that there is another place where we can see sin with its mask off. Let me take you to your own heart.

“Let me take you there because here is the gospel and God himself has, as it were, gone to hell. The infinite God-man... has suffered the... pains of hell, as he bore God's wrath upon the cross, and this has been done in such a way that he now offers you free forgiveness of sins and reconciliation to God through his death. He calls you to himself, and asks you to repent of your sins and trust in him. All that was accomplished through his pain and agony at the cross is offered to you and is offered because he loves you and desires to see you rescued. But perhaps still your sinful heart refuses such love and still says 'no.' When Christ has done so much for you, you still say 'no.' There is sin with its mask off! Can you not see that it is the most incredible and indescribable ungratefulness to refuse the overtures of the Lord Jesus Christ, who has done so much for us? Can you not feel the callous indifference that sin has worked in you and with which you concur? Can you not see that sin is an infinite evil? The question perhaps we should be asking is not 'How can a God of love send unrepentant sinners to hell?' but 'How can men and women go on rejecting God who has loved them so much?' There is the tragic marvel! How can they?....” (John Benton, How Can a God of Love Send People to Hell? 1985).

Now of course, recall that this author is one who accepts the totally unacceptable notion of everlasting misery, eternal hell, and the fallacy of immortal maggots. He is (or maybe was) also a Baptist minister over a church in England. So ignore his mention of “offers of salvation” by Christ. He does not properly understand God's election process of people called in Christ, the process of choice by Christ, and the process of authentic conversion through Christ's Spirit. He has absolutely zero appreciation of the Jewish thoughtform that gave us the biblical revelation in the first place, and he is totally ignorant of the actual plan of God in the ages that the Creator has laid out firmly and finally for us all as revealed in the annual agricultural festivities of ancient Israel given to us by the Creator to grasp the plan of Deity for the entirety of the human race. So he is a dunderhead when it comes to GRACE. Now, I do not want to be unkind to this fellow. Many believe as he does. I have never met him and he's probably a great bloke and would possibly be fun to be around (although from the books he has penned I doubt this assessment. It would be like inviting John the Baptist to a joyful birthday party). Nevertheless, overall, what he notes about the condition of the human heart (the heart of a convert to Christ or otherwise) cannot be ignored. This is why I have included a fair amount of what his book contains in his quotations in this especial lecture. It's where he is heading in his argument that I wish to concentrate. Really THINK about the following:

“...There is always justice in God's dealings with sinners. All sin is serious, but not all sin is equally serious. To sin ignorantly is one thing, but to sin with a full knowledge of what you are doing and the implications of what you are doing is quite another. To sin the first time is wretched, but to repeat the same sin is to increase our guilt. In a very sobering statement the apostle Paul speaks to us of unrepentant sinners increasing the judgement they face, saving up judgement as we might save up money in a bank, waiting for our big pay day when we draw it all out. 'Because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God's wrath' (Romans 2:5).” [emphasis mine]

“Murder and hatred are serious sins. Adultery and sexual perversion...are serious sins, but we would be wrong to think that these are the most terrible sins of all. It seems the most serious sin a human being can commit is, with the full knowledge of God's love to us in Christ, to despise that love and ignore the claims of Jesus upon our lives” (John Benton, How Can a God of Love Send People to Hell? 1985, 72-74).

This author spends a great deal of the book speaking about repentance. In his little volume he most assuredly has “the cart before the horse” in my humble opinion. Repentance, to this minister, must be evident before God will deal with us. Unconverted sinners must come to Christ in a repentant state of mind or he will not receive them. Remarkably the exact, precise opposite is the truth of the matter. Repentance before God is inarguable when it comes to converted believers. In the event, in our next lecture we'll discuss this vitally important issue so that the biblical matter can be appreciated in more detail than most accept today.

It is most surely true that we are all quite capable of “storing up wrath against ourselves” which one way or another shall clarify and declare our positions before Christ at his Advent! Frankly, the “day of God's wrath” can be ANYTIME of God's choosing. It can come at ANYTIME and culminate at ANY PLACE. None of us can avoid it. None of us, even with terminal illnesses, know the precise rime of our departure. But God does. “The very hairs on our head are all numbered” (Mt 10.30). And that is a sobering thought indeed!

Everybody – converted or unconverted – shall one day stand before the “Son of Humankind” and receive the fruits of their accomplishments, from HIM directly, for good or for ill. For some, it will be when we “cross over” in death, for some it will be at Christ's Advent, and for others it will come at the conclusion of the Great White Throne Judgment period.

One of the great advantages of a “Red Letter” Bible is that anyone can read the actual recorded words of Yeshua, standing out from the rest of the surrounding text, in order to read for oneself the very words of the Lord on any subject upon which he is ruminating, pondering, meditating and excogitating. And, as pointed out by almost every biblical expositor, Yeshua has more to say about the subject of hell than anyone else in the biblical revelation. As an example, scholar Herbert Carson notes,

“It is significant that the most solemn utterances on this subject fall from the lips of Christ himself. In the New Testament as a whole there is a deep reserve on the nature of the punishment of the last, though of course the act of final judgement is prominent. But with Christ himself the statements are much more explicit” (H.M. Carson, The Biblical Doctrine of Eternal Punishment, Carey Conference Paper, 1978, 14).

So what did the authoritative Christ himself convey to us about hell?

We can turn to the Gospel of Matthew to see for ourselves. Sharing a parable about the kingdom of God in terms of agriculture he explains:

“He who sows the good seed is the Son of Humankind. The field is the world, the good seeds are the children of the kingdom, but the tares [or, bastard wheat] are the children of the wicked one. The enemy who sowed them is the devil, the harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are the angels. Therefore even as the tares are gathered and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of this age. The Son of Humankind will send out His angels on a determined mission, and they will gather out of His kingdom all things that create stumbling blocks for others, and those who make a practice of lawlessness, and will cast them into the furnace of a furious fire. There will be the wailing and the gnashing of the teeth. Then the righteous will shine forth like the sun when it bursts through the clouds that have hidden it, in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!” (Mt 13.37-43 See also Mt 13.47-50; 25.28-30; 22.13; 8.11,12; 5.27-30).

Of course, Christ is encapsulating the events that will take place over 1000 years in the Messianic Millennial Kingdom. Yes, Christ speaks of the “furnace of a furious fire.” But what many miss is the emphasis he places on not just “wailing” and “gnashing of teeth” but rather “THE wailing” and “THE gnashing of THE teeth.”

These terrifying phrases relating to the entire distress of hell are repeated by Messiah almost incessantly to drive home the fact that hell in all its forms (fire/outer-darkness/alienation etc) is such a horrendous destiny “that we should spare no pains to avoid the sin that takes people there” (Benton).

We know from modern studious research into criminal correction centres that after TWELVE MONTHS in incarceration that the mind and personality begins to deteriorate along with the natural immune system which equally starts to collapse. No matter whether the criminal is a university educated intellectual who lives his life largely “above his shoulders” or for the most part a physically-fit “blue collar worker” who is manually employed, a horrid dissolution is constant. It may well be the case that Christ's reference to “maggots that never die” (Mk 9.48 and based on Isaiah's prophecy in Isa 66.24) is in actual fact a symbolic testimony of the process of continued disintegration of people and personalities undergoing fiery CORRECTION that Christ's “hell” is intended to restore in lust-driven incorrigible sinners. Incidentally, as we have already seen in a previous lecture in this series, rabbinic authorities are in unison that hell (Gehenna) will have a TWELVE MONTH duration.

I have stated many times that only the incorrigible are doomed to hell by their own free will. So what is incorrigibility? It consists of a person who is essentially bad – as one who is depraved and delinquent – beyond normal correction or reform. He or she is one who is determined to hurt, destroy, and gradually with enormous intention to control – or break down – the will of others to their own gratification. Further, they are unmanageable – unruly, unalterable, inveterate. Even in hell they will “gnash their teeth” toward the one sending them there.

This is a point oftentimes overlooked. When we see such an expression as “gnash their teeth” in the Bible we tend to think that such a sinner is in the act of wishing they had been a better representative of the human race, that they are finally full of regret about their condemnation by Christ. But the Bible interprets the Bible, and we read in Acts of the same term in the actions of the members of the Sanhedrin who were judging the first recorded Christian martyr, Stephen. The circumstance is covered in the Lukan Acts chapters 6 and 7. You can read the narrative for yourselves. The point I wish to make is the reaction of the Sanhedrin members when Stephen completes his verbal sweep of ancient Jewish history with a fine-tuned rebuke to them all. What did they do? It is written:

“When they heard this they were furious and gnashed their teeth at him” (Acts 7.54).

A transliteration of the Greek is much clearer (verified by Greek scholar Marvin Vincent and others). I will refer to the amplified Jonathan Mitchell Translation at this instance so we can gain a more appropriate appreciation of what occurred to Stephen prior to his martyrdom by stoning.

“Well now, while progressively hearing these things, they were being progressively sawn in two in their hearts (=emotionally ripped and cut to the core so as to be filled with rage), so they began and continued to GRIND AND GNASH THEIR TEETH ON HIM with noises as of a wild animal eating greedily” (emphasis mine).

They tore his flesh apart with their teeth! This is how unrelentingly unrepentant were the office bearers of the Sanhedrin at Jerusalem during the mid-to-late Second Temple period. It is this very nature and character that will be displayed at Christ's sentencing of sinners to the fires of hell. IF THEY COULD THEY WOULD GNASH ON YESHUA WITH THEIR TEETH!

Yes, there will be “the wailing and the gnashing of the teeth” when they hear Christ's passing of his condemnation and sentencing of them. They will not be wailing and gnashing their teeth in repentance or even in regret. No, not at all! They will be wailing and screaming and gnashing their teeth in FURY and anger AT CHRIST as the wall of fire envelopes them. Suddenly they will realise their empire of self has been stripped from them and their realisation of their loss of all they had accumulated and all that they thought they were in themselves amounted to NOTHING in the face of the Saviour. Nothing comes out of their mouths but bitter anger and speechless rage. They are so overcome with sheer resentment and intense ferocity, crazed mania and violent hysteria that words cannot form – just gutteral animalistic NOISE.

With such hearts ablaze with loveless hatred I would have to agree with Benton (as he puts it) that there appears to be “no indication that souls sent to hell cease to sin there.”

There seems to be a great gulf between he who is called a “sinner” and he who is seen to be “incorrigible.” Writes author Linn wisely, “Paul certainly does emphasise the seriousness of turning away from God and the condemnation this warrants (e.g., Rom 2:5-8; 1 Cor 6:9,10; 2 Cor 5:10; 2 Thess 1.5-9; Phil 3:19) However, he never affirms that any human being, given the love and mercy of God, actually does turn away permanently. In other words, his statements may be taken as warnings, not as descriptions of actual future events” (D.S. & M. Linn, Good Goats. Healing Our Image of God, 1994, 69).

The scholarly Jesuit William Dalton in his Salvation and Damnation (1977) observes that in Paul's thinking “human sin is seen as explicable only as a stage on the way towards the triumph of God's Grace” (44). And so, Paul can say “God has imprisoned ALL in disobedience so that he may be merciful to ALL” (Rom 11.32).

The “ALL” would of necessity include the incorrigibles. Christ will have his way, and God the Father speaks to us tenderly that Gehenna “will one day become HOLY to the Lord” (Jer 31.40).

I agree that an awful picture of hell awaiting the rebellious – “who will not have him rule over them” (Lk 19.27) – is painted by Our Lord Yeshua the Messiah. In his own words we all need to be reminded of the deepest respect and awe that we should daily have toward our Father God.

“I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who who kill the body and after that can do no more. But I will warn you whom you should fear: Fear him who, after the killing of the body, has power to throw you into the hell. Yes, with authority I tell you, fear him” (Lk 12.4,5).

The unrepentant, unregenerate and defiant incorrigible will be cast into hell! That this is the verdict of sacred Scripture none of us will dare to deny. But we who know the truth about God's purpose for hell can REJOICE – not merely for the twelve month duration of its tragic reign of alienation and death – but for (and in) the Devoted Sacred Heart that assigned these greatly loved (humanly) unconformable delinquents to the torturous restraints and constraints of a beneficial judgment under the auspices of the LOVING Creator of free will who brought forth Humankind in his own Divine Image.

In our following lecture we will trek down the path of the biblical teaching about repentance.