Author Topic: Covering Up Our Culture to 'Avoid Giving Offense'  (Read 412 times)


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Covering Up Our Culture to 'Avoid Giving Offense'
« on: September 16, 2019, 01:40:32 PM »
To All:

A new world religion is under preparation right now, as we watch the collapse of the Judaeo-Christian foundations of western civilisation. That the religion of Islam seeks to create a world federal state plays right into the hands of a secret cabal of Globalists who have laid the design of the creation of such an order.

It was Cecil Rhodes who financed this internationalist agenda and I have written extensively on this subject. But originally these (largely) invisible tyrants considered Christianity to be the religion that would bring about its success. I was originally drawn into this view as it was presented, but I may well have been in error. Perhaps it will be Islam that creates the foundation aligned with a blend of Sharia law and Marxism. OR, on the other hand perhaps, we will watch with keen interest as the world population (especially in the West) turns radically "right" and brings about such a boomerang anti-leftist chaos in society that international Martial law will prevail and a right-wing Global World Federal State eventuates through the means of such a manipulated crisis.

If so, this could eventuate within the next twenty years or even sooner. But IF we have much longer to wait before the Second Advent, then Islam is presently being presented as a virtual straw man or distraction considering the prophetic element of the rise of a powerful, nationalistic, right-wing Israeli State that turns ultimately to Our Lord Yeshua as their Messiah (as predicted by Peter) with the result of a peaceful co-existence with the Ishmaelites which will see the rise of a Middle East Common Market, the territorial expansion of a Greater Israel, and the advent of the Antichrist and the countdown to the Parousia. Just rambling thoughts actually.

But one thing for certain. As others have already postulated, the main instigator of "this pandering, indeed, grovelling to Islam is the Euro/Arab Dialogue. Created in the 1970s in response to the oil embargo on Israel supporting countries, the EAD (Euro-Arab Dialogue) has steadily encouraged and implemented Arab/Islamic culture in the member states as demanded by the OIC and other organisations in return for oil, financial reward and peace from terrorism. It should be noted that Islam does not consider "Jihad" an act of terrorism as it is an integral part of Islam. What is happening now is a direct result of agreements made via the EAD over the years. It is part of the EU ambition to create "Eurabia" a huge power and trading bloc. It has been agreed that European culture must merge into Islamic culture. The EU has created a "fantasy Islam" to lull the people into a false sense of security during this process. We are now at the stage when the true objectives and consequences of this project are becoming ever more difficult to conceal. But the process is not finished Finding a way back from decades of this subversion will be very difficult if not impossible. To have any chance or recovery we in Europe and Britain must firstly rid ourselves of the E.U. It will not go quietly."

The EU is the first of ten world regions prophesied to emerge before the coming of the End of Days. We are watching the world change before our very eyes. The Gatestone Institute (International Policy Council) sums up our present chilling situation. Please read the following in order to DO what Yeshua highly recommended of us all (indeed, commanded us to accomplish):

With every good wish to those who want to be enlightened as to the truth of the matter... even if it scares us. And if we are scared may it be to a beneficial end result -- our spiritual awakening to this present dire REALITY.
