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Global News Interest => New Board => Topic started by: Rebbetzin on January 10, 2025, 06:00:41 PM

Post by: Rebbetzin on January 10, 2025, 06:00:41 PM
Hi everyone,

It’s been a rocky start this new year for many people in Southern California and I just couldn’t start this post today without acknowledging the horrors of what has and is occurring on the streets of Los Angeles. Where were those angels? A few demons purposely not at the helm, that’s for sure. I’m sure we all have many thoughts about this terrible situation and I’m not here to postulate on any theories that may come down the internet pipeline. Suffice to say, whatever, however, the people will be wise to put aside their recent petty differences that have divided a nation, particularly in wokeatopia Hollowwood. Help and serve one another, you know, the reason we’re here in the first place - not to heap upon ourselves that which “moth and rust destroy “ and can be swept away in a moment. Gone forever. People should learn to love one another more after this horrible experience, which is the hope that should spring from such a terrifying tragedy as the scorching fires sent from someone’s mad mind. Be it demon or human.

Enjoy watching and listening to this dedicated man, husband, father, YeHoVaH loving and worshiping Avi Abelow give us the real rundown to what’s going on in the great government halls of hypocrisy and sanctimony. The knives are well and truly out. Israelis are eager for the 20th January 2025 when they will have more of a “friend” in the once mighty USA - well, that could change, maybe, perhaps. But definitely, we see the hand of God in so many events, it’s a privilege to watch the outworking of YeHoVaH’s plans for humanity, even if it is more frightening than what Hollowwood like to churn out. I think we’re all going to see some monumental changes, hopefully not too disrupted by those on the Left, and for Israel’s sake.


Love and Shabbat Shalom,

Rebbetzin Glenys xo