Author Topic: Festival Dates for 2022  (Read 518 times)


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Festival Dates for 2022
« on: April 06, 2022, 11:41:41 AM »
To All:

With regret, the Messianic Movement is officially divided at this moment over the start of the religious New Year. One section claims that aviv was not located around Jerusalem when the New Moon was to be sighted -- which incidentally was never officially accomplished with the eye due to weather problems existing at the time -- and the other segment has argued forcibly that the search was not as extensive as it ought to have been. They further state that aviv was located weeks ago! As such there should not have been a thirteenth month added to the existing calendrical system for 2022.

Frankly, none of us here in Australia can get involved over this troublesome issue but to act entirely in faith and maintain a right attitude of reverence toward the Lord Yehovah-Yeshua whom we seek to serve FAITHFULLY.

IS CHRIST DIVIDED? What Messiah wants in each of us is a right frame of mind toward him at every level of our sanctified consciousness.

Therefore, the IMCF has decided to observe Pesach this year from Saturday evening 16th April through to Sunday 17th sundown. As Messiah kept his final sombre meal the night before he died, we shall observe the Lord's Seder Saturday evening 16th. The Days of Unleavened Bread will be kept from Sunday night 17th through to sundown Sunday 24th.

Shavuot (Pentecost) will fall on Sunday 12th June, starting the evening before on 11th June.

Yom Teruah (or, Rosh HaShanah) will be celebrated 28th September starting the evening before.

Yom Kippurim will be kept 7th October starting the evening before.

Sukkot falls on 12th October through to the 17th October (which is not an annual Sabbath) and the Last Great Day (the Eighth Day) falls immediately thereafter on 19th October.

Kol Tuv to all who love the Lord Yeshua.

Les Aron Gosling