Author Topic: Vayishlakh: The Amalek Within  (Read 733 times)


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Vayishlakh: The Amalek Within
« on: December 01, 2017, 12:35:09 PM »
BRI International Internet Yeshiva Parashah Notes, December 10, 2011

CAUTION: BRI Yeshiva notes are not available to the general public. They are not for distribution. They are not for reproduction. The notes may also bear little or no resemblance to the actual recorded BRI Yeshiva lecture.
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"I teach nothing new but all things original" -- Rebbe

SPECIAL NOTE: This exposition was written and shared with IMCF students (as noted above) on December 10, 2011. My comments concerning Syria were penned about four decades earlier and appear in scattered BRI/IMCF literature. Intriguingly, Syria's present woes and specifically the destruction of the city of Damascus  -- which is made very clear in the biblical revelation -- may indeed reflect a coming desolation looming ahead in the very near future. Rebbe.

Parsha Vayishlakh (and he sent)
Genesis 32.3-36.43
Haftorah Obadiah 1.1-21  (Sephardi)

The first scroll of the Torah, and the first book of the Bible, is (of course) Genesis. Genesis occupies this prime position for included in its pages are the keys to understanding the purposes of HaShem in relation to His plan of salvation, and the intent Heaven had in the creation of human beings. Its pages are also concerned with the early history and chronologies of the nations of the world -- including, needless to say, Israel.

As we progress through Genesis we encounter a string of events relating to the progenitors of the nation of Israel. Each of these various stories contain elements of teaching which are appropriate for all who "name the Name" of the Mashiach, and who lovingly serve him. And we should all approach these accounts with nothing less than keen interest and eager anticipation at what we might learn from these chronicles of the ancient past.

One of the direct ancestors of the modern European peoples -- the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic nations of the world -- was Heracles (Hercules) or Esau (who was also known as Edom). Our four lectures on the prophet Obadiah give us an insight into the history of Heracles (Hercules) and his people, the Aryan Phoenicians.

One of his progeny was a chap called Amalek. Throughout history Amalek is on record as possessing an evil reputation. Most Christians I have spoken with have questioned God's heavy-handedness when it come to this biblical personality. Certainly, God condemns this man and his children all throughout the Jewish Bible. In fact, by using an ordinary concordance of the Bible and locating all references to this personality (and his posterity) you will discover that there are no positives at all relating to Amalek or his people.

Why is this the case?

In Genesis 36.1,8,9,12 we read: "Now these are the generations of Esau, who is Edom... Esau dwelt in mount Seir: Esau is Edom. And these are the generations of Esau the father of the Edomites in mount Seir...Timna was concubine to Eliphaz, Esau's son; and she bore Eliphaz's son, Amalek."

First of all, Amalek was Esau's grandson. The name carried by his father "Eliphaz" means "God is strength, [or, awesome power]" and "God is fine gold." This name carries with it a description of the individual claiming it. There are Jewish mystics who believe that the name we are given largely determines our essential character -- as does also the time of the year in which we were born. I happen to share this belief. So here we see the major influence Eliphaz had on his son Amalek (whose name means "warlike," "that licks up," or "consumes," and "valley dweller" -- someone with a voracious propensity for gloom and doom and lust). The apple certainly does not fall far from the tree.

Students, desire at its origin is right and good and proper -- desire comes from God; but when it is misdirected by the natural, carnal man it becomes lust which is nothing more than a distorted form of desire. Esau's grandson carried his grandfather's destructive genes and especially his proclivity to profanity. By perpetuating Esau's warlike nature, Malachi confirms (Mal 1.1-5) what is revealed in Ex 17 -- that God was at war with Esau from generation to generation.

Some of my students have wondered where the tribal peoples of Amalek are located today. Let me assure you all that the modern nation of Amalek is located today in Syria. As one of the tribal peoples of Edom, Syria will experience a holocaust of massive proportions at the very End of Days when Damascus will be wiped off, not only the face of the geographical map, but the earth.

Balaam the prophet foretold the destruction of Amalek. "And when he looked on Amalek, he took up his parable, and said, Amalek was the first of the nations [that is, the first of the nations to withstand Israel as they escaped from the concentration camps of Egypt in the second millennium BCE Exodus period]; but his latter end [the period of the End of Days just ahead of us all] shall be that he perish for ever" (Num 24.20).

It appears that war with Syria involving Israel and the US/Europe could be a short breath away -- at least the way things are warming up over in that direction. The great judgment of God may well be about to fall on Amalek.

Now, Rabbis tell us correctly that in God's revealed theology, wherever you come across biblical references to Amalek, Esau, Edom or Mt Seir there is a level in understanding that is speaking of the sin principle.

SEIR is representative of all that is extremely emotional and stormy including the deep-seated carnal tendencies associated with the impulse of evil.

ESAU is the emotionally immature natural man pursuing his gluttonous, ravenous appetite and the satisfaction of perverted passion.

Rav Shaul goes further than this and shares his view with us all that an attitude of self-obsession and carnal independence from God is strictly characteristic of the flesh that "is not subject to the Torah of God, neither indeed can be" (Rom 8.7b). He bases this notion largely on the revelation of Exodus 17 which informs us that God was at war with Amalek from generation to generation. The nature of Amalek is to war against God and to plot against the people of God. Indeed, the fathers of Amalek were early set against the authority of God -- they were in primitive rebellion against any idea of theocracy!

The people of Esau long had kings ruling in Edom prior to the existence of any king reigning in Israel.

"These are the kings who ruled in the land of Edom before any king reigned over the Israelites" (Gen 36.31).

This fact, too, has significance to the spiritually minded. For, if we have been "born again [anew]" by the power of the holy Spirit, we had to have been (by logical concession) at one time "children of wrath [anger]." This is certainly the unwavering position of the Messianic Scriptures. Recall that when we were saved we were "dead in sins" (Eph 2.5) "for to be carnally minded is death" (Rom 8.6).

Understand! By nature we were all born as "children of wrath." The flesh -- pictured by the tyrannical "king of Edom" -- thus exercised potent authority over our lives long before the holy Spirit exercised the loving Self-giving authority of the "king of Israel," Yeshua the Messiah.

In fallen man, the flesh invariably PRECEDES the Occupation of the Ruach. Bear in mind that evil Cain (1 Jn 3.12) was born PRIOR to righteous Abel (although it may have only been a few minutes later as they were twins). Whatever the case, Cain is certainly mentioned first; Ishmael, the actual firstborn of Abraham, was born "after the flesh" and PRECEDED Isaac who was born "after the Spirit" (Gal 4.29); Esau, known as "a profane person" (Heb 12.16,17) came into the world SOONER than Jacob, whom God declared that He loved; Saul, who "played the fool" (1 Sam 26.21) and whom God finally rejected (1 Sam 15.26) ANTEDATED David. And so on it goes.

I have mentioned that one of the interpretations of the name of Amalek is the "valley dweller." Metaphysically, this represents the great kingdom of the subconscious with its aggressive animal forces, and warlike passions, and manipulative intrigues. It was Jeremiah who said "the heart [subconscious] is deceitful above all things and wicked to the point of desperation; who can really understand it?" (Jer 17.9). For each of us who claims conversion and regeneration, the very spirit of Amalek must be cleansed completely out of consciousness by constant, unrelenting denial (1 Sam 15) indeed, by "crucifixion" (Lk 9.23). The "old man" predates the "New Man." Amalek must be forced to finally abdicate the mind of man and Yeshua granted the right to reign supreme in our lives.

There is no authentic life if we follow the downward pulls of the Amalek "flesh" (our animal nature). Surprisingly, this revelation is also given in Genesis. All the kings that ruled in Edom had one thing in common with one another -- its on record that they all died. Consider the Spirit-granted emphasis in Gen 36.33-40.
"And Bela died, and Jobab... reigned in his stead. And Jobab died, and Husham...reigned in his stead. And Husham died, and Hadad...reigned in his stead...And Hadad died, and Samlah... reigned in his stead. And Samlah died, and Saul...reigned in his stead. And Saul died, and Baal-hanan...reigned in his stead. And Baal-hanan...died, and Hadar reigned in his stead...And these are the names of the dukes that came of Esau...he is Esau the father of the Edomites."

Seven times we read that "he died." He died, he died, he died, he died, he died, he died, he died. The Ruach obviously wants to tell us all something with this sacred disclosure. It is this: our human NATURE of hostility to God (and hostility to brethren, if there be any) must die. The kings of Edom reigned unto death. Our Lord Yeshua promises us ETERNAL LIFE, because "He reigns unto life." Yeshua the Mashiach is the Promised Seed of Esau's rejected birthright!

But following Mashiach is never easy. It's a path that is thwart with difficulties and sorrows, tragedies and loss. And, when we are at our weakest ebb, that is always when Amalek attacks. It's when we are dragging our feet, looking far too introspectively at our severe trials and personal failures and weaknesses, magnifying them out of all proportion in our minds, instead of keeping our eyes upon Yeshua, our Saviour -- THAT is when Amalek takes advantage of the weakest link in our chain. If that one link breaks, the entire chain falls apart.

"Remember what Amalek did unto you on your journey, when you were coming forth out of Egypt;  How he met you on your journey, and killed the women and children who trailed behind after you, even all that were also elderly and feeble behind you, when you were tired and exhausted; and he feared not God" (Deut 25.17,18).

How often do we feel all alone, even cut off from God the Father, derelict of any sense of duty to overcome and RESIST the Dark Lord in whatever form he decides to take. Do we then, when we feel this way, have the courage to draw the sword of the Spirit, or do we commiserate within ourselves wanting someone else to help us instead of having the guts to stand up and fight tenaciously, even insanely, against our Adversaries?

Believe me. When you get to that level of futility you are not alone. Amalek is there, whispering in your ear, like Tolkien's Gollum from Lord of the Rings. He'll be there, giggling about "his Precious," and insinuating his slimy, dirty, hostile thoughts about your condition and your sins until he has completely disarmed you in abject misery.

That is his job.

Then he will strike.

The name "Amalek" also means "to lick up" the blood that he sheds. He's a cannibalistic vampire who only ever seeks to satiate his blood lust. "Remember what Amalek did... and he feared not God" (Deut 25.17,18).

Rise up, brethren. Take the sword of the Spirit which is the WORD of God and use it to draw blood. If we are wearing the armour of God we shall discover a sword in its sheath hanging from our belt of truth. Its not sheathed there for decoration. It's there to be used in a violent manner. Not to draw human blood, but thick green demonic blood. Such MUST be our response. For, if we stand forgiven and justified as God's very own children (and we most certainly are such), God tells us (and who are we to disbelieve Him?): "[Your] sins and iniquities will I remember no more" (Heb 10.17).          

God the Father, our Daddy Eyn Sof, does not pretend that we have not daily sinned. He does not ignore our accumulated daily guilt. But He says, "I will remember your sins NO MORE!" That is what the waters of baptism were originally all about. Baptism was so much more than a mikveh! You went into a watery symbolic grave and you came out in resurrection Life cleansed, purified, sanctified -- NOT BECAUSE OF ANY WATER and not just clean psychologically but literally because of what Yeshua accomplished PREVIOUSLY on your behalf. When God instantly forgives, God instantly forgets. Eternally. (See also Ps 103.12; Isa 38.17; Mic 7.19; Isa 1.18.)
I care not who you are, God does not allow us the perverse privilege to remember what God has Himself chosen to forget. We do not have that right, brethren.            

BELIEVE! and ACT! against the slimy methods of our own personal inner Amalekites.