Author Topic: Fable of British-Israel (4) The Khazarian Connection  (Read 633 times)


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Fable of British-Israel (4) The Khazarian Connection
« on: May 23, 2018, 01:07:25 PM »
FUNDAMENTALS: The Fable of "British Israel" [4]


Copyright © BRI 2012 All Rights Reserved Worldwide
by Les Aron Gosling, Messianic Lecturer (BRI)

CAUTION: BRI Yeshiva notes are not available to the general public. They are not for distribution. They are not for reproduction. The notes may also bear little or no resemblance to the actual recorded BRI Yeshiva lecture.

" ...the ten tribes will not return [to Eretz Yisrael], for it is said, and cast them into another land, as is this day: just as the day goes and does not return, so they too went and will not return: this is r. Akiba's view. r. Eliezer said: as this day - just as the day darkens and then becomes light again, so the ten tribes - even as it went dark for them, so will it become light for them" - B. Talmud, Sanhedrin 110b

[The following lecture was penned in 1995 and is added to this series as a necessary adjunct to the subject at hand. Additional information has been added to it.]

The present "age of Esau" is about to reach its climax, with the emerging of an Edomite World Federal State. According to the Rabbis, it will be immediately followed by what they call the "age of Jacob" (Israel). In 2 Esdras 6.7-10 we read:

"What will mark the parting of the times? Or when will the end of the first or the beginning of the second be? And he said to me, From Abraham to Isaac, for from him sprang Jacob and Esau, but Jacob's hand held Esau's heel from the beginning. For ESAU IS THE END OF THIS AGE, AND JACOB IS THE BEGINNING OF THE ONE THAT FOLLOWS. For the beginning of a man is his hand, and the end of a man is his heel."

We are entering the end of the age, more rapidly than I anticipated. The mighty USA (as a prime Edomite/Babylonian conglomerate nation) is beginning to flex its anti-Israel/anti-Jewish muscles for the day is starting to dawn when the prophetic words of Isaac will be fulfilled.

[Recall this exposition was originally penned in 1995 and posted again on the BRI/IMCF International Internet Members Forum in 2012 during the pro-Palestinian and largely anti-Israel American presidency. While the Trump era has shown a different face (now in 2018), the biblical revelation is decidedly clear concerning the very "End of Days" -- the last seven years on man's rule over the earth --  when the Edomites generally will betray Israel's fortunes in an entirely frightful manner.]

"Your dwelling [Esau] will be away from the earth's richness [of Canaan], away from the dew of heaven above [Canaan]. You will live by the sword and you will serve your brother [Jacob]. But when you grow restless, roving at large, you will throw his yoke from off your neck" (Gen 27.39-40).

One of the principal lies which Esau has thrown at the Jewish people (and which reinforces the doctrine of Replacement Theology) is the cunning perception that most (if not all) of the Jews today trace their roots back, not to Jacob's son Judah, nor to Levi and Benjamin, but to a pagan Turko-Moabite people known as Khazars. Even a certain Jewish scholar, Arthur Koestler in his The Thirteenth Tribe (1976), used just such a thesis to attempt to repel anti-Semitism by arguing that Jews (in a sense) no longer exist.

Koestler summarised his intentions: "In Part One of this book I have attempted to trace the history of the Khazar Empire based on the scant existing sources. In Part Two, Chapters V-VII, I have compiled the historical evidence which indicates that the bulk of Eastern Jewry - and hence of world Jewry - is of Khazar-Turkish, rather than Semitic, origin. In the last chapter I have tried to show that the evidence from anthropology concurs with history in refuting the popular belief in a Jewish race descended from the biblical tribe" (175).

According to French biologist Pierre Debray-Ritzen, Koestler confided that he "was convinced that if he could prove that the bulk of Eastern European Jews (the ancestors of today's Ashkenazim) were descended from the Khazars, the racial basis for anti-Semitism would be removed and anti-Semitism itself could disappear" (Michael Scammell, Koestler: The Literary and Political Odyssey of a Twentieth-Century Skeptic, 2009, 546).

Well, such may have been a noble intention but alas, his book furthered to advance the agenda of anti-Semites, not diminish it. Scholars generally panned his thesis, and subsequent anthropological and genetic research could not support his valiant attempt. Needless to say, anti-Semites often quote his findings.

According to discussing some anti-Semitic comments about Israel, "modern-day Jews are not descended from the Jews of the Bible because in the seventh century, a tribe of Turko-Asiatic people converted on mass to Judaism and thus Jews have no claim to modern Palestine as there is no direct linkage between modern Jews and the Jews who inhabited the Holy Land two millennia ago. This means, these people claim, the Jews have no right to claim any rights to the 'Biblical Land of Israel.'

"The theory was given respectability by Arthur Koestler when the well-known author wrote The Thirteenth Tribe in the late 1970s which set out to prove that the modern Jews of the western world descended from the people of the kingdom of Khazars - an empire which ruled from the seventh to the tenth centuries and dominated eastern Europe between the Volga river and the Caucasus.
"It is accepted by all that the person who is credited with converting the Khazarian nobles to Judaism is Judah ha-Levi (1075-1141 CE), a Sephardic Jewish religious thinker from Spain. But that would mean that all modern European Jews -  who supposedly descended from the Khazars then European Jewry - would be primarily Sephardic in character and culture. Rather, modern European Jewry is primarily Ashkenazi and not Sephardic ... Thus if the Jews of today really did descend only from converted Khazarians, there would have been no Ashkenazi Jews in the world" (Joel Bainerman, So What If A Small Portion Of World Jewry Are Descendants Of Khazars!).

Much negativity has been ascribed to the Khazarian race in British-Israel literature. These people are linked by anti-Semites (and others) to the Ashkenazi Jews of eastern Europe and the inference is often made that the Jewish people today are largely descended from this ancient nation. Some sects who follow this prime teaching of "B-I" proffer that there are no true Jews in the world today (as racial descendants of Jacob) and that all the promises made to Judah can ever and only be fulfilled in the Trojan line of the European royal powers.

A transferal of blessings had to have therefore occurred in a transition from Judah to Israel (the "Israel" of the British Isles). They point to their claim that a "pure" Jewish descendant rules the UK and the British Commonwealth from a Jewish throne in and over Britain (= Joseph-Israel). The truth, invariably, is otherwise. So, an important question arises.

Who are the Khazars?

"The earliest history of the Khazars in southern Russia, prior to the middle of the 6th century [CE], is [entirely] HIDDEN IN OBSCURITY," writes authoritative specialist on ancient Khazaria, Kevin Alan Brook in his An Introduction to the History of Khazaria (1996-2004) on the Internet, at (Emphasis mine.)

Brook's areas of specialisation: Khazars, medieval Armenian Jews, East European Jews, East European Karaites, Mountain Jews of the Caucasus, Jewish genetics, trade routes, Russian steppe archaeology. He has produced an awesome amount of scholarly material on the Khazars in his own book (The Jews of Khazaria, 1999), and contributed entire chapters in other literary works (including Yehuda HaLevi's The Kuzari: In Defense of the Despised Faith, 1998; Guzel, Oguz & Karatay, The Turks, 2002; Guzel & Koca, Turkler, 2002), as well as article contributions in various journals, magazines, newsletters and encyclopaedias including the prestigious The Encyclopaedia of Judaism. Further articles appear in the Encyclopaedia of World Trade: From Ancient Times to the Present, 2004.

So, without apology to any who may hold to replacement theology in the form of British-Israel beliefs, if Brook tells us there is obscurity about the origin of the Khazars, he is to be believed!

Having said this, there may well be an aspect of ancient world history that until recently has escaped all notice, including that of Kevin Alan Brook. This possibility will be discussed a little later in this lecture. Firstly, we wish to make a comment about the resurgence of modern Messianism.


Since about 1974, Messianic congregations have started to dot the Christian map. Most of these congregations are essentially legalistic. This is because the vast overwhelming majority of them have sprouted from the breakup of the Armstrong Empire, known as the Worldwide Church of God.

This sect ran Ambassador College at three campuses -- in Pasadena, California, Big Sandy in Texas, and at Bricket Wood in Hertsfordshire, England. It sponsored the World Tomorrow radio and TV broadcast with the notorious sexual predator, Garner Ted Armstrong, and published the Plain Truth magazine. Millions of people worldwide were influenced by the cult in one way or another.

The Sacred Name movement, which also had its origins in organisations affiliated with sabbatarianism (and its links to Armstrongism) also helped to spawn the foundation of modern Messianism. C.O. Dodd (1899-1955), co-author with Andrew Dugger of The History of the True Church (later retitled A History of the True Religion) was a one-time associate of the Church of God Seventh Day and corresponded a great deal with Herbert W. Armstrong. Indeed, Armstrong's ministerial certificate for the Church of God was signed by both Dugger and Dodd.

The latter's magazine is still published by the Assembly of Yahweh in Michigan. There is little doubt in this lecturer's mind that the modern Messianic movement must give credit to one of churchianity's most aggressive cults of legalism for its existence.

Certainly, the Jewish people worldwide are beginning to reconsider Yeshua as "one of their own" -- at least with a renewed status as a prophet of their own race. A renewal of Jewish Messianic expectation was a phenomena of the last decade of the twentieth century. And it is growing just as Paul said it would (Rom 11.22,23). It is our opinion that we shall soon witness a resurgent Jewish Messianic Movement heralding the greatest revival of authentic Nazarene "Christianity" since apostolic days vastly overshadowing the 19th century missionary awakening within the established historic church with its accompanied explosion of biblical knowledge and scholarship (Ac 3.19 Greek).

Many Christians are today aware that it is now possible, for the first time since the second century of our era, to rebuild the Temple in the city of Jerusalem, an event the Bible declares must occur before Yeshua the Messiah returns to this earth. It is one of the signs of the end of the age (Mt 24.26; 2 Thes 2.4; Rev 11.1,2 etc). Further, Paul said the Jews would again be grafted into "their own olive tree" as the people of God, the Chosen Race, when the final number of the elect "firstfruits" among the Gentiles is brought to the Hebrew Lord through the means of Grace (Rom 11.24-28 esp. verse 25).

HaShem has spoken. His declarations about His people will have their expected fruition (Rom 11.29). Theologians who refuse to surrender the Romanist dribble of Augustine's Replacement Theology, stand knee-deep in the mire of a deadly confusion, for the undiluted Word of a Holy God doesn't misrepresent such matters (Heb 6.18).

God's promises will most certainly be fulfilled IN the very people for whom they are (not were) intended.

God will accomplish His salvific purposes without needing to resort to "contingency plans" like pulling so many little white bunnies out of the magician's proverbial top hat (Rom 11.29).

The LORD has said He will again choose Jerusalem (Zech 1.17; 2.12). This is subsequent to Israel's error of judgment in transferring her economic wealth and power from New York (and from a future economic buoyant Jerusalem or Tel Aviv), to a newly established system in "Babylon" (Zech 5.5-11).

Still, having said all this, the letters of Yeshua to the Messianic Assemblies through the agency of John the apostle in his ecclesiastical administration of Asia Minor (modern Turkey) as located in Revelation 2.2,6,9,15 and 3.9 seem to make it plain that there would be a people, seemingly of Jewish origin, who would be insinuating themselves into some high social, religious and political positions at the very end of this age. They claim to be true Israelites, but are liars.

We are presently witnessing the emergence of secret societies claiming that "Jesus" himself had progeny who right now possess thrones and kingdoms in modern-day Europe. Those who espouse this idea have allegiance to the same philosophy that spawns the diabolic lie that modern Jews are in actual fact usurpers -- "false Jews" and "racial descendants of Turkish mongrelised tribes" of people they classify as "Edomites." These "false Jews" are descended, they say, from a mysterious people called the "Khazars" who adopted Judaism wholesale as their new religion.

Very few believers realise that the present Duke of Kent, the Queen's first cousin, happens to be the Masonic head of the research Lodge, Quatuor Coronati, and that it is sponsored by the Grand Mother Lodge of British Freemasonry. Moreover, the daily business of the Lodge is in the hands of his colleague Spencer Douglas David Compton, the seventh Marquess of Northampton. This raises no eyebrows except for the fact that he is a descendant of the Baring family who were prime financial supporters of Rhodes' Round Table Organisation, namely the British East India Company.

This is not all. Lord Hampton recently conducted a "hands-on" Temple Mount investigation and in the process of conducting his all important "Temple Studies" admitted in an interview that he is a staunch adept of British-Israelism. He is associated with the shadowy figure of Giuliano Di Bernardo, the Grand Master of Italian Regular Freemasonry and founder of the Jerusalem Lodge! During the ceremony launching the new Lodge, established to coordinate Temple Mount researches, he proclaimed: "The rebuilding of the Temple is at the centre of our studies." (In 1996 he published his book "Rebuilding the Temple" in Italian.) Our Lord Yeshua stated that while people such as this would claim to be descendants of Israel, and the racial sons of Jacob, they would ultimately be exposed as downright liars (see Rev 2.9).

As we have already noted, one of the more insidious doctrines stressed by certain segments of the British-Israel movement is that the Jews of today are not really Jews at all, but are descendants of the mysterious "Khazar" tribal peoples of southern Russia that converted to Judaism over a thousand years ago. The Khazarian Kingdom was located in the region of the Caucasus that in modern times includes the areas of Dagestan and Chechnya, in southeastern Russia.

Some point to the fact that even among Jewish people today there is an antagonism toward certain racial elements within their own community -- recognition of a race within a race. While British-Israel claims they are not being in any way antagonistic to these people, they then state emphatically that the Khazarian's are racially a mixture of Samaritan-Arab stock having intermingled with eastern European Gentiles -- and they are further to be located specifically among the "Ashkenazim" (as opposed to the Sephardic Jewish stock of the Mediterranean). British-Israel literature downplays the Sephardi, if not ignoring them completely.

What British-Israelites do not seem to grasp is that even if the vast majority of Ashkenazim Jews were of Khazarian stock -- and they are not, by any stretch of the imagination -- the Ashkenazim are only ONE branch of the Olive Tree. The British-Israel World Federation conveniently overlooks all the other branches of the Jewish nation, including the Teymani, Bukharan, Indian, Mizrachi, and Ethiopic. We have already mentioned the prolific Sephardi. One authority on Jewish matters has said, "Even if none of the Ashkenazim be a true Jew, all the non-Ashkenazim Jews are enough to claim the Land of Israel as their homeland, with Yerushalaym as their capital."

The historical facts are these: former Jews had emigrated from Mesopotamia, Persia and Armenia in the 8th century C.E. and into southeastern Europe across the Caucasas mountain range where they mingled with the mysterious local peoples of Khazaria to whom they were attracted. As a result the Khazarians were converted to Jewry as an entire nation a little over a thousand years ago.

Khazarian contact with Jews dots their ancient history. Their earliest intercourse occurred when the Khazar tribes first settled on the shores of the Caspian Sea and found Jewish communities in the region that had been previously deported from the Galil in 351 BCE. There is little doubt intermarriage would have eventually transpired.

At its maximum extent, their powerful kingdom dominated the entire geographical region of the Black and Caspian Seas -- the very outskirts of the pockets of the 6th century BCE ancient Assyrian Empire. Indeed, the Caspian Sea was anciently called the Khazar Sea, and, as Khazar authority Kevin Alan Brook tells us, "even today the Azeri, Turkish, Persian, and Arabic languages designate the Caspian by this term (in Turkish, "Hazar Denizi;" in Arabic, "Bahr-ul-Khazar;" in Persian, "Daryaye Khazar").

The geographically tight but powerful Kingdom of Khazaria included what we now know as southern Russia, the northern Caucasus, eastern Ukraine, Crimea, western Kazakhstan, and northwestern Uzbekistan. This "unaccountable" race finally found itself in a precarious situation, sandwiched between two superpowers, the eastern Roman Empire and the insurgent disciples of the prophet Mohammed (see Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and its Heritage, 1976).

Rather than face being swallowed up and converted to monotheistic Roman Catholicism on the one hand, or monotheistic Islam on the other, they chose to convert as a nation to monotheistic Judaism. It was good thinking on the part of the Khazars as they well knew that both religions had their genesis in the Jewish faith. As a result of this very smart option, they were spared by both powers. The Khazars had effectively blunted the northward advance of Islam that was flowing across the Caucasus Mountains in the 8th century. The Islamicisation of Europe was prevented.

Just who these Khazarian tribal peoples were originally may come as a surprise -- especially to the British-Israelites.

Certainly, the letters of Yeshua to the EndTime Messianic assemblies in Revelation expose the fact that there will be influential people predicted to rise to a degree of concerted prominence in the Messianic community and, while claiming to be both "Jewish" and "apostles," the Messiah tells us that they are decidedly neither. These false apostles are themselves racially Edomitish, and also Samaritan exponents of Replacement Theology in the form of British-Israel.

The Jewish Encyclopaedia tells us a great deal about the Khazarian connection to Judaism. The Jews of themselves have absolutely nothing to hide concerning this matter. Under the alphabetic category title "Chazars" we note the following:

"A people of Turkish origin whose life and history are interwoven with the very beginnings of the Jews in Russia ... In the second half of the sixth century the Chazars moved westward ... The kingdom of the Chazars was firmly established in most of South Russia long before the foundation of the Russian Monarchy [in 885 ]... At this time the kingdom of the Chazars stood at the height of its power and was constantly at war ... At the end of the eighth century ... the chagan of the Chazars and his grandees, together with a large number of his heathen people, embraced the Jewish religion ... The Jewish population in the entire domain of the Chazars, in the period between the seventh and the tenth centuries, must have been considerable ... about the ninth century, it appears as if all the Chazars were Jews and that they had been converted to Judaism only a short time before ... It was one of the successors of Bulan named Obadiah, who regenerated the kingdom and strengthened the Jewish religion. He invited Jewish scholars to settle in his dominions, and founded synagogues and schools. The people were instructed in the Bible, Mishnah, and the Talmud and in the 'divine service of the hazzanim' [N.B. The Hazzan, among other things, is a synagogue "overseer"] ... In their writings the Chazars used the Hebrew Letters ... The Chazar languages predominated ... Obadiah was succeeded by his son Hezekiah; the latter by his son Manasseh; Manasseh by Hanukkah, a brother of Obadiah; Hanukkah by his son Isaac; Isaac by his son Moses (or Manasseh II); the latter by his son Nisi; and Nisi by his son Aaron II. King Joseph himself was a son of Aaron, and ascended to the throne in accordance with the law of the Chazars relating to succession ... The king had twentyfive wives, all of royal blood and sixty concubines, all famous beauties ... This seems to have been the beginning of the downfall of the Chazar Kingdom ... The [Russians] established themselves at Kiev ... After a hard fight the Russians conquered the Chazars ... Many members of the Chazarian royal family emigrated to Spain ... Some went to Hungary, but the great mass of the people remained in their native country [Khazaria]" (Vol IV, 1-5).

Khazaria had become, in reality, a Jewish nation -- indeed, the strongest nation in Europe -- ruled over by a powerful royal family whose ancestors (the Ashina Turkic dynasty) at one time at least had settled in Turkey prior to making the long trek across the Caucasian mountain range to Europe. That the Khazar people had intermingled with migratory remnants of tribal (Anglo-Saxon-Celtic) Edomites is seen in the proliferation of reddish hair that was predominant among them prior to the Mongol conquests.

Just prior to the turn of the first millennium C.E. reports of the Jewish kingdom made entry into Europe and aroused the curiosity of the personal physician of the Spanish (Muslim) Caliphs Abd-al-Rahman lll (912-961) and his son Hakam ll (961-976) -- Sephardic Rabbi Hasdai ibn Shaprut. The humble Rabbi has been called "an enlightened Jew from Spain's Golden Age" (R. Carny, Khazaria: An Empire Gone). These reports claimed that Khazaria had granted Jews protection from their enemies, and that they enjoyed prosperity and unlimited freedom. Some Jews there had even become kings! Not only so, but Khazaria was not in any way expansionist, and it had a most advanced justice system.

Jews had been "pouring in" to the Khazarian Kingdom for 200 years from Central Asia, the Caucasus, the Balkans, Mesopotamia, Asia Minor, Syria and even from Western Europe. During this period there had also been Sephardic Jews from Spain, Portugal, and Turkey emigrating as well into areas of Poland, Hungary, Romania and the Khazar Kingdom, intermarrying with Ashkenazim Jews. The proof of this fact is evidenced in the many Sephardic surnames amongst Ashkenazim. The British-Israelites state that "Facts Are Facts" but they invariably overlook the facts that do not suit their derogatory "theology."

As the learned physician and Torah teacher was also foreign minister, about 960 he wrote a pertinent letter to the Khazarian ruler requesting confirmation of the existence of such a "Jewish Kingdom" and sought to obtain an embassy officially establishing relationship with Khazaria. This was most important to the Jews of that day and age because such an existence would provide evidence that God had not forsaken them as a Kingdom due to their complicity in Deicide. In that letter he requested information as to the origin of the Khazar tribal peoples.

The reigning king of that time in Khazaria, Joseph, responded warmly to Rabbi ibn Shaprut. He claimed that the genealogical records revealed that his people were descended from the seventh son of Togarmah (himself a son of Japhet) who bore the name Khazar, or Khozar. While these records conflict with the more trustworthy Armenian chronicles, this story nonetheless has its converts. Nevertheless, it is absolutely the case that King Joseph was simply repeating a mythical tale which at best had only been in circulation for about two centuries.  

The Togarmah origin of the Khazars is an utter impossibility. The names of the ten sons -- Ujur, Tauris, Avar, Uauz, Bizal, Tarna, Khozar, Janur, Bulgar, Savir -- are coincidental with the names of the major tribal peoples who populated the Khazarian Kingdom at the time the Khazars converted to Judaism.

Writes mental giant and academic, Professor Raymond Scheindlin, "Though the Jews were everywhere a subject people, and in much of the world persecuted as well, Khazaria was the one place ... where the Jews actually were their own masters  ... To the oppressed Jews of the world, the Khazars were a source of pride and hope, for THEIR EXISTENCE SEEMED TO PROVE THAT GOD HAD NOT COMPLETELY ABANDONED HIS PEOPLE" (Raymond P. Scheindlin, The Chronicles of the Jewish People, 1996 emphasis mine).

Dr Scheindlin -- a noted scholar of Jewish and Arabic culture who also happens to be Professor of Medieval Hebrew Literature at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America in New York City -- is as close to what we believe may well be the truth of the origins of the Khazarian peoples as anyone can possibly ascertain. Certainly, scholars tell us that the Kingdom of Khazaria enjoyed diplomatic and trade relations with many nations including the Byzantines, Alans, Magyars, and Slavs.

With the Russian assault on Khazaria, Jews swept into Poland where they were granted protection by the Polish Crown. Jews of western Europe, facing the bitter horrors of anti-Jewish persecution, also emigrated to Poland. Some sought ineffective means to create a Jewish State through revolution. We are informed by Dr Dubnow:

"By and by, out of the chaos of these nebulous tendencies [in effect, the desire to create a Jewish State by revolution in eastern Europe], there emerged more and more clearly the outlines of definite politico-national doctrines and organisations, and new paths were blazed which, leading in different directions, converged toward one goal - that of regeneration of the Jewish people from within, both in its national and social life" (Dr S.M. Dubnow, The History of the Jews in Russia and Poland, 1920, Vol.III., 40).

According to Dr Dubnow, the prime motivating factor in Jewish persecution by the Russians during this period had less to do with religion and race than with the creation of a revolutionary force which had embraced the principles of a primitive Zionism. These revolutionary activities were aimed, as we have previously stated, at the establishing of a Jewish State in Europe.

"The turning point of this process," continues Dubnow, "is marked by the year 1897. That year, in which the first International Congress held its sessions, inaugurated not only the political Zionist movement, but also the development of other currents of Jewish national and political thought ... The careful observer could scarcely fail to perceive that beneath the hammer of history the formless mass of Jewry was being forged into a well-shaped instrument of great power. The organisation of the Jewish people had made a beginning" (ibid., 41).

The philosophy of Zionism is not limited to the establishment and preservation of a Jewish State, although this is the popular misconception. Dubnow clarifies the objectives of Zionism as a special communal and cultural autonomy (ibid., Vol.III., 53). With this, Dr Theodore Hertzl (the father of modern Zionism) would concur wholeheartedly. In a statement before the British Royal Commission on Alien Immigration (August 1920) Hertzl spelled it out:

"I will give you my definition of a nation, and you can add the adjective 'Jewish.' A nation is, in my mind, an historical group of men of a recognisable cohesion held together by a common enemy. That is my view of a nation. Then if you add the word 'Jewish' you have what I understand to be the Jewish nation."

It was Rabbi Stephen Wise who encapsulated this truth about the Jewish nation when he said, in 1938, "I am not an American of Jewish faith. I am a Jew."

Judge Louis Brandeis, once a long-time Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States espoused the same understanding when he recognised dual citizenship of Jewish people. He wrote in his book The Jewish Problem - How to Solve It:

"Let us recognise that we Jews are a distinct nationality of which every Jew, whatever his country, his nation or shade of belief, is necessarily a member ... Organise, Organise, Organise - until every Jew in America must stand up and be counted - or prove himself wittingly or unwittingly of the few who are against their own people."

In his Outline of History H.G. Wells noted, "Manifestly ... [the Jews] ... had very good financial and political facilities. They could assemble resources, they could stir up, they could allay. They were neither so abundant nor so civilised as the still more widely diffused Greeks, but they had a tradition of greater solidarity. Greek was hostile to Greek; but Jew stood by Jew. Wherever a Jew went, he found men of like mind and like tradition with himself. He could get shelter, food, loans, and legal help. And by reason of this solidarity rulers everywhere had to take account of this people as a help, as a source of loans, or as a source of trouble" (494).

The Jewish opinion is that they themselves created today's financial system of organised capital which dominates the entire globe. Through finance they control the greatest political power and might the world has ever seen -- the Edomite United States of America.

"At first sight it would seem as if the economic system of North America was the very one that developed independently of the Jews ... Nevertheless ... what we call Americanism is nothing else, if we may say so, than the Jewish spirit distilled ... This is recognised in many quarters, above all in those best capable of forming judgment on the subject" (Werner Sombart, The Jews and Modern Capitalism, 1911, 38,44).

But Esau was told that in the end of days Edom would cast off his twin brother, Jacob. That time is very near!

In my opinion, it is from the (once idolatrous) Khazarian people that converted to Judaism, essentially, that much of the decadence of the western world has arisen. This is a fundamental reason why the prophets of Israel railed against the Chosen People for intermarriage (where the gods of the heathen and their rituals and philosophies were incorporated into the life and social strata of the nation of God). When this occurred, especially on a large scale in biblical history, the state of Israel outdid the heathen nations surrounding them in violence, pornography and general criminal activity.

Ancient Israel, as a fallen nation given to an idolatrous pursuit of wealth, political chicanery and wholesale economic rejection of the poor, widows and orphans (street children), refused to hear the prophets and was finally taken into captivity by the might of the Assyrian Empire because of its accumulative, reprehensible, criminal acts of rebellion against the Sinai Torah.

Languishing in far-flung regions of the Assyrian Empire, they were seemingly "lost" to history.

Arthur Koestler himself calls the Khazarian nation a "remarkable people." He also quotes an Arab chronicler who writes, "their complexions are white, their eyes blue, their hair flowing and predominately reddish." To this description, the Arab geographer Istakhri, notes: "The Khazars do not resemble the Turks." Western Jews in the Middle Ages referred to the Khazarians as "red [-haired] Jews."

Just who were these strange tribal peoples that grew into a powerful European fortification against the spread of Islam? Their name may help to answer some of the questions. Interestingly, the "sar" "shar" or "tsar" in Khazar (or Khasar/Khashar) means, in Hebrew, "to remain" or "remnant." Their origins are linked to a nation or a peoples who were considered "remnants" -- perhaps left over from a captivity.

Recall that Khazaria had absorbed the territory of the outskirts of the ancient Assyrian Empire, especially the Black and Caspian Sea regions. That is exactly where the ancient Israelites were taken into captivity after they were conquered by Shalmaneser in 721-718 BCE. That Edomite red-haired peoples were among them should surprise none of us. Israel has always ridden on the back of Esau (Edom). Not only is this the case, but King David (without any argument a Jew) was described as possessing a "ruddy" complexion revealing close family ties with Esau. (After all, Jacob and Esau were twins!)

If all this postulation is correct, and it would seem to be the case, (for other reasons as well, involving the preoccupation of the Khazars with certain numerals associated specifically with the history of Israel), it would appear we may have located a remnant of the lost ten tribes of Israel! They continued to live in the very area that once was the centre of their Assyrian captivity! Small wonder (again, if this theory is correct) that they were attracted to Judaism and were finally converted to it! Moreover, it is also a small wonder they saw advantage in merging with Judah. It comes as no surprise therefore that there was wholesale intermarriage.  

The name Khazar is also similar in fact to the titles "Tsar" (Russia), "Kaiser" (Germany) and "Caesar" from which origin the latter two sprang. Not only is this the case, the Khazar people referred to their priestly-king as a Chakan or Cagan (George Vernadsky, The Origins of Russia, 1959, 244ff). Etymologically, this title stems from the Hebrew cohen and means "priest."

We DO know that while Israel was destroyed, God prophesied through Isaiah (the Israelite prophet of the Assyrian epoch) that a "remnant" would be spared and finally return to the God of Jacob. This remarkable prophecy is found in Isaiah 10.21.  

"And it shall come to pass in that day, that the REMNANT of Israel, and such as be escaped of Jacob, shall no more stay upon him that smote them [the Assyrian power]; but shall stay upon HaShem, the Holy One of Israel, in truth. The REMNANT shall return, even the REMNANT of Jacob, unto the mighty God."

This message of the prophet was underscored by the fact that he named one of his sons, Shar-Jashub -- "a remnant shall return" (Isaiah 7.3). By uniting with the people of Judah, the Khazarian remnant of ancient Israel had fulfilled a prediction made centuries before. Moreover, according to the "fabulous" narrative of the ninth century Jewish adventurer, philologist Eldad Ben Mahli Ha-Dani (also surnamed had-Dani, Abu-Dani, David-had-Dani and Eldad the Danite), claimed to have visited some of the "lost" tribes in the very region occupied by the Khazars.

Now, Ha-Dani's supposed work may be looked upon today with a great measure of amusement, but his claim about the various locations of "lost" Israel was supported by none other than the learned Hebrew doctor Zemal-i the Gaon of the Academy at Sura. Certainly, Eldad is quoted as a foremost authority on linguistic difficulties by the prominent medieval Jewish grammarians and lexicographers. According to Ha-Dani,

"Dan, Naphtali, Gad, and Asher were in Havilah; Zebulun and Reuben in the mountains of Paran; Ephraim, and half of Manasseh, in South Arabia; Simeon, and the other half of Manasseh, in the land of Chazars."

While recognising that an ulterior motive may have existed amongst the Khazarians, a presumption to the right of Levitical status, Professor David Keys readily admits that the Khazars themselves claimed they were in fact "one of the lost tribes of Israel and were not converts at all [to Judaism] but merely returnees to Judaism. Furthermore, the tribe they claimed ancestry from was that of Simeon, the brother of the founder of the tribe of Levi" (David Keys, Catastrophe: An Investigation Into the Origins of the Modern World, 2000, 100).  

Of course! It is not without significance that the prophets of God foretold a time when the northern outskirts of the world (i.e., the regions directly north of Jerusalem) would surrender the remnants of ancient Israel, and that exiled Joseph (Efraim and Manasseh, and other tribal remains of "lost" Israel) would return with the tribe of Judah to the Land of Promise. The peoples of Joseph are largely located in Russia -- directly north of Jerusalem -- and among the Ashkenazi Jews of eastern Europe.

Not surprisingly, the ancient peoples of Khazaria themselves believed they were included in the lost tribes of Israel, principally "the tribe of Simeon ... [and] the half-tribe of Manasseh" (Abelard Schuman, The Meaning of Jewish History, 1963, Vol.1, 42,43).

Proponents of British-Israel theory insist that Ashkenazi Jews, as descendants of Khazarian racial groupings, cannot be true Jews. This is discounted by genetic analysis which establishes with no doubt whatsoever that Ashkenazi Jews really are the same people group as the other Jews (including Sephardi), and that a common ancestry exists for the Cohanim (priests) from BOTH Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews.

A 1999 study published in the Proceedings of the United States National Academy of Sciences compared the Y chromosomes of Ashkenazi, North African, Kurdish, Roman, Near Eastern, Yemenite, and Ethiopian Jews with 16 non-Jewish groups from similar geographic locations. This exhaustive study concluded that ...

"Despite their long-term residence in different countries and isolation from one another, most Jewish populations were not significantly different from one another at the genetic level ... The results support the hypothesis that the paternal gene pools of Jewish communities from Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East descended from a common Middle Eastern ancestral population, and suggest that most Jewish communities have remained relatively isolated from neighboring non-Jewish communities during and after the Diaspora" (M.F. Hammer, A.J. Redd, E.T. Wood, M.R. Bonner, H. Jarjanazi, T. Karafet, S. Santachiara-Benerecetti, A. Oppenheim, M.A. Jobling, T. Jenkins, H. Ostrer, and B. Bonn-Tamir, May 9 2000. "Jewish & Middle Eastern non-Jewish populations share a common pool of Y-chromosome biallelic haplotypes," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97, 12: 6769).

A 2010 study on Jewish ancestry by Atzmon et al. says "Two major groups were identified by principal component, phylogenetic, and identity by descent (IBD) analysis: Middle Eastern Jews and European/Syrian Jews. The IBD segment sharing and the proximity of European Jews to each other and to southern European populations suggested similar origins for European Jewry and refuted large-scale genetic contributions of Central and Eastern European and Slavic populations to the formation of Ashkenazi Jewry" (G. Atzmon, L. Hao, I. Pe'er, C. Velez, A. Pearlman, P.F. Palamara, B. Morrow, E. Friedman, C. Oddoux, E. Burns and H. Ostrer. Abraham's Children in the Genome Era: Major Jewish Diaspora Populations Comprise Distinct Genetic Clusters with Shared Middle Eastern Ancestry. The American Journal of Human Genetics, 3 June 2010).

British-Israelites ought to have the courage to have their own blood analysed to see if any authentic Israelite forebear can be located in their genetic family tree.

With a proper examination of the red contents of one little vein the proof of this form of Replacement Theology "pudding will be," as they say, "in the eating." In my opinion, Joseph and Judah are presently returning to the Land of their Fathers.

This concludes the short series on Replacement Theology.

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