Author Topic: Overwriting NT (2) Sinister Comma  (Read 509 times)


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Overwriting NT (2) Sinister Comma
« on: February 26, 2018, 03:16:58 PM »


Copyright © BRI 2013 All Rights Reserved Worldwide by Les Aron Gosling,
Messianic Lecturer (BRI/IMCF)

CAUTION: BRI Yeshiva notes are not available to the general public. They are not for distribution. They are not for reproduction. The notes may also bear little or no resemblance to the actual audio or video recorded BRI Yeshiva lecture.

"The scholars of King James' day did not have access to the treasuries of ancient manuscripts, versions, and quotations which present day scholars possess; they did not have the science of textual criticism which teaches the value and the best methods of dealing with the ancient documents, all of which has sprung up since; neither did they possess the wide and thorough acquaintance with the sacred languages and the ability to distinguish and express the delicate shades of meaning that scholars of today are capable of doing. They were also circumscribed by fourteen rules devised by King James, as to how they should proceed. Some withdrew and refused to serve when the rules were submitted. They had no system by which to effect a true version, but simply trusted to their own judgment in the matter, and when not certain, they simply arrived at an agreement among themselves on their "opinions" and put it in! When [the AV was finally] issued [in 1611], Dr. Broughton, one of the foremost Hebrew scholars of that era, wrote King James, 'I would rather suffer my body to be rent in pieces by wild horses than to have such a version forced upon the church'" (Adlai Loudy, God's Eonian Purpose, 1929 [1974], 36).

"There is no better English written this side of Shakespeare than that in the King James translation" - Charlton Heston, 1992

"And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ" (Eph   4.11-13 A[KJ]V 1611)

The above extraction from the Authorised (King James) Version of the Scriptures remains one of the most perverse translations ever foisted upon the church. Why should we be surprised about a perverse translation ordered by the authority of a perverse king -- a revolting sadistic killer who despised and loathed female flesh in preference to dying screaming animals in whose blood this orgiastic beast wallowed and copulated in revolting acts of bestiality? I will explain why this particular mistranslation of Paul's textual passage is so important in a moment.

By 1610 the 46 transcribers who worked on this new revision of the Scriptures (yes, it was a work of revision, and NOT a translation) had completed their work, and King James handed the literary masterpiece over to a prominent Sufi Rosicrucian, the High Initiate, Sir Francis Bacon, to incorporate illustrations. Why he tendered to Bacon such high regard is largely unknown today but to hazard a guess, James (along with the rest of his peculiarly unsavoury predilections) was also a Rosicrucian! Can an association by King James with the Rosicrucian Order be established as fact or is it mere supposition? Many scholars discount any intimate connection of James with the Rose-Croix Fraternity. Let me answer in this fashion:

One of King James' ardent companions was the most prominent German alchemist since the days of Paracelsus, Michael Maier (1568-1622). He came to know James through his Royal Physician (who was also a Rosicrucian) Sir William Paddy. Maier was also an associate of Robert Fludd, the famed Hermetic philosopher.

"Maier...was in touch with the King, as is proven by a very curious document which appears to link James with the Rosicrucian brotherhood. This document, which is now in the Scottish Record Office in Edinburgh, is a message of Christmas greetings sent by Maier to James in 1612. It is on a piece of parchment about three feet by two, covered with fragments of verse and messages of adulation, and must surely be one of the earliest and largest Christmas cards in existence. What makes it remarkable in the present context, however, is the fact that, in the centre of the parchment, is a rose with eight petals forming the focal point of the whole arrangement. The stem and the base on which it rests are made up of words and there are more words on and around the petals, all in Latin. Forming the eight divisions between the petals (possibly as a kind of eight-branched cross) is a message which translates roughly as follows: 'Greetings to James, for a long time King of Great Britain. By your true protection may the rose be joyful'" (Christopher McIntosh, The Rosicrucians: The History, Mythology, and Rituals of an Esoteric Order, 1998, 33).

The card was sent to James in the year "of the very first recorded manuscript of the Fama, two years before it appeared in print of the first of the [Rosicrucian] manifestos" (ibid). The Fama Fraternitatus Rosae Crucis was an anonymous publication, a Manifesto of Rosicrucian Brotherhood which reveals the Sufi connection. The Sufi penetration of English society was spearheaded from Germany where it took on the appearance (for all intents and purposes) of a Christian Brotherhood with the appellation "The Fraternity of the Rose Cross." This alternative Christian church which went out of its way to visit the sick and to help the homeless and destitute -- and all activities were gratis -- welcomed new members and it was from the pew warmers of that membership that specially hand selected and extracted representatives were offered a deeper esoteric understanding of the plain surface text of the biblical revelation. The Rose Cross (as a benevolent society it's still around today and we call it the Red Cross) missionaries were sent right around the globe and in whatever level of society the Brotherhood met the Sufi duplicated their infiltration techniques. Annually, the Fraternity met in what was referred to as the "House of the Holy Spirit." One problem: the spirit was decidedly not holy and while the Fraternity was outwardly Christian, their secret doctrines were unabashedly Sufi.

Consider this Sufi statement: "I am the pagan, I worship at the altar of the Jew; I am the idol of the Yemenite, the actual temple of the fire worshiper, the priest of the Magian; the inner reality of the cross legged Brahmin meditating the brush and the colour of the artist; the suppressed, powerful personality of the scoffer. One does not supersede the other -- when a flame is thrown into another flame, they join at the point of 'flameness.' You throw a torch at a candle, and then you say, 'See! I have annihilated the candle's flame!" (Ishan Kaiser, Speech of the Sages in Idries Shah, The Sufis, 1999, 46).

That's the Sufi agenda in a nutshell as voiced by one of its own.

Very few members of Freemasonry would realise that the Rose-Croix (the mystical Rose Cross) derives directly from the Rose of Baghdad which was the symbol of the founder of the Sufi Order of Abdul-Kadir El-Jilani.

Continuing Rosicrucian scholar McIntosh's observations focused on an eye-opening Christmas card from Michael Maier to King James: "Yet here is Maier in 1612 addressing King James in terms that suggest the existence of a Rosicrucian-type movement in Britain, of which James was... seen as protector. Although James was a violent opponent of witchcraft... he was not unsympathetic to the Hermetic tradition and certainly had friends who were alchemists... The document can therefore be... seen as a very early example of the rose (with or without the cross) being used as a kind of badge of recognition among people of Hermetic interests" (ibid).

To add fuel to fire, and to bury the scholars, I wish to quote from Robert Fludd (mentioned at the start of this lecture) in his History of the Macrocosm (1617) who dedicated the volume to James saluting him "as 'Ter Maximus,' the epithet sacred to Hermes Trismegistus, and as the most potent and wise prince in the world" (Frances A. Yates, The Rosicrucian Enlightenment, 1972, 78). Yates himself entirely missed the point of the book's dedication.

By 1610 the KJV scholarship committee had completed their work and handed it in huge manuscript form to King James who promptly gave it into the temporary care of a Rosicrucian high initiate. Now the AV of the Bible was in the hands of Sir Francis Bacon -- and he had it in his care for a full year. Some have wondered what he was doing with it all that time. Today we know the answer:

Over the 12 month period Bacon not only profusely illustrated the volume replete with secret Rosicrucian and Freemasonic symbols, but took the opportunity to insert secret Rose-Croix codes throughout its pages. In 1611, Bacon handed the manuscript back to the King who, entirely pleased with it all, promptly sent it to his official printer. (Incidentally, for what its worth, Sir Nicholas Bacon -- Francis Bacon's father -- was known as "Lord Keeper [of the Great Seal]." The "Great Seal" is used to symbolise the sovereign's approval of state documents in political and other vital matters. However, the "Keeper" is a title also associated with the secret society of the Illuminati of a later period. Strange it is that many today associate the Illuminati purely with Adam Weishaupt when the 17th century Rosicrucians used that form of expression amongst themselves long before Mr Weishaupt even existed! Sufi Rosicrucianism traveled to England from Germany, and it is in Ingolstadt that Weishaupt (b.1748) emerged. Bavaria was a cesspit of "Illuminism."  Weishaupt did not create the Illuminati! He may have created a new "Order" or reorganised an already existing "Chapter" of Rosicrucians as terrorists using the same name as the secret occult society which was already in existence in Germany. Certainly the younger Bacon inherited the title "Keeper" later in life.)

Scholars of secret societies are today uncovering these secret Rosicrucian codes planted in the AV much to the astonishment of a Christian world that considered the KJV as completely holy and sacrosanct. It was neither of these descriptions. Bacon had created a Devil's Workshop in the hope of creating a NWO way back in the 17th century! He was three centuries ahead of his time! His utopian "New Atlantis" ideal, however, remains a blueprint even today for a cabal of World Federalists especially those of the Sufi kind. Even the Meditation Room at the UN is Sufi Gnostic. Few people have ever heard of the Sufi. They have done their job well indeed.

It is a potent belief of the Sufi Rosicrucian Lodge that particular symbols illustrated on paper and parchment, or finding their way into wood, brick or stone, embedded in lead-light windows, pillars, floors or ceilings, have a life of their own and can evoke powerful negative energies to combat an otherwise logical address by a speaker, and curtail (by releasing occult forces through bringing them to life in creative drawing which symbol becomes a "transfer point"), any and all spiritual powers of resistance... and with this knowledge equally shared by witches we are confronted by Sufi mysticism of the demonic kind. Whether occult drawings consist of eyes or daggers or vivid pencil-sketched horrid thunderstorms, the results they hope will bring to fruition negative cosmic retaliation against any they perceive as opposing their view of themselves as "the Children of Light."

The illustrations and symbols which accompanied the KJV of 1611, and which were designed and drawn by Bacon himself, were so designed as to emit a powerful radiating negative energy transforming the WORD of God into an UTTERANCE of the Dark Lord -- the Evil One the Rosicrucian Fraternity actually worships (whether knowingly or unknowingly). I firmly believe it was Bacon's intention (probably with the full assent of the mad, compulsive and debauched King James) to ultimately engulf, through religious means, the entirety of the English-speaking world to Rosicrucian Faith and Practice. Beginning with the English-speaking world the AV would be translated into a variety of languages so that eventually the entire world would be exposed. Certainly, one of the principal notions of King James was his Divine Right of Rule (the "enlightened") over the enslaved masses (the "ignorant"). He had purposed to maintain two classes in English society -- clergy (representative of the upper class and over whom he as King, and through his church, dictated his will) and the laity (the subordinate masses) -- at all costs. Human beings were not created equal in his eyes.

If you possess a facsimile of the 1611 edition of the AV, please study closely (as a prime example of Rosicrucian symbolism) the secret handshake of the Lodge (shared also by the Freemasons) which appears in the Genealogical section. At the top of the illustration above the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil we find the names of Adam and Eve as the parents of the human race. This is Adam and Eve prior to the Fall. It is to that end Sufi Rosicrucianism is focused -- a return to a new Paradise of God through the advancement of knowledge, or as Bacon entitled his famous work, The Advancement of Learning.

Among the many Rosicrucian symbols scattered throughout its pages, the Rosicrucian handshake is very evident (note the bent thumb as hands clasp). Again, the unmistakable handshake appears in all the Genealogies and Family Trees of the Patriarchs and Kings as illustrated by Bacon. Below the image of the tree are the progeny of the Cain lineage including Lamech and his two wives: Adah-Lamech-Zillah. Each of them is linked by the Masonic handshake. Intriguingly, Bacon's Rosicrucianism traces its own journey through the line of Cain, and not Seth! This should tell us something about the Lodge. The frontispiece of the Bible has the Tetragrammaton at the top of the page written in distinctly kabbalistic style -- the Name of God which no Jewish rabbi worth his circumcision would ever make public.

It is an interesting fact too, that judging from extant pictures of the following trio, Sir Francis Bacon, Sir Walter Raleigh, and William Shakespeare all had something in common -- they looked very much alike in facial appearance. This will prove more interesting in a moment, especially in relation to Bacon and Shakespeare...

That Francis Bacon left his "mark" on the AV of the Bible is incontestable. One only has to Google Francis Bacon or King James Bible on the Internet and the truth will "out" albeit much of the truth is submerged in frolics of fantasy gratis the lunatic fringe. One interesting aspect of this assessment concerning Bacon's codes is located in Psalm 46. Forty-six is an important number in Rosicrucian typology. It is believed by the Rosicrucians that their Order came into an existence in the year 46 CE when an Alexandrian Gnostic by the name of Ormus was converted to Christianity by John Mark. The end result of that baptism was a blending of Egyptian Gnosticism with Christianity. Francis Bacon left his imprint indelibly in this Psalm. Consider the following facts:

There were 46 members of the Authorised Version Translator's Committee (I have read 46, 47, and 50 but 46 seems to be the consensus among scholars). In Psalm 46, the 46th word in the 1611 AV is shake. The 46th word counted back from the end of the Psalm is spear. Ignore Selah which is attached to the ending of the Psalm as it is nothing more than a musical notation apparently meaning "Pause. Singers stop and music now plays. Use this time to think about this; or, contemplate seriously with a sweet orchestral background conducive to induce relaxed thought." The Psalms, remember, are songs. Certainly Bacon wanted his Rosicrucian Fraternity to meditate on the inclusions of the Psalm. Bibles of the pre-AV had the words "shake" and "spear" in a different position to the verse which Bacon edited.

In 1610 when the AV was completed (but not as yet published) Shakespeare was 46 years old. It has been mentioned often by other authors that Francis Bacon freely utilised a "mask" or pseudonym... that of "Shakespeare." There is a great deal of evidence that has accumulated over the centuries that establishes quite clearly that the man we think we know as William Shakespeare existed only as Francis Bacon! Yes, Shakespeare was a real person but 99% of what we think we know about him is myth. Do some research and try to reconstruct him yourself. And good luck!

It has long been suspected that Bacon and Shakespeare were extremely close... more than mere friends. Indeed, he very probably wrote the plays that bear the name of his "Billy Boy." The real Shakespeare, it is now realised, was a secret agent of the Crown -- King James (Graham Phillips & Martin Keatman, The Shakespeare Conspiracy, 1994). Whatever the case with this latter assessment, Psalm 46 is precisely the 666th chapter of the 1611 edition of the AV if we count backwards from the last chapter of Revelation. Not only is this the case, but taking the 1611 revision and starting from the title page (ignoring all blank pages) we arrive at the 666th page of written text landing squarely and explicitly on Psalm 46! "William Shakespeare" is an anagram of "Here was I, like a Psalm." Bacon was having a great time communicating with those he knew who knew.

Scholars have come to understand that James wanted nothing to do with the Geneva Bible (and a number of others) because of their marginal notes and renderings which gave an impetus to ditch any and all notions of hierarchic control particularly in relation to religious assemblies and congregations. As I brought out in my previous lecture, James wanted absolute POLITICAL and THEOCRATIC control of his subjects. And subjects they were certainly to be. He even wanted God (if there was a god) to be subject to him. This blasphemous tyrant in the last degree was simply insane although he usually put on a good front.

With all this as necessary preamble let's look again at what Paul was inspired to write by God's holy Spirit and then compare that with a little, but not insignificant, uninspired comma which was placed where it ought not to be.

Before we consider the AV rendering this is what Paul wrote in Greek (and with which the vast majority of modern versions follow to one degree or another).

"He [the Messiah] himself gave some, on the one hand, as apostles, and, on the other hand, as prophets, and still again some as bringers of good news, and finally, some as pastors and teachers..."

WHY? Let Paul continue...

"...for the equipping of the saints for ministering work with a view to the building up of the Body of Mashiach, UNTIL WE ALL ATTAIN TO THE UNITY OF THE FAITH [see? No unity existed. They had to aim for it, all of them together as one unit or body] and of the experiential, full, and precise knowledge of the Son of God, to a spiritually mature man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of the Messiah" (Eph 4.11-13 Gk).

Yes, you read that correctly! "For the equipping of the SAINTS for the work of the ministry."

Now, compare this translation with the KJV (AV). King James did not want freedom among his subjects so he got the translators of his revision of the NT to add a few uninspired commas which changed the entire gist and tenor of Paul's teaching and as such justified the false divisions of laity and clergy!

Do the exercise: The KJV states... "And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith" etc.

Delete the commas! Now drop the capitalisation from "For." What do we now read? Exactly what the Greek says. He gave gifted men to enable the "perfecting of the saints for the work of ministry."

Indeed, such terms as laity and clergy need to be jettisoned from our vocabulary altogether! That there is such a separation is nothing more than a satanic delusion. As far as God is concerned, the entire ekklesia is composed of priests -- and the Pauline principle is without any apology "the priesthood of all believers."

The ekklesia of God was to be the LIGHT of the world, the light to the world (Mt 5.14-16; Ph 2.15). As the Menorah can only brighten its environment by means of oil which burns, so the ekklesia of God has to burn brightly by being filled with the Ruach HaKodesh (1 Cor 3.16,17). The indwelling of the holy Spirit determines whether one is a Temple of God or not (same verse).

Recall that Rav Shaul spoke of today's "holy temple" as "a dwelling in which God lives by His Spirit" (Eph 2.21,22). Note too, that the word "you" in 1 Cor 3.16,17 is in the plural in the Greek. It means the "collective" you -- the entire assembly. Rav Shaul is therefore addressing the entire collective ekklesia -- not a mere individual. It is an ekklesia which the Lord Yeshua founded and which the Lord Yeshua has built (Mt 16.18) and he has done so (and is doing so) through human instrumentality (1 Cor 3.10).

Those "added" to the ekklesia were considered as being "added to the LORD" (Ac 2.41; 2.47; 5.14; 11.24) and were viewed as "members of the body [of Mashiach]" (Rom 12.4,5; 1 Cor 12.12, 20-27; Eph 4.25; 5.30) and if "members" then WHY do we insist on calling our ekklesias "fellowships"? Brethren, MEMBERSHIP is never to be defined as FELLOWSHIP. One is a term that is wholly inclusive. The other is a term which means "associated with" but it never actually carries the connotation of being "IN there." Rather, within the ekklesia members have fellowship one with another. But the organisation of Christians TOGETHER does not constitute a "fellowship." I trust we are quite clear on that.

If Yeshua "heads" the global Messianic Movement today -- and remember that this "Movement" is presently only emerging in its infancy -- then it will be defined by three specific things:

[1] It will bear, and exercise, THE AUTHORITY OF YESHUA.

"And it occurred that when Yeshua had completed these sayings the public was astonished at his doctrine; FOR HE TAUGHT THEM AS ONE WHO POSSESSED AUTHORITY, and not as the scribes" (Mt 7.28,29).

The Apostles all spoke with a sense of indwelling authority. That authority was born of a deep and rich humility, by the indwelling Ruach HaKodesh, which spoke the Word of God as a living source and fountain of enriching Grace. The voice of the holy SPIRIT OF GOD did not speak in isolated fashion. Rather, it channelled itself through existing human giftings gathered together in the ekklesia: namely, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers (Eph 4.11). The HEAD of the BODY is Yeshua and He speaks today, as He did in the past, through human instruments who have definitely and finally experienced His ever and always SAVING GRACE.

[2] It will bear, and exercise, THE POWER OF YESHUA.

"The men all marvelled saying, What manner of man is this, that even the winds and sea obey him!" (Mt 8.27).

The power of Yeshua today can, and ought, to be manifest in and through the GIFTS of the Ruach HaKodesh -- the word of wisdom, word of knowledge, faith, healing gifts, working of miracles, utterance of prophecy, ability to distinguish spirits, speaking with tongues and interpretation of tongues (1 Cor 12.8-11).

If the HEAD of the BODY speaks through human agents who have a rich experience of His Presence in their lives, the power of Yeshua as exercised in the gifts of the Spirit corresponds to the HANDS of Yeshua reaching out to aid those who find themselves in need as the same Saviour did so many years ago in Judaea and the Galil.

[3] It will bear, and exercise, THE GRACE OF YESHUA.

"For you know by experience the Grace of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah, that although he was wealthy, yet for your sakes became impoverished, in order that, as for you, through his poverty you might become wealthy" (2 Cor 8.9).

The wealth -- the riches -- of Our Lord Yeshua are precious commodities of character. Successful people in all fields of endeavour recognise that without the basic riches of character, attaining and possessing ultimate business success is an empty act of chasing after fool's gold: it will invariably elude you. One of the all-time best sellers by Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich, lays great store on the building and accrual of essential character at all costs. And, of course, Hill is absolutely correct. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Gal 5.22,23) are all elements of Messiah's own character. God's Spirit channelled through the various human agencies of the ekklesia (both at the local and international levels) corresponds to the HEART of Yeshua reaching out in other-enriching compassion and love.

Clearly, all of us who possess the holy Spirit (and are possessed by the Spirit) and who share the Divine Nature would desire to meet with others of like mind, would we not? Of course we would!

Yet, it seems that in these last days as a cold aloofness and frosty indifference settles on the world at large (including the "church") many believers -- sons and daughters of God -- are opting out of "meeting together" deciding to worship God in their own way separate from the established universal historic church. They seek to do this by pointing out righteously the many issues existing between "brethren," "friends," and "basic fundamental beliefs" with which they tend to differ.

They become an island in themselves. That is only one step away from being aloof from God Himself.

Only through and within the ekklesia can we learn to share our holy Spirit-given gifts (and ourselves) with others of the same mind. If we are truly converted we are ALL "God's OTHERS" having rejected the world-system for that of God's Government. We may all differ from each other in the way we express ourselves in relation to personality, but we all should in unity complement one another in our expressions of love and Grace.