Author Topic: Why Canaan Was Cursed by Noah  (Read 638 times)


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Why Canaan Was Cursed by Noah
« on: October 17, 2017, 10:57:25 AM »

by Les Aron Gosling, Messianic Rebbe

Copyright © BRI 1996 Revised 2000
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Question 76: Why was Canaan cursed for Ham's supposed homosexual rape of his father, Noah?

"And God blessed Noah and his sons and said unto them, Be fruitful and multiply and replenish [repopulate] the earth...And the sons of Noah that came out of the ark, were Shem, and Ham, and Japheth: and Ham is the father of Canaan. These are the three sons of Noah, and from them the entire earth was repopulated. And Noah began to be a vinedresser, and he planted a vineyard and drank of the wine, and became a drunk; and he was uncovered within his tent. And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brothers outside. And Shem and Japheth took a garment and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father: and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father's nakedness. And Noah awoke from his drunken stupor, and knew what his younger son had done to him. And he cried, Cursed be Canaan, a slave of slaves shall he be to his brothers" (Gen 9.1,18-25).

Essentially, this story tells of Ham's sin against Noah and the cursing by Noah of Ham's fourth son Canaan. After whatever happened to Noah, Ham experienced acute disgrace. We have already seen that it was the custom of the period to take oaths by handling the male genitals and therefore it was not the mere viewing of Noah's penis that constituted Ham's sin, and the implementing of Canaan's curse (Gen 47.29).

So what happened to Noah? Certainly it was not homosexual rape! Simply put, Ham castrated his father. He did this in order to secure fully one-third of the planet for himself and his descendants. By accomplishing this he prevented Noah from having any more children. Noah, in turn, responded in a curse upon Ham's fourth child, Canaan. (Remember, Noah had three sons and was prevented from having a fourth.)

Rashi, an early Jewish sage, had this to say in his paraphrase of the event: "You have brought it about that I cannot bear a fourth son to serve me; cursed, therefore, be your fourth son to serve under the descendants of these elder ones upon whom the duty of serving me will devolve from now on" (Commentary on Gen 9.25).

In ancient mythology the god Kronus (Time) brings about an abrupt conclusion all things which have had a beginning. He is described as the monster who devoured his family (Bullfinch's Mythology). We know that Kronus reduced his father Uranus to impotency (Larousse, Encyclopaedia of Mythology, 90) by the terrible act of castration with a sickle at the instigation of his mother. He cast the bleeding genitals into the ocean (ibid, 88). He thus became the head of a new dynasty, securing for himself a large portion of the earth as his possession. We see in this pagan account the story of Noah emasculated by Ham (Gen 9.18-25).

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Re: Why Canaan Was Cursed by Noah
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2017, 05:27:39 AM »
Growing up, I was subjected to -in the church and outside the church -  the myths of the inferiority and enslavement of Black peoples because :
1. Cain was cursed for slaying Able and the "mark" was the blackened color of his skin;
2. Ham as the progenitor of the Black Races had sex with his Father and Canaan, his son, FOREVER sealed the enslavement and disempowerment of the Black "race".

ALL of my religious life, I have travelled through churches that had some thread of this thought running through it Black and other...add Eugenics, White Nationalism, KKK, Darwinism....and the list is exhaustive of philosophies that certain "racial" groups are living as GOD would have them live - in servitude, socially and economically oppressed, exploited, self-hating, and destroyed..

 I started studying with Messianic teachers offering "alternative" view points including the understanding of the 6th day creation and the flood myths.

 As such, I now believe that the SIX-DAY creation of MALE AND FEMALE is a separate account of the materialization of GOD's human creation APART form the story of the Adam and Eve of the "8th Day". I believe they were aware of the other peoples as many of these peoples histories predate the "Shemetic" peoples...and they ALL had their own first progenitors. Why...

 I believe that Cain knew this when he received the pronouncement upon himself after killing Abel and remarked to the angel "anyone who finds me will kill me" and God placed a "mark" upon him to prevent ANYONE from doing this? Most pass this over as Cain talking about his "brothers and sisters", its not biblically sound!

I believe that Shem, Ham and Japheth were of Noah's genetic line which God pronounced as pure having not mingled with the fallen angels and marrying into other races DID NOT produce hybrid people based on????! Was the flood worldwide or local due to the influx of the Nephilim? Genesis 6:4... And how did these Nephilim make it through the flood if it was ALL creation? And why were the Canaanite peoples so plagued by the 2nd influx to the point of being wiped out in many instances as Israel came into contact with them? THE WORLD BELIEVES IT IS BECAUSE THEY WERE BLACK AND CURSED!!! This has created UNTOLD wars, lies, deaths and no one wants to tackle these discrepancies... Rebbe's lecture was once again shining light on the true meanings of the Hebrew Bible and 1ts Century Jewish though-form concerning sexual mores that have plagued homosexual people for eons! Yet, with that light, we move back in the shadows casts on other peoples and their terrible suffering as a result of Biblical ignorance and ungodly intentions. OR at the least and SOUND discussion of HOW and WHY according to the wisdom of Anochi and the DREAM being dreamed.

I am not a scholar of GOD's word, not studying deeper than I have,  but GOD is a GOD of HIGHEST ORDER not CONFUSION...all the previous discussion has created nothing but confusion! And now with the breaking of the DNA code and the Human Genome project the "fleshly" powers at be seek to validate their "BELL CURVE" findings with empirical evidence that genetics and ENVIRONMENT are playing a major roll in the de-evolution of some peoples (not their own on barbarianism of course)!

Rebbe, I need some help with this! This is a major reason why so many people of color are jumping the Christian ship! I know no one can come unless the Father in Yeshua calls, John 6:44 but even those called are struggling to find and give answers to
these major divisions perpetrated and exacerbated by evil men! 

May BRI help to shed a light on TRUTH that sets the captives free!


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Re: Why Canaan Was Cursed by Noah
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2017, 12:48:04 PM »
Shalom Pamela,

I am always delighted when students of the biblical revelation come to the point where they can freely cast off their previous garments (spiritually speaking) of indoctrination they have received -- "garments" of religious thought having been imposed on them over the years from ministers of the Dark Lord, who ever only seek to control others. They seek to exercise control over the views, opinions, feelings of others -- even to negate normal, ordinary self-confidence in those they can authoritatively intimidate: replacing it with confidence only in a religious hierarchy of often self-appointed little Napoleonic upstarts and pedophilic deviates that some folk have rightly spoken of as "thought police." Such has not been limited to sectarian and cultic Christian aberrations. It has been found in long-established religious backwaters of "faith."

Forgive my aside in somewhat relentless diatribe here, but intriguingly it is to such identities that we can trace the historical origins of racial/cultural/religious discrimination, bigotry and persecution. It is these folk who stand accused of promulgating the entire negative "black mark" evil. Because church officers very early in ecclesiastical history rejected Jewish thoughtform in favour of Greek, Jerusalem in favour of Athens, and the Jewish people (as God's Chosen People) with the new "spiritual Jews" in the church, from the biblical revelation they forgot altogether the remarkable Jewish traditions which largely have been maintained sacrosanct for millennia (as vitally important to a proper background understanding to much of the existing biblical narrative). One of these traditions has it that the mark of Cain was the gift of God to Cain of a wolf -- at that time totally untamed, aggressive, a killing machine... this was long prior to the domestication of the wolf. All modern dogs have wolves as their ancestors. Cain's fear of being butchered by other peoples living outside of the protective area of the Garden of Eden (and the immediate region east of Eden) is an admission by the writer of Genesis that other races had evolved on this planet beside the populations seeded by Adam and Eve.

Problem with the Bible is that there is absolutely zero information about other races created by God. Zero data about their cultural existences, hominid status, as well as zero information about their progenitors. What colour were they? We do not know. Was Cain's wife black? Maybe she was. And what about Mrs Noah? What colour was she? We know that Noah was not subjected himself to miscegenation, but what about his sons? If Mrs Noah perhaps was black, could this account for their firstborn son Ham being "dark" which is what "Ham" means in Hebrew? If so, and Ham was so dark he appeared black, then this was not a curse at all but simply a loving expression of one of God's predetermined intentions to bring about genetic variations within the human family, the human race (and by human I mean homo sapiens sapiens -- intelligent and creative thinking humankind). Of course, because of the dearth of ancient information relative to our distant ancestors many questions will unfortunately never receive an explanation until we all stand before the Throne of God's Grace.

It is at that point that we will have inherited God's memories, which is promised in Scripture from so many diverse vantage points of argument, and then we will know all things.

But until that time the proponents of racial discrimination, hatred and bigotry cannot justify the enslavement of non-White races from the biblical perspective. The terrible "curse-prophecy" of Genesis 9.27 that came about on Canaan as a consequence of Noah's castration was ultimately fulfilled when the Romans (who were descendants of Japheth) conquered the Carthaginian Canaanites of North Africa. But Noah's curse was two-edged in fact (as God's curses also happen to be). To be a "servant of servants" means "servant second-to-none" -- and the Hamitic peoples/races [plural] have given to the world at large brilliant inventions, and other wonderful expressions of blessing, that have been utilised "to the max" by an ungrateful humanity.

We all need to appreciate that in the Kingdom of God, and also in the universal church for that matter, skin colour and race has no place. "For there is [in Messiah] no longer Jew or Gentile, nor slave or free, nor male and female, for all are one [new humanity] in Messiah Yeshua" (Galatians 3.28).

Hope this input sits well with you.

Kol Tuv,


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Re: Why Canaan Was Cursed by Noah
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2017, 09:42:27 AM »
THANK YOU REBBE! I can always count on a honest and humble reply concerning questions that you feel Holy Spirit inspired to answer and admittance of those you do not.

I do and will probably maintain the position (until the Ruach reveals) that the 6th Day creation was indeed the "Adam and Eve's" of God's multiple complexioned creations and that they too were given the presence of Yehovah in there own times BUT disrupted by the minor gods that intentionally did not fulfill their positions to "point to" the ONE TRUE GOD! Hence, the Adamic peoples were appointed to share the ONE true GOD through HIS covenant with Abraham to ALL creation.

 I believe the flood was localized and hence these "races" were allowed to continue their state of being in their appointed times and places. Also allowing for a second influx of Nephilim after the flood, whose sole purpose was to disrupt the Savior from HIS mission to redeem ALL creation. It was my understanding the Noah being "perfect in his generations" meant he did not mix with the fallen angels as that is the context of the passage, not that he did not mix outside of his race. If that was the case, such a stance would negate all this mixing to create all these hybrid races!

I do believe this is the VERY reason why we are admonished NOT TO BE CONCERNED with endless genealogy! However, I am so gravely saddened by the inferiority and superiority complexes that plague our entire species, affecting religion, economics, social standing, politics - EVERYTHING!!! I'm tired! BUT GOD!!! COME Lord Yeshua!!! PEACE BE STILL!!!