Author Topic: Romans 12 PART 2: On Jewish Hypocrisy in the Second Temple Period  (Read 350 times)


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Analytical Commentary on Romans

On Jewish Hypocrisy in the Second Temple Period [2]

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Copyright © BRI 2016 All Rights Reserved Worldwide by Les Aron Gosling,
Messianic Lecturer (BRI/IMCF)

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"The great Rabbi Gamaliel had among his disciples one who, according to a passage in the Talmud, gave his master a good deal of trouble, manifesting 'impudence in matters of learning.' But his name is not given; he is remembered simply as 'that pupil'" (F.F. Bruce, The Spreading Flame, 1958, 81. See also J. Klausner, From Jesus to Paul, 1944, 310f; Babylonian Talmud, Shabbat 30b).

"A world without reward and punishment is a world of utter indifference, and indifference is the ultimate rejection. One cannot serve indifference. In order for there to be a relationship between God and man, God must react to man's actions. Our awareness of this reaction, reward or punishment, informs us that the Almighty cares, that our actions make a difference. Without reward and punishment life has no meaning , for what man would or would not do would make no difference" (Rabbi Yakov Weinberg, Fundamentals & Faith, Insights into Rambam's 13 Principles, 1992)

"Therefore you have no defense, whoever you are, when you judge others; for in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, are practicing the very same things. 'We know that God's judgment on those who do such things is impartial.' Do you thus reason, whoever you are, that when you judge those who do such things and yet do them yourself, you will escape the judgment of God? Or are you perhaps contemptuous of the wealth of his kindness and forbearance and patience? Do you not realise that God's patient kindness is meant to lead you to turn from your sins? But by your hard and impenitent heart you are storing up anger for yourself on the day of anger, when God's righteous judgment will be revealed. For he will recompense according to each one's works: [Prov 24.12; Ps 62.13 (12)] to those who by perseverance do good seeking for glory and honour and immortality , eternal life; while for those who are self-seeking and who are not persuadable in respect of the truth [or, obey not the truth] but who pursue evil intentions [or, obey wickedness], there will be anger and fury. There will be anguish and distress for everyone who accomplishes evil, the Jew first and also the Greek, but glory and honour and peace for everyone who accomplishes good, the Jew first and also the Greek. For the presence of God shows no partiality. All who have sinned outside the framework of Torah will also perish outside the framework of Torah, and all who have sinned within the framework or sphere of Torah will be judged by the Torah. For it is not merely those who are instructed in Torah who are righteous in God's sight, but the doers of the Torah who will be justified. When Gentiles, who do not possess the Torah, habitually do naturally what the Torah requires, these, though not having the Torah, are themselves Torah. They show that what the Torah requires is written on their hearts [cf Jer 31.33,34] to which their own conscience also bears joint-witness; and their conflicting thoughts and reasonings sometimes accusing or perhaps excusing one another on a day when, according to my gospel, God, through Yeshua the Messiah, will judge the secret thoughts of all. But if you call yourself a Jew and possess a blind and mechanical reliance on Torah and boast of your relation to God and have an experiential knowledge of his will and determine what is best because you are instructed in the Torah, and if you are personally persuaded that you are a guide to the blind, a light to those who are in darkness, an instructor of the spiritually unaware, a teacher of the immature, having in the Torah the embodiment of knowledge and truth, you, then, that constantly teach others, will you not teach yourself? While you constantly preach against stealing, do you steal? You that constantly forbid adultery, do you commit adultery? You that constantly abhor idols, do you commit idolatrous acts? You that take pride in the Torah, do you dishonour God by breaking the Torah? For, as it is written, 'The name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you.' [Isa 52.5; Eze 36.20] Circumcision indeed is of value if you obey the Torah; but if you break the Torah, your circumcision has become uncircumcision. So, if those who are uncircumcised keep the requirements of the Torah, will not their uncircumcision be regarded as circumcision? Then those who are physically uncircumcised but keep the Torah will condemn you that have the written code and circumcision but yet violate the Torah. For a person is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is true circumcision something only external and physical. Rather, a person is a Jew who is one inwardly, and real circumcision is a matter of the heart,it is spiritual and not literal. Such a person receives praise not from others but from God" (Romans 2).

In his opening diatribe and denunciation on the perils of Gentile idolatry, Paul condemns  the Gentile world and specifically the Mystery Cults of the Mediterranean which gave such degenerate idolatry lucid expression, an expression which had saturated the Roman empire and dug its filthy roots deep down into fertile soil of the capitol of the empire, Rome. Pagan homosexual writers of the same time period were revolted by the extreme dissipation and lascivious lubricity that had gripped the largely bored Roman aristocracy.

Jewish readers, naturally enough, would immediately equate with Paul's attitude. But then Paul indicts the people of Israel for the same kind of idolatrous behaviour (Rom 2.17). In the opening verse of chapter 2 Paul writes: "You have no excuse, whoever you are, when you judge another, for in passing judgment upon him you condemn yourself because you do the very same things."

Were the Jews of Rome following depraved pagan Gentile bestiality? Could addicts of Torah-observance be so decrepit that they could wantonly indulge in such nauseous, obnoxious, toxic, sexual behaviour with apes, reptiles, goats, pigs, dogs and geese?


So what were Jews doing which Paul stated were "the very same things"? We have to largely discard Christian commentaries on this matter, as sexual perversions were not on this provocative list. For, Paul had indicted the Gentiles as being guilty of "every kind of injustice, evil, avarice and vice; stuffed with envy, murder, quarrelling, dishonesty and ill-will; they are gossips, slanderers, haters of God; they are insolent, arrogant and boastful; they plan evil schemes; they disobey parental authority and disappoint their expectations of them; they are brainless, faithless, heartless without natural affection and ruthless. They KNOW well enough God's righteous decree that people who do such things deserve to die; YET not only do they keep habitually doing them, but they applaud and take immense pleasure in others who do the same" (Romans 1.18-32 Tentative BRI/IMCF Version).

These are the "qualities" , the characteristics and attributes of idolatrous Gentile apostates , that, according to the great apostle, identified the natural dispositions of many a Jew of Rome. This is Paul's focus, and not (in the case of the Jews), sexual dissolution, dissipation and profligacy.

"Do you thus reason, whoever you are, that when you judge those who do such things and yet do them yourself, you will escape the judgment of God? Or are you perhaps contemptuous of the wealth of his kindness and forbearance and patience? Do you not realise that God's patient kindness is meant to lead you to turn from your sins? But by your hard and impenitent heart you are storing up anger for yourself on the day of anger, when God's righteous judgment will be revealed. For he will recompense according to each one's works" (Rom 2.3-6).

What Rav Shaul has written here is common to the literature of the Second Temple period. He then elaborates: "To those who by patience in well doing seek for glory, honour, and immortality, [He will give] eternal life." Here Paul reverts to the language and imagery of Creation because Adam was given life as a free gift.  

I want to make something abundantly clear!

One of the great lies of the Dark Lord is that there was a covenant of works in the Garden of Eden , that there was also a covenant of works under Moses.

The truth of the matter is the exact opposite! And the proof is right there in the Hebrew Scriptures themselves. Ask any rabbi what the "covenant of works" in Eden, or under Moses, was all about! He will look at you as if you were an idiot. And frankly, in my opinion, if you had to ask a rabbi this question , you would be! But people believe this drivel! I happen to know some quite popular ministers of the "gospel" (small "g") who are sincere in this belief, but are sincerely wrong!

One minister of God once emailed me that under Moses the Jews had to earn their salvation in such a covenant of works but since "Jesus" came we now have a "new covenant" of Grace. Personally I think he's had far too many daughters and they've driven him nuts. Listen! He may talk about Grace, and believe in a universal salvation, as do some others, but to link "Grace" with the "New Covenant" or ANY covenant for that matter, and to speak of Moses in this manner, is the height of sheer Tom Foolery! Its fallacious in the extreme. It entirely "misses the mark" and therefore stands as SIN.

Consider Psalm 8. It tells us that Adam was crowned with glory and honour. This was true. Nevertheless, Adam was to seek for glory and honour as he lived under God, bearing God's image , the image of the Ad'am Kad'mon, the Universal Man, the Sky Man. He would have finally inherited salvation (defined as the quality of divine immortality , incorruptibility at every level of the conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind) because there is an eschatology built into creation itself when we acknowledge Paul's idea which he calls the soma psychikon , the natural body, the Adamic body. After that there would have been a transformation , a QUANTUM LEAP if you will , to a SPIRITUAL body, so that ETERNAL LIFE would have been confirmed.  

God intended all along that Adam would go through a time of probation, or testing. This was ultimately for God's greater glory in Adam's realisation of THE GRACE and beauty of God Himself, His character (Name) into which Adam was destined to enter.

This time of trial was not intended to "show God" if Adam would apostate or persevere in obedience, for the Lord knew all along what lay in store for our human forefather. And indeed, the LORD knows full well what lays in store for each of us who also seek to strive for "glory, honour and immortality," and we too will receive eternal life (we possess it in a germinal form, now) at the end of our quest.  

Having said this, Paul warns that, on the other hand, for those who are factious and do not obey the truth , please notice the term "obey the truth" (Rom 2.8) for this is not about a simple "faith" or mere assent or "belief" to it, but involves our obedience to it , but obey "wickedness," there will be an ultimate facing of the consequences: namely, "wrath and fury." There will be "tribulation and distress" for every human being who does evil (breaks Messiah's Torah), to the Jew first and also the Gentile, "but glory and honour and peace for everyone who does good" (i.e., obeys Messiah's Torah).  

Paul's use here of peace is intriguing in itself for it is a term of creation , "shalom." Peace is not merely the absence of violence and warfare. "Shalom" goes back to Paradise. Shalom points forward to Paradise, and beyond Paradise into GOD Himself. It is the Torah's word for harmony and order, the peace of the creation, the authentic indivisible Unity of Creative Intelligence and Love in the sense espoused by the Sh'ma , and so very much in line with Adam's original glory, honour and peace.

And so, "The doers of the law will be justified."

None of us can deny that Paul's operative word in Romans 2 is "DO."

The Jew first and also the Gentile, for God shows no partiality.  

There are scholars that believe that no-one actually can DO the truth, and therefore nobody actually does seek for glory, honour, and immortality. Therefore, Paul is simply saying hypothetically that if someone did this, then they would receive eternal life. But the text just doesn't read that way. There is not an "if" to be found in the entire passage, in Greek or English! It is not stated in hypothetical terms, it is stated in concrete.  

When he speaks of those who disobey Torah which he refers to as "obeying wickedness," there is nothing hypothetical about it, and so seeking incorruptibility must be just as factual as obeying wickedness: bottom line , we either obey the truth or we obey wickedness. Thus, Rav Shaul continues that those who obey the truth are the ones who will be justified. He states in verse 12, "All who sin outside the law will also perish outside the law, and all who have sinned under the law will be judged by the law: for it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the law will be justified."  

Incidentally, the very first place that Paul uses the word dikaioo or "justify" is in Romans 2.13 where he speaks of a future justification at the Final Day of Judgment that is yet to take place. We know it will on the Final Day of Judgment because Paul tells us so... "In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Yeshua HaMashiach according to my gospel" (Rom 2.16).

The Jewish rabbi is making an eschatological point. Pointing forward to the future judgment, there are those who are the doers of the law and they, and they alone, will be justified.  

I know I keep coming back to this point but I need to precisely because it needs to be hammered home.  

There is NO place in the authentic Gospel record for antinomianism no matter what garb such a filthy doctrine wears , universalist or otherwise.

It is not good enough simply to be "instructed." Just as Jerusalem's alternative High Priest, and brother of Yeshua, said: "we have to be doers of the Word and not hearers only."

Now let me explain something about Jewish thoughtform. In the thinking of the Jews, if you rightly hear something, you are DOING it.  

"HEAR! O Yisrael" (Deut 6.4) , hearing is with the view to doing, with obeying the Sh'ma, recognizing that there is only one God. Gentile scholars today would drive a wedge between "hearing" and "accomplishing," and the same issue was raising its ugly head back when Paul penned Romans, so much so was that the case that Paul spent time addressing the issue.

From a Lutheran perspective the phrase "doers of the law" is interpreted as an attempt to earn salvation. There is no argument that in medieval times it meant "to partake of the sacraments" or even to purchase indulgences in order to buy your way out of purgatory. But this phrase in Paul's Letter to the Roman Christians is not Lutheran or Catholic, but Hebrew , a Jewish phrase, a covenantal phrase.  

Lev 18.5 is a verse that Paul quotes in Romans and Galatians. "You shall therefore keep My statutes and My judgments, which if a man does, he shall live by them."

Paul is not contradicting himself when he quotes from the Sinai Torah as though he has changed his position about its abrogation. In no way! But he is simply utilising a basic principle, and the principle always applies , no matter from what section of the Sinai Covenant and Sinai Torah he borrows.

This extraction from the Torah comes in a context regarding sexual sins. Israel is not to perform any of the abominations of the Gentiles as can be seen in Lev 18.1-3: "And the Lord said to Moses, Say to the people of Israel, I am the Lord your God. You shall not do as they do in the land of Egypt, where you dwelt, and you shall not do as they do in the land of Canaan, to which I am bringing you. You shall not walk in their statutes."  

Pagans, no matter what breed they represent, have statutes. They have laws. They have practices. They have customs. And God made it very plain indeed that Israel was not to walk in those ways. But He says, "You shall do my ordinances and keep my statutes and walk in them. I am the Lord your God."  

The context is vital because Israel is being forbidden from following Egyptian and Canaanite idolatrous practices. In every context where you have an exhortation for Israel to keep the Torah, it is always an oblique reference, not an explicit reference. To keep the statutes of the Canaanites, then, is to be involved in their abominable practices , especially sacred cultic prostitution, which was the worst sin of all of them.  

So if you keep Torah's ordinances, it means that you will flee from idolatry and follow the will of our Creator as revealed in the Torah. That is your rule of life; that is your walk. Israel has been redeemed, because they were given a full abundant life at the time of the Exodus. They didn't have to earn a thing, but they were expected to PERSEVERE in the life that had been given them. That is why it is said that the one "who does the law will live." That is, go on living within the covenant relationship ENJOYING God's blessing in the land, BECAUSE you remain His people. And so, the principle applies , very much so , in relation to the New Covenant.

Hekim berith is a Biblical phrase meaning "to maintain the covenant," as translated in the Septuagint (LXX) by histemi in Greek. This verb literally means "to stand." When it is translated hekim it means to maintain the covenant. Israel was given a covenant, given life, given blessing, which they were to maintain by staying within the parameters of the Torah and not going over to pagan religion. Throughout Deuteronomy you have the recurring refrain, "this do and live." Not to keep these statutes in order to earn your salvation, but so that you may continue to enjoy God's life and blessing as you are within the covenant. So the key word becomes PERSEVERANCE and that is the issue in these Jewish texts.

And, I might add, it is the identical imperative issue in the writings of the NT corpus: perseverance in the New Covenant as against apostasy. From Paul to James and including everyone else in between, it is the same issue. Not individual sins committed, but the overall advance toward perfection. Yeshua said: "Be(come) you therefore PERFECT [spiritually mature] EVEN AS your Father in heaven is perfect [spiritually mature]" (Mt 5.48).

I am called a legalist by the no-bodies of this world. I have been called it many times in the past. I expect to be called it many times in the future before I receive the "Victor's Crown." And why am I labeled a legalist? Because of my devotion to the enlarged MESSIANIC Torah. Because my enemies (and make no mistake, they ARE enemies) make the claim that I expect people to earn their salvation by works. Unbelievable! Listen! Please! The doers of the law...

are not those who earn anything, AND...

they are not those who seek to establish some claim upon God, AND...

MOREOVER they don't seek to work out a merited salvation or righteousness of their own.

They are simply those who persevere within the will , the expectations , of God.  

According to Paul, it is precisely in the Mashiach that we become "the doers of the law"....

To be precise, the DOERS of the Torah are those who are loyal to Yeshua, the fulfillment of Torah.

The DOERS of the Torah are those who persevere in Him, the fulfillment of Torah.

The DOERS of the Torah are those who are being conformed to His image, the fulfillment of Torah.

And this is why Paul referred to Christians of his day in the Messianic Movement of the Yeshua School as those who personally "fulfill the Torah" (Rom 3.31 cf Mt 3.15; Gal 6.2; 2 Thes 1.11; Col 1.24,25; cf Jam 2.8. All of these texts are to be seen within a Messianic context).  

It is they who will be VINDICATED in the last day as God's faithful people: those who have persevered and remain steadfast to the Messiah. This is true, and remains true, even in the area of physical trials and travails at the End of Days. In the words of Our Lord Yeshua Himself, "He who endures [in trials and struggles] to the end will be [physically] saved [delivered]."

"The doers of the law" as an exact Greek phrase occurs in 1 Maccabees 2.67 where it refers to those who are loyal to the Jewish religion, as opposed to those who fall away from it because of persecution. Paul was very well-versed in this scroll. Get a copy of 1 Maccabees , available in the Apocrypha , and read chapter 2 and verse 67 for yourself! In fact, read the entire book!

These are the doers of the law: not earning salvation, but maintaining covenant faithfulness. That's Covenant faithfulness , not a Covenant of Works!

In the Essene Manual of Discipline the Hebrew equivalent is found, which could fairly be translated into Greek, "the doers of the law" or into the English, the same way. There again the reference is to the sect's covenantal duty. They are seen to be doers of the law who performed the law simply because they were in covenant relationship.

We have allowed the four hundred years prior to this century to dictate the context and the terms of the contents of the so-called "NT" rather than the four hundred years just prior to the first advent of Our Lord Yeshua.  

The Messianic Scriptures weren't written to us; they weren't written to Luther and Calvin. They didn't grasp the precise, historical milieu of the Second Temple Judaisms. And it is within that context that phrases like "doing the law" and so forth refer to perseverance: abiding within the covenant, not earning anything.  

The bottom line to everything is that single word "perseverance." True Christians have been justified by faith and by faith alone. No Torah observance is involved in our justification, our redemption, our salvation in Grace, our Vindication. And I am not merely addressing the Sinai Covenant, but the new Covenant as well. I freely utilise the word "vindication" because it is that to which justification boils down. It is a courtroom term, a forensic term, but it means to vindicate those who have maintained faith in the Messiah.

Bear in mind that while the entire world has been justified at the death of Messiah, an actual reality of legal justification has become ours only by virtue of our acceptance or recognition of its availability by virtue of our Firstfruit election in GRACE. In other words by GRACE our minds have been opened to an awareness of what was accomplished 2000 years ago. And, it is God who has opened out minds to this fact. It had nothing at all to do with our free will or free choice or our right attitudes or anything of that nature. Salvation is ALL of God. Not of GRACE? Then not of God!

Take a good look at Lk 8.4-15. Rav Shaul is no stranger to the parable traditions handed down by the disciples of Yeshua, his Lord. Recall that it is Luke, Paul's companion who includes this particular parable with its emphasis on perseverance. Again, Paul had absolutely no qualms about encouraging the terrified Philippian gaoler to activate his life in Mashiach! And in Phil 2.13 Paul writes: "Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling [better, with positive anticipation and ecstatic exhilaration]."  

"Fear and trembling" in Jewish thoughtform really carries the meaning of "joyous exhilaration and genuine excitement" or similar. It fails, in Jewish thoughtform, to carry a single note of anticipated terror.

Why? "Because GOD IS AT WORK IN YOU both to will and to do of His good pleasure" (Phil 2.13).  

Ultimately, IT IS ALL OF GRACE from beginning (alpha) to end (omega). We can do nothing without Him. Even in our regenerate state we can do nothing without Him. And so again, the tension between the already and the not yet , God has begun something.
"He who began in you a good work will bring it to completion" , will perfect it on the day of Messiah (Phil 1.6).

We have it again in Romans 5.9-10, where Paul follows that argument that the Rabbis call qal wa homer , "from the lesser to the greater." The very terms that we are dealing with are here. Verse 8 speaks of the way that Messiah died for us while we were yet sinners. In verse 9, "Since therefore now we are justified by His blood, how much more shall we be saved by Him from the wrath of God?"  

You see the argument from the lesser to the greater; you see from the perspective of this passage that the great thing is yet to be done.  

While justification by his blood is a great thing there is something which from a certain point of view is FAR greater!  

That is the completion of the work.  

When Paul makes reference to the life of Messiah he means the resurrected Messiah. In terms of the epistle to the Hebrews, this is Messiah who is the interceding High Priest, who prays for his people. And he saves us eschatologically, by virtue of His resurrection life.

"For if when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son, much more" , again, the principle of the lesser to the greater , "now that we are reconciled shall we be saved by His life" (Rom 5.10).

Yeshua lived His life perfectly in the flesh for each one of us. And while we are expected by Him to be overcomers (look up all the references in Revelation to establish this beyond any doubt) we are all secure in the fact that He overcame even for us.

As a consequence of His own overcoming (Rev 3.21) He has EARNED a NAME in which NAME (1 Enoch 48.7) all things are to be restored to GLORY. Notice it now:

"1 And in that place I saw an inexhaustible spring of righteousness and many springs of wisdom surrounded it, and all the thirsty drank from them and were filled with wisdom, and their dwelling was with the Righteous and the Holy and the Chosen. 2 And at that hour that Son of Man was named, in the presence of the Lord of Spirits, and his name brought to the Head of Days. 3 Even before the Sun and the constellations were created, before the Stars of Heaven were made, his name was named in front of the Lord of Spirits. 4 He will be a staff to the righteous and the Holy, so that they may lean on him and not fall, and he will be the Light of the Nations, and he will be the hope of those who grieve in their hearts. 5 All those who dwell upon the dry ground will fall down and worship in front of him, and they will bless, and praise, and celebrate with psalms, the name of the Lord of Spirits. 6 And because of this he was chosen, and hidden in front of Him, before the World was created, and forever. 7 But the wisdom of the Lord of Spirits has revealed him to the Holy and the righteous, for he has kept safe the lot of the righteous, for they have hated and rejected this world of iniquity. And all its works and its ways they have hated in the name of the Lord of Spirits. For in His name they are saved and he is the one who will require their lives. 8 And in those days the kings of the Earth, and the strong who possess the dry ground, will have downcast faces because of the works of their hands, for on the day of their distress and trouble they will not save themselves. 9 And I will give them into the hands of my chosen ones; like straw in the fire, and like lead in water, so they will burn in front of the righteous, and sink in front of the Holy, and no trace will be found of them. 10 And on the day of their trouble there will be rest on the earth and they will fall down in front of him and will not rise. And there will be no one who will take them with his hands and raise them for they denied the Lord of Spirits and his Messiah. May the name of the Lord of Spirits be blessed!"

We can now better comprehend the thoughtform behind Paul's admonition to the Philippians...

"Let this mind be in you, which was also in Messiah Yeshua: Who, being in the form of God" [as the Ad'am Kad'mon, the Universal Man or Sky Man] thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even death by crucifixion. Wherefore God also has highly exalted him, and given him a NAME WHICH IS ABOVE EVERY NAME: That at the NAME of Yeshua" [as the Restored Ad'am Kad'mon, the Universal Man , GOD] "every knee should bow, of things in the heavens, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Yeshua HaMashiach is LORD, to the glory of God the Father" (Phil 2.5).

Are any of us who love the Lord and the biblical revelation earning our salvation because we obey God and His enlarged Messianic Torah?

Such a claim, my students, is utterly ridiculous.

As we progress through the second chapter of Paul's Letter to the Roman Christians we shall be confronted by the deplorable apostate spiritual condition of the Jewish Sanhedrin under Rome's dominance. We shall see candidly and with clarity just how filled with hypocrisy Jerusalem actually was during the Second Temple Period. And we shall have a much clearer understanding of what it was Paul was condemning in this section of the epistle.

Part 3 will continue in the next lecture.

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