Author Topic: Mercy to the Ruthless?  (Read 75 times)


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Mercy to the Ruthless?
« on: November 22, 2023, 12:45:29 PM »
The ruthless are within our own borders (no matter where you live) and the ignorant are taking up the banner.

I thought the sight of Hamas supporters worldwide was bad enough, the cruel calls for the destruction of Israel and the Jews wherever the enemy may find them is entirely unacceptable to anyone with love in their heart. The whitewash of their cause to demonstrate the way they do, the complicit police who stand by and tolerate this delusion of mania and the twisted nature of the West toward the one democracy in the ME. But just the other day, on arriving home from doing the weekly shopping, we alighted our car in the driveway to see 3 young teenage boys riding their bicycles past our house. Nothing new, there are plenty of children who ride their bikes around here, but this time it was different. There were flags flying from the back of their bikes. Palestinian flags!!! In our street. A sleepy little country town in northern NSW, where nothing much happens here except swooping magpies and water sports. Where did these young, ignorant SCHOOL CHILDREN get these flags?! I can only wonder and speculate.

So, support for the Pallies has even reached our very own street. We live in a small village community of mostly young families and some elderly. We don’t even have large supermarkets in our hamlet, we have the usual restaurants, Chinese, Thai, Indian, Japanese and a bistro that sells bakery foods during the day and a few nights a week serves meals and drinks. Opposite them is another restaurant that is woefully overpriced and run by a celebrity chef. What I’m trying to convey is that the area is small, even separated from the rest of the built up areas in our neck of the woods. It’s peaceful, fairly quiet. Sunday markets attract all the alternative folk that live here and in surrounding districts. It’s not a hub-bub by any means. So, you can understand our great consternation when we witnessed these Fakestinian flags being proudly displayed on the kid’s bikes. What the Dickens! do these kids know about the conflict in Israel that has been going on for a hundred years or the history of the Jewish people and the false claim of the Fakestinians to the land they cry out for “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”  So no Jews in Israel. Okay?!

If you support these evil perpetrators of the most hideous crimes against humanity, then you are sorely deluded and ignorant. Islam wants your country. It always did. Don’t delude yourself that your lovely neighbour or decent coworker who wears a scarf is really your friend. Maybe for now, but if Jihad was called against you, she would open the door for her “militant terrorists” to drag you out of your home and kill you, mercilessly, just like they did in Southern Israel. That’s if she didn’t decide to slit your throat with your own cake knife when you invited her to morning tea. Make no mistake, Islam seeks to take over the world and if the current administrations in the West have their way in supporting them the way they do, then it’s “goodbye” to what you know as the good life. I kid you not!

I remember that some few months ago, the then Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel said that she regretted opening the borders to the Muslim “refugees” from Syria etc., because of what she then witnessed within her beloved Deutschland. Did I believe that for one minute?! Not at all!! She is complicit along with the rest of the West in selling us all out to what even an Aussie politician once said: “Islam is the only religion that makes sense.” Who said that? Why it was our own Barnaby Joyce. Rich coming from him (if you know his background.)

All of our pollies are joined at the hip with the same agenda, right is left and left is right. That’s why we get the same results no matter what side we vote for (not me, my vote is in Heaven). Even Avi Abelow said that this is what happens in Israel - the people largely want the conservative right in power, but the left is ruling beneath the facade (including in the courts and why the complicit PM wants new rules of court engagement - and why do I call him “complicit”? You’ll need to do that research for yourselves). The left seeks the destruction of the West and all its values. If you’re a conservative, forget it, the right is sold lock stock and barrel to the World Economic Forum (the WHO and the UN) and our pollies are on their payroll. Destruction is the agenda. And as the JINO George Soros said, paraphrasing: “we don’t know what will replace it”, it’s a given in their demonic minds that the destruction will birth some wonderful new world that will accommodate everyone in a much better world. Ah, not so fast!

Not everyone. Just those that will be left after their genocidal, democidal maniacal plans are exacted, performed, and the elite rule in comfort with the remainder of humanity doing their bidding more so than we already are. The “window of opportunity” spoken by our “dear” King Charlie is in play and you don’t count, I don’t care which “team” for which you think you vouch. Wake up!!

We look to a new world, not run by deluded, power-obsessed, destructive maniacs, but by the King Of Kings and Lord Of Lords. Anyone, anything else is of the devil. Remember that next time you go to vote for a demoniac who seeks murderous power over your life.

Here is Avi Abelow’s latest video. If you’re interested there are earlier videos keeping us up to date in his own inimitable way. May God bless his efforts and keep him and his family safe. Amein!

Love and Shalom,

Rebbetzin Glenys
Love and Shalom,
Rebbetzin Glenys xo