Author Topic: Vayigash -- The Real Meaning of the Swaddling Cloth  (Read 966 times)


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Vayigash -- The Real Meaning of the Swaddling Cloth
« on: December 21, 2017, 11:20:38 AM »
New Reformation Fellowship Bible Class Notes, December 25, 1984

CAUTION: BRI Bible Class Notes are not available to the general public. They are not for distribution. They are not for reproduction. The notes may also bear little or no resemblance to the actual recorded BRI lecture.
Copyright © BRI 1984, 2011, 2017 All Rights Reserved Worldwide

"I teach nothing new but all things original" -- Rebbe

Parsha Vayigash (and he drew near)
Genesis 44.18-47.27
Haftorah Ezekiel 37.15-28 (Sephardi)

In Vayigash we read of a prophetic forecast concerning the coming Mashiach as witnessed in an incident in the life of Joseph. Genesis is replete with Messianic prophetic allusions as being fulfilled in Yeshua the Nazarene King of the Jews -- and our Lord and Saviour. In fact, in the story of Joseph we see a number of anti-types fulfilling the prophetic Messianic vision. There can be no doubt of this fact. Certainly the Messiah was expected to be Mashiach ben David, but he was also to be Messiah ben Yosef.

Despite current rabbinic hostility to the one they call "Jesus," Yeshua is the only Messiah who has presented credentials to fulfill both Messianic visions, and expectations.

Just as Joseph's brethren remained ignorant of his identity, in this account in Vayigash so the Jewish people today remain ignorant of the Messiah's actual identity.

Just as they remained ignorant of Joseph's identity until he revealed himself to them, so the Jewish people will remain ignorant until Yeshua reveals himself to them.

But, interestingly enough, the story in the Genesis account also speaks of Judah's repentance before Joseph. He repents when confronted by the possibility of his father Jacob's death through grief at the threat of losing yet another son, in this case young Benjamin. Just so, the people of Judah will repent wholesale rather than grieve the Father further once they realise who Yeshua really is -- God's Son and their Mashiach.

Intriguingly, God revealed Himself in the Person of Yeshua to a bunch of Jewish outcasts who were shepherds. As shepherds they were largely a despised profession due to the fact that their way of life violated the Torah obligation in matters of Shabbat observance.

In any event, the shepherds were given a sign that is oftentimes overlooked by Christians even though they lay great emphasis in a sentimental way in Xmas songs that refer to this specific sign.

The angelic powers that openly displayed their armed might (Greek) at the birth of the Messiah in Beit Lechem, told terrified shepherds that they would find the Son of God lying in a manger, as a baby wrapped in "swaddling clothes." We find the account in Luke 2.12. It was to be a "SIGN" to them of the troubling authenticity of the awesome event. But today most of us have lost the significance of it.

Listen -- and let the TRUTH OF GOD really sink in at this juncture. It is most exciting. We should all rejoice about this fact.

What was "swaddling cloth"?

"Swaddling cloth" is that remnant of cloth which clothed the High Priest and which he wore ONCE A YEAR when he entered into the most sacred portion of the Temple of God in Jerusalem, the HOLY OF HOLIES.

He entered the Holy of Holies only once annually and that was on Yom Kippurim, the Great Fast Day of the Jewish people, the Day of Atonements (plural). Because he was exposed to the Sh'khinah of the LORD God in that tight compartment, and was EXPOSED to God's radiant light, the linen clothing was considered far too SACRED for reuse in common, ordinary, day-to-day usage. So, the priests tore this linen clothing into strips of cloth and then used those same bands as wicks to light the magnificent Menorah -- "the Light of the World" -- on Shemini Atzeret, the Last Festival Day of the Jewish calendar as revealed in Leviticus 23. That Last Great Day of the Jewish festival and agricultural cycle pictured the entire salvation plan of God in its consummate conclusion -- a FULL, COMPLETE and TOTAL salvation of ALL living creatures (Sparks of Light) back into the Source of their Origin, the true Living God.

But there was yet another usage for this cloth. And, this is wonderful teaching indeed. The strips of HOLY cloth -- cloth that had been exposed to the GLORY and PRESENCE of Almighty God was used to wrap together the SCROLL OF THE TORAH OF GOD. When a new copy of the Torah had been painstakingly prepared, the older copy of the scroll was wrapped in these strips of HOLY cloth before it was "buried."

Here was Yeshua, the Living Torah from Eternity, who shared the very GLORY of God, being wrapped tightly as a baby in bands with the STRIPS OF EXPOSED LINEN CLOTH worn previously as holy garments by the High Priest in the Holy of Holies on the most holy day of the year. The "Living Torah" was found by the shepherds wrapped in highly appropriate swaddling cloth and lying in a manger.

But the incredible story does not end there. No, not at all. Rather, the word "manger" in the Greek language is from a root word which has its equivalent in Hebrew meaning Sukkah (Tabernacle). Yeshua the Messiah came and "tabernacled" with us according to the emissary John, the priest (John 1.14 Greek). "And the Logos was made flesh and tabernacled among us...." The seventh month, Tishri, in which Yeshua was born, is the month which celebrates the festival of Tabernacles (Sukkot).

Remember, that the festival of Tabernacles (Sukkot) was referred to and held by rabbinic authorities as "the feast of (or, for) the nations." Once again, the sacred record of the life of Yeshua -- "the true Light of the World" -- is revealed to be a tightly woven tapestry showing the intricate super-technological Creative handiwork of God the Father, who loves all humanity and is working His will toward the goal of the salvation of all (Jn 3.16,17 cf 1 Jn 2.2; 1 Tim 1.15; 1 Tim 2.3,4).

In regards the "swaddling cloth"... God signs all His Work.


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Re: Vayigash -- The Real Meaning of the Swaddling Cloth
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2017, 12:49:26 PM »
Beautiful Les... Thank you!

I will share it with Mom.