Author Topic: The "Blood Moons": What is it all about?  (Read 1237 times)


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The "Blood Moons": What is it all about?
« on: March 29, 2014, 05:13:13 PM »
Parshot Tazria & Metzora ("When She [a woman] Conceives" & "The Person afflicted with Tzara'at [skin affliction]")
Leviticus 12: 1-15: 33 (Double Parsha[ot])
Haftarah: 2 Kings 5: 1-27

The weekly Parsha Discussion is replaced this week by the written message below from Rabban. Amos, IMCF Elder

The "Blood Moons": What is it all about?

Peace be with You,

There has been a lot of discussion on the subject of the four coming "Blood Moons", the first to appear around Passover (mid April 14th-15th) next month. I have been contacted a number of times with questions relating to it (and also the odd concern raised) due to a large amount of debate on what the "Blood Moons" mean found on social networking sites like facebook.

The moon is a portent G-d the father has put in the Heavens, and in the end times the Moon's appearance like blood has major Messianic significance (See- Joel 2: 30-31 & Acts 2: 20). But don't get over excited (or concerned!!) yet. There is much to occur on earth before that Day comes prophetically. The Ancient Jews understood the Heavenly message heralded by the appearance of the "Blood Moon" throughout history and it is this:

"When the moon is in eclipse, it is a bad omen for Israel. If its face is as red as blood, (it is a sign that) the sword is coming to the world."

It is a message that a sword will be unleashed (in a manner of speaking).

When the "Blood Moon" appeared in 1492 the Jewish People were expelled from Spain. However, in 1948 when it appeared again the Israeli War of Independence took place,  as did the 1967 Arab-Israeli War which saw all of Jerusalem and the Biblical heartland of YESHA (the so-called "west Bank") come back under Israeli control for the first time in 2,000 years. So whilst a "sword may descend" upon the earth, a good victory from G-d swiftly follows for his people.

We too, the Disciples of Yeshua, are also the House of Israel. There may be cataclysms in our personal life or upheavals, but we are not alone. It is G-d who has fashioned the Seasons and the signs of the Heavens, including the Moon; be it clear, eclipsed, blue or blood-like.

The fact that it occurs on the Lord's Passover this year and three other Holy Days over the next 12 months is of great interest. As I write to you, we are historically living in the month and final weeks that led up to the Passover: The time when Israel was being humanly punished by Pharaoh and Egypt was being divinely chastised by YHWH. It is also the time when the plot to arrest Yeshua was coming into being and things were heating up for his Ministry as he approached the appointed time of his Crucifixion and Resurrection. We know that because we read the weekly Parsha and are not ignorant of the Torah and its cyclic nature.

The weekly Torah vibration is the scientific God-given vibration of the Universe. Of Creation. It is a seasonal and a cyclical Scroll. It is an Astronomical Scroll containing the Sacred cycles of the Moon, the Sabbath and The Holy Days which are linked to the four seasons and agricultural seasons of the Earth. The Parsha, the Words of the Prophets, the Psalms and the Gospels all reveal the actions of G-d in His seasons and the spiritual applications for us now.

We are affected by the Seasons too, but those who walk with The Lord, and have been separated for the reigning Kingdom of His Son through our relationship with the Father can navigate knowing that the Author of all things is on our side during this walk we have in the wilderness outside the Garden of Eden.

He walked with Adam and Eve when they began their walk in the Wilderness. He walked with Abraham and Sarah. He walked with Joseph & Miriam (Mary) and he walks with us. Please do not be afraid of the coming "Blood Moons", because they are ultimately a sign of G-d's coming victory, for his name, for his will and for us in our lives.

I wish you a Shavuah Tov (Sweet Week) and Shabbat Shalom from Australia.

With every blessing,

Rabban. Amos, IMCF Elder

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