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Global News Interest => New Board => Topic started by: Rebbe on February 17, 2023, 03:54:56 PM

Post by: Rebbe on February 17, 2023, 03:54:56 PM
To All:

The US has entered a very frightening period prior to the 2024 elections. The spectre of an evil darkness has descended rapidly over the "Home of the Brave, and Land of the Free." (And this spectre will spread right throughout the West.) Yes, the Republicans may have the House (just) but the Dems are out to destroy every vestige of fragile freedom that is yet left untouched of America. Now the well-respected and solid NEWSMAX channel has not been terminated by DirectTV and AT&T at the order of the hapless stumbling, fumbling, neglectful, forgetful geriatric-brained Biden -- who recently asked "Where's the President?" -- and in my opinion this accelerating decline in the social and historical fabric of the once-mighty USA can only be rectified by the return either of Trump or Messiah! (As to the latter we already confidently KNOW how his Second Advent will turn out!!!) But in the meantime Trump was the ONE POWERFUL VOICE that God used in the very human President to begin to powerfully turn the tide of the devilish "Left."

Concerning the Ohio "nuke" trauma Brighteon has today announced: "The Ohio derailment toxic dioxin bomb is far worse than we realised. [We are] shocked to learn the horrifying facts about the toxicity of dioxins, a class of chemical compounds formed when chlorinated compounds are burned. The authorities who set fire to the vinyl chloride in Ohio have unleashed an ecological catastrophe that's causing dioxin fallout on food, farms and families in Ohio, Pennsylvania and other states.

The maximum lifetime "safe" exposure to dioxins is 1/10,000th the mass of a single grain of table salt.

This means if you get one drop of dioxin chemicals on you, it's over. Massive cancer. Infertility. Spontaneous abortions, endocrine disruptions, etc. Very bad news.

Today we interview a hazardous materials incident response expert who specialises in train-wreck cleanups. What he shares with us is truly disturbing... the single largest toxic chemical ecological disaster in American history. [End quote]

For the full podcast on this terrible matter please access: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/hrreport

Shabbat shalom,