If we are not saved by keeping the Torah, what’s the point of observing it?

This question surfaces a lot, even though people say they read my lectures carefully.

The Gospel (which literally means “good news”) really should be translated as “GREAT news.” It teaches us that we who believe in Yeshua are delivered FROM sin and death, that we possess an ETERNAL MEMBERSHIP amongst the people of God, through Messiah’s faith alone (applied to each of us), and not as a result of conformity to legal requirements.

There is NOTHING WE CAN DO (or not do) to ADD to (or detract from) the perfect, completed, finished WORK of Mashiach on our behalf!


This means that any Torah-observance by a believer must originate out of a sincere and genuine heart-felt appreciation to
God’s gift of Grace. Keeping the Torah, then, is nothing more than our response of gratitude to God the Father for all that He has accomplished for us through His Son’s life, death and resurrection. If it is more than this, we are guilty of promoting (in ourselves) works for salvation.