Advantages When You Financially Support the IMCF
Many of our readers have yet to realise that there are decided advantages in getting behind this unique Messianic endeavour of restoring lost first century Jewish thoughtform to the Biblical revelation.
Of course, we have hundreds of articles, expositions and lectures available on our BRI/IMCF International Internet Yeshiva Members Discussion Board with many further lectures (and special offers) planned in the near future for those who take the step to identify with this ministry and Work of God. However, some people are a little apprehensive of taking the simple step of supporting us in a financial way, but let me personally assure you that there is nothing to lose and everything to gain. There are no secret thought police this end silently monitoring your progress with us! Its a simple procedure that allows you to learn more about God’s Word. Lectures are added periodically for your perusal and further education.
For those who wish to learn even MORE and to become properly equipped in a high level of cognisance related to the teachings of the Bible, and who support the IMCF in an ongoing way as members, we have (at least for those who live on the Gold Coast of Queensland in Australia, or who reside in the Northern Rivers region of northern New South Wales, Australia) the International Messianic Community of Faith (IMCF) Yeshiva/Assembly which congregates each Sabbath day to worship together and learn more about the contents of the biblical revelation in an atmosphere of Grace-orientation. We also have a congregation in Canada known as The Lion of Judah Congregation
and meeting times and locations can be accessed by emailing them direct.
In the meantime, for those interested parties who may wish to continue to further expand their knowledge of the Bible and HaShem’s expectations of them at this present time, please keep accessing this public site as we will be adding items from time to time on the Major Prophets, Minor Prophets, Revelation, with Teaching Examinations, and lectures on everything from sex to discipleship!
The IMCF is a vibrant Community of Faith and acceptance without prejudice awaits you.
Why not take the step of faith and allow the Ruach HaKodesh to “guide you into all the truth”? We are waiting to hear from you now.
– Rebbe