International Messianic

Community Of Faith

The Biblical Research Institute of the IMCF wishes to clearly state we are a trans-denominational, A-Political Messianic community.

Theologically centred in Yeshua the Messiah alone

restoring an appreciation of the lost Jewish thought-form to the biblical revelation as expressed in the 1st century Jewish milieu… ​The Rebbe teaches nothing new but all things original.

We stand firm on the following three fundamentals:

We support the Greater Israel vision with Jerusalem as its undivided capital;

That Yeshua the Nazarene King of the Jews is the Universal Messiah and Coming Redeemer
who will gather all the Holy Sparks back into the shattered Face of G-d.

We do not evangelize or “missionize” the Jewish People but expose all People to the Teaching of the Gospel.


by Rebbe Dr Les Aron Gosling | Observations concerning Faith in Hebrews...

The International Messianic Community of Faith-Forum and Educational Boards

If you desire to be a student of the B.R.I (Biblical Research Institute – Educational arm of the IMCF) and are seeking a deeper knowledge as you grow in Grace and the knowledge of Messiah, then we encourage you to donate.
Students who donate will be granted access to our extensive Forum and Educational Boards.

Essays on Prophecy – Episode 02

Essays on Prophecy:

Will We Ever Know the Day & Hour of Messiah’s Second Advent?

Shalom Aleikhem to all our guests!

Please feel free to listen in on our second lecture in the new series entitled “ESSAYS ON PROPHECY.”

We have entitled it Will We Ever Know the Day & Hour of Messiah’s Second Advent?

At the start of this recording the Rebbe makes two vitally important announcements that all should access!

Certainly, all who love the Lord Yeshua ought to possess a desire to know where we are in the process of the prophetic timeline and countdown to His second Advent. For many of us, this one detail of the prophetic biblical revelation given to us as a gift from the Lord YeHoVaH God is A DIVINE RESPONSIBILITY enabling us as we “redeem” time itself to (with momentum) REDEFINE OUR REALITY (as occasion presents) in order to more perfectly use our time allocation (remaining) to qualify in our characters for a position in the heavenly realm of the Messianic Kingdom that will manifest with Messiah at His coming in the New Jerusalem.

How many millions of others are there awaiting an authentic authoritative directive when it comes to a proper and appropriate grasp and comprehension of the contents of a restored Jewish thoughtform to the biblical revelation?!?

We thank YOU for visiting our site and ask that you evangelistically share our podcasts from the BRI/IMCF with friends and family as the Ruach of God makes opportunity to do so available to you.

B’ruch HaShem!


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Will We Ever Know the Day & Hour of Messiah's Second Advent?

by Rebbe Les Aron Gosling | Episode 02

Interpreters Pulpit 101 – Episode 16

SLAVERY & God’s Accommodation to this Great Evil.

Our latest Interpreter’s Pulpit 101 Podcast can now be downloaded for our Guests.

Please feel welcome to access: SLAVERY & God’s Accommodation to this Great Evil.

In God’s accommodation to humankind there is not one word in the entirety of the biblical revelation that speaks out against slavery. True, Paul had written that slaves had to obey their masters (Eph 6.5-9) and yet if a Christian slave could gain his freedom then he or she ought to take the risk of attempting to obtain it (1 Cor 7.21-24). But having said this, Paul nowhere encourages the sentiment of liberty and freedom for slaves. Nowhere.

Think also of a little prostitute who was a slave to her profession and is located in the book of the prophet Isaiah in chapter 23. Isaiah wrote that the hire of a certain prostitute was considered — at least during his day — “holy to the Lord” because that “hire” was used to purchase food and clothing for the Lord’s people (Isa 23.17,18).

Listen! We humans were created in the image of an accommodating God. And we need to become more like Him.

We thank you for allowing us to serve you in our teachings of the biblical revelation — and we ask you to share our podcast location with family and friends. Our aim is re-education, and not indoctrination.


SLAVERY & God’s Accommodation to this Great Evil.

by Rebbe Les Aron Gosling | Episode 16

“Essays on Prophecy”             Introduction

 Please feel welcome to access below:

Many “Bible believers” today are not aware that there are three contenders representing three major racial identities which are more often than not ignored in biblical commentaries when it comes to power grabs for the Holy Land as announced in the books of the prophets. Those three contenders are…

(1) Israel,

(2) Ishmael and

(3) Esau.

One of our past members sent an email message to the Rebbe back about 12 years past. He included this admission:

“Basically, we’ve got to be careful with our assumptions when it comes to biblical prophecy. This is brought up again because my partner had recently been talking with someone who believes that Rome and the Papacy are the scarlet beast of Revelation. How many of us believed that before the Rebbe expanded on that recently? I can tell you that the scarlet beast of Revelation and the red-haired man called Esau never crossed my mind as having a relation until the Rebbe came with his proverbial baseball bat and sidearm and went all ‘gangsta’ against the tinted glass of my ignorance. Then away fell the dross of Chuck Missler and Dave Hunt, de-legitimising their versions of reality with a more accurate picture of the truth. And there is $35.95 down the drain…”

How many millions of others are there awaiting an authentic authoritative directive when it comes to a proper and appropriate grasp and comprehension of the contents of a restored Jewish thoughtform to the biblical revelation?

We thank YOU for visiting our site and ask you to evangelically share our podcasts from the BRI/IMCFwith friends and family as the Ruach of God makes opportunity to do so available to you. B’ruch HaShem!


Essays on Prophecy: Introduction.

by Rebbe Les Aron Gosling | Episode 01

Interpreters Pulpit 101 – Episode 15

“UNCOMFORTABLE TRUTHS: What YOU Fail to Grasp About Romans 1.

Our latest Interpreter’s Pulpit 101 Podcast can now be downloaded for our Guests.

Please feel welcome to access: UNCOMFORTABLE TRUTHS: What YOU Fail to Grasp About Romans 1.

Have you been spiritually edified with this podcast? Would you like to know more about the biblical revelation from such a unique perspective? Our private BRI/IMCF International Internet Yeshiva Members Forum has hundreds of in-depth lectures available for those who subscribe to the IMCF. Membership is entirely by donation and Messianic Enterprises has provided a PIN PAYMENT icon for your convenience which you can access on the front page of the public BRI/IMCF site at:

Just depress the Pay Now icon and within days your request for International Messianic Community of Faith (IMCF) membership will be acknowledged.

Thank you for becoming supportive of this growing unique Work of God and for allowing us to serve you in this manner.


UNCOMFORTABLE TRUTHS: What YOU Fail to Grasp About Romans 1.

by Rebbe Les Aron Gosling | Episode 15

Interpreters Pulpit 101 – Episode 14


 In this podcast we are taken back into primordial times when alien visitations were common across Earth. They were here in the days of Noah and some of them are still here, becoming much more visible as they shift from the darkness of their gloomy retreats to await the advent of their Master — the Dark Lord. Horrific times lurk directly on our horizon.

The GOOD NEWS is that Yeshua the Mashiach is also soon to return and to bring SALVATION to the entirety of the world. The purpose of the Gospel in its fundamental bedrock has to do with YeHoVaH Salvifically incarnating in Humankind.

We shall have much more to share in future podcasts on this vitally important subject.
Thank you for allowing us to serve your interests in this manner.



by Rebbe Les Aron Gosling | Episode 14

Hebrew series- Lecture 76

God’s FINAL Word to Believers!

Shalom Aleikhem to all our guests!

Please feel free to listen in on our very last lecture in the Hebrews series entitled “God’s FINAL Word to Believers!”

Speaking of the Letter to the Messianic Jews James Draper has well written in a paraphrased manner the unknown author’s final words to his Messianic Jewish brethren as a clarion call for action –  “I told you what to do, now get on with it.”

Want to know more about the biblical revelation from a restored lost 1st century CE Jewish thoughtform?

Take advantage of our donate icon on our Home page (through secure PIN PAYMENTS) and you will gain a more in-depth membership access to our library of lectures, teaching exams, discussion forum and podcasts on the prophets, Gospels and Apocalypse.

We thank you for allowing us to serve you in this manner.

Messianic Rebbe

God's FINAL Word to Believers!

by Rebbe Les Aron Gosling | Hebrews Lecture 76

Hebrew series- Lecture 75


Please feel free to listen in on our latest lecture in the Hebrews series entitled “THERE IS NO URGENCY IN GOD’S ECONOMY!”

Many of us who name the Name of Christ have come out of very negative religious organisations and even professing Christian cults that make sinister MK-ULTRA mind-control techniques seem as if they had been run by amateurs. Mind control or coercive mental manipulation is nothing more than outright brainwashing in systems where weak-insipid men and grim-faced women lurk about as “thought police” engaged in ensuring that YOU are thinking “the right way” and are being “attentive” to the dictates of an upper echelon of power-mongers lusting for absolute ascendancy of YOUR most precious asset – the human MIND.

Want to know more about the biblical revelation from a restored lost 1st century CE Jewish thoughtform?

Take advantage of our donate icon on our Home page (through secure PIN PAYMENTS) and you will gain a more in-depth membership access to our library of lectures, teaching exams, discussion forum and podcasts on the prophets, Gospels and Apocalypse.

We thank you for allowing us to serve you in this manner.

Messianic Rebbe


by Rebbe Les Aron Gosling | Hebrews Lecture 75

Hebrew series- Lecture 74

The Vegetarian Conflict between Paul(Shaul) and James (Yaakov)

Shalom Aleikhem to all our guests!

Please feel free to listen in on our latest lecture in the Hebrews series entitled “The Vegetarian Conflict Between Paul (Shaul) and James (Yaakov).”

Want to know more about the biblical revelation from a restored lost 1st century CE Jewish thoughtform?

Take advantage of our donate icon on our Home page (through secure PIN PAYMENTS) and you will gain a more in-depth membership access to our library of lectures, teaching exams, discussion forum and podcasts on the prophets, Gospels and Apocalypse.

We thank you for allowing us to serve you in this manner.

Messianic Rebbe

The Vegetarian Conflct

by Rebbe Les Aron Gosling | Hebrews Lecture 74

Hebrew series- Lecture 73

Did God Really Give Israel the Sacrificial System?

Shalom Aleikhem to all our guests!

Please feel free to listen in on our latest lecture in the Hebrews series entitled “Did God Really Give Israel the Sacrificial System?

Want to know more about the biblical revelation from a restored lost 1st century CE Jewish thoughtform?

Take advantage of our donate icon on our Home page (through secure PIN PAYMENTS) and you will gain a more in-depth membership access to our library of lectures, teaching exams, discussion forum and podcasts on the prophets, Gospels and Apocalypse.

We thank you for allowing us to serve you in this manner.

Messianic Rebbe

Did God Really Give Israel the Sacrificial System?

by Rebbe Les Aron Gosling | Hebrews Lecture 73

Hebrew series- Lecture 72

Beware the Masoretic Text

Shalom Aleikhem to all our guests!

Please feel free to listen in on our latest lecture in the Hebrews series entitled “Beware the Masoretic Text“!

Want to know more about the biblical revelation from a restored lost 1st century CE Jewish thoughtform?

Take advantage of our donate icon on our Home page (through secure PIN PAYMENTS) and you will gain a more in-depth membership access to our library of lectures, teaching exams, discussion forum and podcasts on the prophets, Gospels and Apocalypse.

We thank you for allowing us to serve you in this manner.

Messianic Rebbe

Beware the Masoretic Text

by Rebbe Les Aron Gosling | Hebrews Lecture 72

Hebrew series- Lecture 71

Crises: Government of God, John the Baptist, James & Paul, & Censoring Josephus.

Shalom Aleikhem to all our guests!

Please feel free to listen in on our latest lecture in the Hebrews series entitled “Crises: Government of God, John the Baptist, James & Paul, & Censoring Josephus.”

You may now access below: 

Want to know more about the biblical revelation from a restored lost 1st century CE Jewish thoughtform?

Take advantage of our donate icon on our Home page (through secure PIN PAYMENTS) and you will gain a more in-depth membership access to our library of lectures, teaching exams, discussion forum and podcasts on the prophets, Gospels and Apocalypse.

We thank you for allowing us to serve you in this manner.

Messianic Rebbe

"Crises: Government of God, John the Baptist, James & Paul, & Censoring Josephus."

by Rebbe Les Aron Gosling | Hebrews Lecture 71

Interpreters Pulpit 101 – Episode 11

“The DEFICIENCY of Torah (Part 2).

Our latest Interpreter’s Pulpit 101 podcast can now be downloaded for our Guests.

Please feel welcome to access: DEFICIENCY of Torah (Part 2).

In this timely podcast the Messianic Rebbe shares an insight into the actual deficiencies of the Torah. Hundreds of thousands of Messianics today view the Torah as possessing salvific value — not grasping the fundamental FACT of the spiritual power of the Ruach of God. Without Yeshua’s righteousness all of man’s efforts to observe Torah are utterly futile and fruitless.

The Mashiach is soon to return and to bring SALVATION to the entirety of the world. The purpose of the Gospel in its fundamental bedrock has to do with YeHoVaH Salvifically incarnating in Humankind.

We shall have much more to share in future podcasts on this vitally important subject.

Thank you for allowing us to serve your interests in this manner.

Messianic Rebbe

DEFICIENCY of Torah (Part 2).

by Rebbe Les Aron Gosling | Episode 11

Hebrews Series – Lecture 70 

The Ascendancy of James and the Clementine Literature.

Shalom Aleikhem to all our guests!

Please feel free to listen in on our latest lecture in the Hebrews series entitled “The Ascendancy of James and the Clementine Literature.”

You may now access below:

Want to know more about the biblical revelation from a restored lost 1st century CE Jewish thoughtform?

Take advantage of our donate icon on our Home page (through secure PIN PAYMENTS) and you will gain a more indepth membership access to our library of lectures, teaching exams, discussion forum and podcasts on the prophets, Gospels and Apocalypse.

We thank you for allowing us to serve you in this manner.

Messianic Rebbe

The Ascendancy of James and the Clementine Literature.

by Rebbe Les Aron Gosling | Hebrews Series - Lecture 70

Interpreters Pulpit 101 – Episode 10

The DEFICIENCY of the Torah

Please feel welcome to access: The DEFICIENCY of the Torah.

In this timely podcast the Messianic Rebbe shares an insight into the actual deficiencies of the Torah. Hundreds of thousands of Messianics today view the Torah as possessing salvific value — not grasping the fundamental FACT of the spiritual power of the Ruach of God. Without Yeshua’s righteousness all of man’s efforts to observe Torah are utterly futile and fruitless.

Thank you for allowing us to serve your interests in this manner.


The DEFICIENCY of the Torah.

by Rebbe Les Aron Gosling | Episode 10

Hebrews Series-Lecture 68

The Mystery of the Red Heifer

In Numbers 19.1-10 we locate the mystery of the unblemished Red Heifer. When it is slaughtered the entire cow is consumed in a holocaust of flames devouring it in its entirety – carcass, internal organs, even its excrement and blood – so that all that is left is ashes. And here the mystery begins: for its ashes contaminate or defile what is regarded as PURE, and they purify that which is considered CONTAMINATED OR DEFILED. The paradox is self-evident. It is the only sacrifice which CONTAMINATES the priest who offered it, while it made the one who drank its ashes in water CLEAN.

Want to know more about the biblical revelation from a restored lost 1st century CE Jewish thoughtform?

Take advantage of our donate icon in the IMCF Home Page (through secure PIN PAYMENTS) and you will gain a more indepth membership access to our library of lectures, teaching exams, discussion forum and podcasts on the prophets, Gospels and Apocalypse.

We thank you for allowing us to serve you in this manner.

The Mystery of the Red Heifer

by Rebbe Les Aron Gosling | Hebrews Lecture 68

Hebrews Series – Lecture 64

Esau and the True origin of Anti-Zionism

Lecture 64 discusses the conflict existing between modern Western nations and the State of Israel. With this lecture the BRI/IMCF advances its own current understanding of the biblical revelation as we amplify the textual evidence.

Esua and the True origin of Anti-Zionism

by Rebbe Les Aron Gosling | Hebrews Lecture 64

Interpreters Pulpit 101 – Latest Episode

Have YOU been Born Again? It occurred..When?

In this timely podcast the Messianic Rebbe shares a restoration of rabbinic Messianic expectation among the Jews of the 1st Century Second Temple period and reveals a largely hidden truth concerning the concept of being “Born Again” also understood as being “Born From Above.”

Have YOU been Born Again? It occurred...When?

by Rebbe Les Aron Gosling | Episode 9

Interpreters Pulpit 101 – Recent Episode

The Battle for the Mind

Lecture 66 directs our attention on the great fact that the Lord God YeHoVaH is about to “open the windows of the heavens” and planet Earth is soon to have an entirely NEW orbit around the sun. The Rebbe also concentrates on our daily warfare against the world, the carnal nature, and the Dark Lord.

The Battle for the Mind

by Rebbe Les Aron Gosling | Hebrews Lecture 66

Interpreters Pulpit 101 – Recent Episode

The Prime Goal of the Universe

In this timely short podcast the Messianic Rebbe shares a restoration of rabbinic Messianic expectation among the Jews of the 1st Century Second Temple period and reveals a largely hidden truth concerning Yeshua portrayed as the anticipated “Man from Heaven” — the mysterious Ad’am Kad’mon.

The Prime Goal of the Universe

by Rebbe Les Aron Gosling | The Prime Goal of the Universe





Access the Series here


Origin of the Name “Christian”

Origin of the Name "Christian" Shabbat Moments With the Rebbe A Service of the Biblical Research Institute's International Messianic Community of Faith (IMCF) Copyright © BRI 1984, 2012 All Rights Reserved Worldwide[1] The earliest disciples of Our Lord Yeshua were...

Did the Prophet Jeremiah Go To Ireland?

Did the Prophet Jeremiah Go To Ireland? iiCountless Christians continue to believe that Jeremiah was commissioned by God to travel to Ireland, accompanied by his scribe Baruch. The Bible tells us that this prophet of God did have an astounding mission to perform, and...

Called to BLESS Israel

Called to BLESS IsraelRuth Murdoch is a supporter of the aims and goals of the BRI/IMCF and is heavily involved with other Messianic groups who wish to share the Gospel with the Jewish people. Ruth lives on the beautiful central coast of New South Wales, Australia....

Ancient Records Reconsidered

Ancient Records Reconsidered Did the biblical account of the "Exodus" of Israel out of Egyptian bondage really occur, or have we all been treated to a fabulous racial mythological scenario, or at the very least, an insignificant tribal event with highly exaggerated...

Who Killed the Messiah?

Yeshua was handed over to the Romans by a political (not religious) Sanhedrin and crucified for treason. The Procurator (or, prefect) of Judaea, Pontius Pilatus, ensured the titulus on the cross (or, more correctly, the tree) spelt out His crime precisely: treason. “This is Yeshua the Nazarene King of the Jews.” Our Lord Yeshua was accused of making Himself king without Caesar’s appointment (Mt 27.37; Mk 15.26; Lk 23.38 cf Jn 19.15b). In Roman eyes, Yeshua had challenged the authority and seat of Rome

Advantages When You Financially Support the IMCF

Advantages When You Financially Support the IMCFMany of our readers have yet to realise that there are decided advantages in getting behind this unique Messianic endeavour of restoring lost first century Jewish thoughtform to the Biblical revelation. Of course, we...

The Hidden Truth of the Menorah Revealed as May 5, 2000 Looms on the Horizon!

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Final Protestant Argument Against Seventh-day Sabbath Observance Collapses Under New Research

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But What About Our Pets?

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Shabbat Lectures on the Torah: SELF ESTEEM

Shabbat Lectures on the Torah: SELF ESTEEM "Bind up the testimony, and seal up the Torah among my disciples... To the Torah [law] and to the testimony [of Yeshua the Messiah]! If they speak not according to this word it is because there is no light of dawn in them"...

Whatever became of the Nazarenes?




Copyright © BRI/IMCF 2022 All Rights Reserved Worldwide by Les Aron Gosling, Messianic Lecturer (BRI/IMCF)

I have an unbridled passion for history, and I desire to fan the fires of ancient knowledge among those who study the Word of God in the IMCF.

Indeed, it was the patriarch Job who also urged his readers to seek out our “primitive” forebears and ancestors for they have much to share with us “moderns” living in the end of the age.
read more…

Messiah’s Mum

Written by Glenys Gosling – Rebbetzin & Dr Les Aron Gosling- Rebbe

Appendix IV: The Shame-filled Trauma of the MashiachIn the first century the Messianic believers (both Jew and Gentile) knew what was involved in the association of the idea of “shame” in relation to that which was involved in the trauma of Roman sentence and crucifixion.

There are some fascinating surprises in this book, and the Goslings take advantage, and make exciting use, of the research material of their friend the late Dr Ernest L. Martin (a fine historian and theologian in his own right) to form some of the bedrock of this small, tidy and compact Messianic Primer.
read more…

Why Romans 8.1b should be discredited and discarded!

by Rebbe Les Aron Gosling | Romans 8.1b Overwriting the NT Codex

What are the correct Jewish Festival Dates for 2024?

We are currently, at this writing, in the 13th month of the calendrical cycle. While the new moon was observed from Jerusalem as anticipated on March 11 this year, the fields (plural) were not considered aviv. Therefore a further month was added.

This means that the sighting of the new moon and the aviv requirements will occur on the evening of April 9. Remember, we do not observe the artificial orthodox Hillel calendar but rather follow the directives of the biblical Karaite procedure.

The Passover falls therefore on April 23 (beginning the evening prior). It will coincide this year with the majority of Jewish opinion. The seven days of matzos (unleavened bread) begin on the evening of the 23rd April (Nisan 15) and continue through until the evening of 30th April.

Because Yeshua observed his Seder the night before his death, we also follow this same practice and associate together (where possible) to celebrate the Lord’s Seder on the evening of the 22nd April.

(The wave sheaf offering representing the ascent of Yeshua to the heavens to appear before YeHoVaH God on behalf of the “firstfruits harvest” is recognised as occurring this year on Sunday April 28.)

SHAVUOT (Pentecost) falls on June 16 (starting the previous evening).

YOM TERUAH (the day of blasting the trumpets and shofar) falls October 5 (starting the evening before). It is also the regnal New Year of Rosh HaShana.

YOM KIPPURIM (Day of Atonements) occurs October 14 (starting the evening before).

SUKKOT (7 days festival of Tabernacles) begins evening of October 18 until evening of 25 October.

SH’MINI ATZERET  (Eighth day. Begins evening of October 25 and concludes at evening of October 26 –  representing YeHoVaH’s great replete Torah secret: universal salvation in Messiah).


The IMCF Fundamentals series of lectures presented by the Rebbe Dr Les Aron Gosling. The latest Fundamentals Audio Lectures available are entitled: How much longer until The End comes? Part 1 & 2
For the Fundamentals series and much, much more please contact the IMCF Administration


by Rebbe Les Aron Gosling | Fundamental Series


by Rebbe Les Aron Gosling | Fundamental Series

The Interpreters Pulpit-101 | Podcasts

Interpreters Pulpit 101-Introduction

by Rebbe Les Aron Gosling | Episode 01

Featured Episodes

Interpreters Pulpit 101-A Greater Israel

by Rebbe Les Aron Gosling | Episode 02

Interpreters Pulpit 101-The Last Hidden Sign of Christ's Return

by Rebbe Les Aron Gosling | Episode 03

Interpreters Pulpit 101-If Christ is the Answer, what are the questions-Pt1

by Rebbe Les Aron Gosling | Episode 04

Interpreters Pulpit 101-If Christ is the Answer, what are the questions-Pt2

by Rebbe Les Aron Gosling | Episode 05

Interpreters Pulpit 101-If Christ is the Answer, what are the questions-Pt3

by Rebbe Les Aron Gosling | Episode 06

Interpreters Pulpit 101- The Prime Goal of the Universe

by Rebbe Les Aron Gosling | Episode 08

Doctrines on the Rapture

these articles can all be found and more under the “Library” tab on the Menu bar

The Rapture Doctrine [1]

Thoughts on the Secret Rapture

The “Rapture” Doctrine [2]

A Case Against The Rapture

The Rapture Doctrine [3]

Do We “Knock Knoch”? Or, Do We Seek the Approbation of Men?

The Rapture Doctrine [4]

The Origin of the Secret Rapture Doctrine


The Biblical Research Institute of the IMCF wishes to clearly state we are a trans-denominational, A-Political Messianic community.The Rebbe teaches nothing new, but all things original.